Unofficial AUDL api for python users
What it does:
- [X] Fetch Data directly from [audl website](https://theaudl.com)
- [ ] Update database from Web Scrapping using workflow
- [ ] Generate pdf reports for player, team and games
[See Documentation](https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/yukikongju/audl/blob/master/docs/audl/index.html)
## Table of Contents
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Features](#features)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Exploration](#exploration)
## [Requirements](#requirements)
1. Install requirements ```pip install -r requirements```
2. Having sqlite3: ```sudo apt install sqlite3```
Download package with `` pip install audl ``
## [Features](#features)
[AUDL Stats](https://theaudl.com/league/stats)
- [O] Fetch Data from
- [X] [Player Profile](https://theaudl.com/league/players/mmcdonnel)
- [X] [Team Stats](https://theaudl.com/stats/team)
- [ ] Merge team and opponent columns into single df
- [X] [Player Stats](https://theaudl.com/stats/player-stats)
- [X] [Season Schedule](https://theaudl.com/league/game-search)
- [X] [Game Stats](https://theaudl.com/stats/team-game-stats)
- [X] [Team Game Stats](https://theaudl.com/stats/team-game-stats)
- [ ] Utils
- [ ] Get Type of throw from x, y coordinates
- [ ] Get previous thrower
- [ ] Create database from web scrapper (sql, database, workflows)
- [ ] Teams
- [ ] Players
- [ ] Schedule
- [ ] Player Game Stats
- [ ] Team Game Stats
- [ ]
- [ ] Write Scripts to fetch data daily/weekly/monthly
- [ ] Write examples in notebook
- [ ] Generate Reports
- [ ] Game Report
- [ ] Stadium
- [ ] Temperature
- [ ] Roster
- [ ] Box Scores, Player Stats, Team Stats
- [ ] More: Injury Report
- [ ] More: Points events (point duration, number of TO/pass, throws
- [ ] More: Outstanding performance
- [ ] More: Point differential graph
- [ ] Player Report
- [ ] Biography: height, weight, nickname, college, position, number
- [ ] Team History
- [ ] More: Teamate connection by season
- [ ] More: points distribution and efficiency
- [ ] More: Favorite throws
- [ ] More: Favorite cuts
- [ ] More: Stats Projection
- [ ] More: quick facts (performance vs league/team average)
- [ ] More: Injury Report
- [ ] Team Report
- [ ] Biography: Stadium, city, year founded
- [ ] Roster by season
- [ ] More: Current Injuries
- [ ] More: Wins/Loss home/road
- [ ] More: Who are the team handler, dump, cutter, mid
- [ ] More: What game play?
- [ ] More: How the team rank vs other teams
- [ ] More: Best Lineups (and predictions)
## [Usage](#usage)
#### How to get player profile
from audl.stats.endpoints.playerprofile import PlayerProfile
# Fetching dataframe from https://theaudl.com/league/players/cbrock
player = PlayerProfile('cbrock')
career = player.get_career_stats()
reg = player.get_regular_seasons_career()
playoffs = player.get_playoffs_career()
season = player.get_season_games_stats(2019)
games_stats = player.get_career_games_stats()
#### How to get Team Stats

Season=['career', 2022, ..., 2012]
Per=['total', 'game']
Team=['team', 'opponent']
from audl.stats.endpoints.teamstats import TeamStats
# fetching from: https://theaudl.com/stats/team
team_stats = TeamStats('career', 'game', 'opponent') # TeamStats(season, per, team)
df = team_stats.get_table()
#### How to get Player Stats

Season=['career', 2022, ..., 2012]
Per=['total', 'game', 'points', 'possessions', 'minutes']
from audl.stats.endpoints.playerstats import PlayerStats
# from https://theaudl.com/stats/player-stats
playerstats = PlayerStats('career', 'total', 'breeze').fetch_table() # PlayerStats(season, per, team)
#### How to fetch season schedule

from audl.stats.endpoints.seasonschedule import SeasonSchedule, TeamSeasonSchedule, AllSchedule, TeamSeasonAgainstOpponentSchedule
# Fetch complete season schedule from https://theaudl.com/league/game-search
from audl.stats.endpoints.seasonschedule import SeasonSchedule, TeamSeasonSchedule, AllSchedule, TeamSeasonAgainstOpponentSchedule
# Fetch complete season schedule from https://theaudl.com/league/game-search
season_schedule = SeasonSchedule(2022).get_schedule()
team_season_schedule = TeamSeasonSchedule(2022, 'royal').get_schedule()
all_schedule = AllSchedule().get_schedule()
team_season_against_opponent = TeamSeasonAgainstOpponentSchedule(2022, 'royal', 'rush').get_schedule()
#### How to get game statistics
from audl.stats.endpoints.gamestats import GameStats
# Fetching Box Scores from https://theaudl.com/stats/game/2021-06-05-RAL-ATL
game = GameStats("2021-06-05-RAL-ATL")
teams = game.get_teams_metadata()
players = game.get_players_metadata()
game_metadata = game.get_game_metadata()
team_stats = game.get_team_stats()
roster = game.get_roster_stats()
scoring_time = game._get_scoring_time()
boxscores = game.get_boxscores()
events = game.get_events()
throw_selection = game.get_throw_selection()
thrower_receiver_count = game.get_thrower_receiver_count(True)
lineup = game.get_lineup_frequency(True)
teamates = game.get_teamates_selection('ataylor', True)
# print game events
#### How to get Team Game Stats

from audl.stats.endpoints.teamgamestats import AllTeamGameStats, SeasonGameStats, TeamSeasonGameStats
team_season = TeamSeasonGameStats(2022, 'royal').get_game_stats()
all_games = AllTeamGameStats().get_game_stats()
season_games = SeasonGameStats(2022).get_game_stats()
## [Exploration](#exploration)
- [ ] Proportion of touches per player on offensive points
- [ ] Proportion of passes to teamates for each players (see connection)
- [ ] Who is the best in the rain? (player efficiency vs temperature)
- [ ] Most likely player to blow up
- [ ] Player Report
## Tree
## How to ...
**How to deploy pip package**
python3 -m build
python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
twine upload dist/*
**How to generate documentation with pdoc3**
pdoc --html audl
mv html/ docs/
## How to contribute
## Ressources
- [Deploy pip packages](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/tutorials/packaging-projects/)
- [Deploy pip package using setup.py](https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-upload-your-python-package-to-pypi-de1b363a1b3)
- [Basketball Ref API](https://github.com/vishaalagartha/basketball_reference_scraper)
- [Sample Project](https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject)
- [Sports Analytics Project](https://github.com/wyattowalsh/sports-analytics)
- [Generating Documentation with Docstring using pdoc3](https://pdoc3.github.io/pdoc/)