# augment-auto
A python image augmentation library based on opencv and numpy. It can be used for augmenting images in both image classification and object detection tasks. Many different techniques of augmentation are supported, which can be clustered into three major types - geometric transformations, photometric transformations and kernel-based transformations.
Library has support for images with bounding boxes as well.
### Installation
Install using pip: </br>
pip install augment-auto
Install from github: </br>
git clone https://github.com/keshavoct98/image-augmentation.git
python setup.py install
### Documentation
Complete documentaion - [https://augment-auto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/](https://augment-auto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) </br>
Demo ipython notebokk - [demo.ipynb](https://github.com/keshavoct98/image-augmentation/blob/master/demo.ipynb)
### Examples
# Geometric Transformations
img = cv2.imread('images/3.jpg')
img_new = crop(img, point1 = (100, 100), point2 = (450, 400))
img_new = rotate(img, angle = 15, keep_resolution = True)
img_new = scale(img, fx = 1.5, fy = 1.5, keep_resolution = False)
img_new = shear(img, shear_val = 0.2, axis = 1)
img_new = translate(img, tx = 50, ty = 60)
<img src = 'https://github.com/keshavoct98/image-augmentation/raw/master/images/out_geometric0.jpg' width = 100%>
# Geometric Transformations with bounding box
img = cv2.imread('images/0.jpeg')
bbox = [581, 274, 699, 321]
img_new, bbox_new = crop(img, point1 = (100, 100), point2 = (650, 400), box = bbox)
img_new, bbox_new = rotate(img, angle = 15, keep_resolution = True, box = bbox)
img_new, bbox_new = scale(img, fx = 1.5, fy = 1.3, keep_resolution = False, box = bbox)
img_new, bbox_new = shear(img, shear_val = 0.2, axis = 0, box = bbox)
img_new, bbox_new = translate(img, tx = 50, ty = 160, box = bbox)
<img src = 'https://github.com/keshavoct98/image-augmentation/raw/master/images/out_geometric1.jpg' width = 100%>
# Photometric Transformations
img = cv2.imread('images/1.jpg')
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img_new = brightness_contrast(img, alpha = 1.3, beta = 20)
img_new = brightness_contrast(img, alpha = 0.7, beta = -10)
img_new = colorSpace(img, colorspace = 'hsv')
img_new = colorSpace(img, colorspace = 'ycrcb')
img_new = colorSpace(img, colorspace = 'lab')
img_new = addNoise(img, 'gaussian', mean = 0, var = 0.08)
img_new = addNoise(img, 'salt_pepper', sp_ratio = 0.5, noise_amount = 0.1)
img_new = addNoise(img, 'poisson', noise_amount = 0.5)
<img src = 'https://github.com/keshavoct98/image-augmentation/raw/master/images/out_photometric.jpg' width = 100%>
# Kernel-based Transformations
img = cv2.imread('images/0.jpeg')
bbox = [581, 274, 699, 321]
img_new = randomErase(img, size = (100, 100))
img_new = randomCropAdd(img, size = (100, 100))
img_new = sharpen(img)
img_new = randomErase(img, size = (60, 40), box = bbox)
img_new = randomCropAdd(img, size = (60, 40), box = bbox)
img_new = blur(img, 'avg', ksize = (9,9))
img_new = blur(img, 'gaussian', ksize = (9,9), gaussian_sigma = 0)
img_new = blur(img, 'median', median_ksize = 11)
<img src = 'https://github.com/keshavoct98/image-augmentation/raw/master/images/out_kernel_based.jpg' width = 100%>
### References
1. https://numpy.org/doc/
2. https://docs.opencv.org/master/
3. https://opencv-python-tutroals.readthedocs.io/en/latest/py_tutorials/py_tutorials.html
4. https://stackabuse.com/affine-image-transformations-in-python-with-numpy-pillow-and-opencv/
5. https://cristianpb.github.io/blog/image-rotation-opencv