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<em>Audioperm, a python library for generating different permutations of audible segments from audio files.</em>
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### Audioperm
A python library for generating different permutations of audible segments from audio files.
pip install audioperm
#### Use:
* Silence Removal from Audio
* Audio / Speech augmentation
* Word segmentation
* Word level permutation generation
* Add new synthetic data for deep learning
* Speaker recognition, Speaker verification, Audio classification, Audio fingerprinting
**Documentation**: <a href="https://zabir-nabil.github.io/audioperm/" target="_blank">https://zabir-nabil.github.io/audioperm/</a>
**Source Code**: <a href="https://github.com/zabir-nabil/audioperm" target="_blank">https://github.com/zabir-nabil/audioperm</a>
#### Word segmentation
from audioperm import AudioPerm
from audioperm.utils import save_audio
ap = AudioPerm("i_love_cats.m4a")
label = "i love cats"
words = ap.word_segments()
label_words = label.split()
for i, w in enumerate(words):
save_audio(w, label_words[i] + ".wav")
cats.wav i_love_cats.m4a i.wav love.wav
#### Word-level permutation
import numpy as np
from audioperm import AudioPerm
from audioperm.utils import save_audio
ap = AudioPerm("i_love_cats.m4a")
perm_sentences = ap.permute(n_permutations = 5)
for i, s in enumerate(perm_sentences):
save_audio(s, f"perm_{i}.wav")
cats.wav i.wav perm_1.wav perm_4.wav
i_love_cats.m4a love.wav perm_2.wav perm_0.wav
#### `permutations` on multiple files
from audioperm import read_audio, word_segments, permutations
ap = read_audio(["bangla_demo.wav", "i_love_cats.m4a"])
out = word_segments(ap)
perms = permutations(out, n_permutations = 5)
#### Fixed-length segments
* Generate fixed length audible segments (with permutation/augmentation)
from audioperm import fixed_len_segments
fixed_len_segments("bangla_demo.wav", return_segments = False, save_path = "fls_out", save = True, segment_size = 0.5)
out = fixed_len_segments("bangla_demo.wav", return_segments = True, max_segments = 5, permute = True, save = False, segment_size = 0.5)
### Others
> To run the code: [Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/github/zabir-nabil/audioperm/blob/main/notebooks/audioperm_demo.ipynb)
> Any contribution is welcome.
- [Contributors](https://github.com/zabir-nabil/audioperm/graphs/contributors)
- [Contribution guide](https://github.com/zabir-nabil/audioperm/blob/main/CONTRIBUTE.md)
> Tested with:
- `python3.7`
- `python3.8`
> Internal audio representation:
- `PCM 16`
- `float32`
> TO-DO:
- [ ] multi-channel audio
- [ ] augmentation
- [ ] multi-processing
- [ ] gpu-support