# auacm-cli
A command line interface to the Auburn ACM web app (auacm.com)
## Installation
### From pip
Run `pip install auacm`
### Build from source
Clone this repository
`git clone https://github.com/brandonlmorris/auacm-cli`
Then in the top-level directroy, run
`python3 setup.py install`
This will install all the code and create the `auacm` shell command.
## Usage
`auacm-cli` installs itself as a shell script. In the terminal, run
`$ auacm`
to display the help.
All of the features of `auacm-cli` are written as subcommands to the main
`auacm` script. To log in, run
`$ auacm login`
You will be prompted for your name and password. Your session will be saved,
so you don't need to authenticate with every run of the script. Subcommands
`logout` and `whoami` exist to destroy the current session and print data
about the current user respectively.
### Problems
To view all the problems on the server, run
`$ auacm problem`
(Protip: pipe the result into `less` for your reading pleasure:
`$ auacm problem | less`)
To search for a problem, simply add the query after `problem` (multi-word
queries must be enclosed in quotes):
`$ auacm problem "cash cow"`
Adding a `-v` flag will increase the verbosity of the results, providing
the problem id, shortname, difficult, etc.
To get more detailed information on a specific problem, including the
description, input/output, and sample cases, run the subcommand `problem-info`
with the problem name or id.
`$ auacm problem-info parity`
**Note:** Searching by problem name is done by case-insensitive substrings. If
you search "cow" but another problem contains "cow" and comes first
alphabetically, that other problem will be used.
### Submission
You can also submit solutions to problems using `auacm`. To do so, simply
run the `submit` subcommand, followed by the problem name and the solution
`$ auacm submit "cash cow" solution.py`
Note that if you're submitting a Python solution, you can use the `-p` flag
to indicate the version of Python. The default is Python 3.
`$ auacm submit parity parity.py -p 2`
After you submit, `auacm` will query your submission to obtain the results.
## Competitions
The `competition` subcommand can list competitions, and give a detailed view
of a particular competition. To see all competitions, run
`$ auacm competitions`
To get more info about a specific competition, run the command with the
competition name afterword (multi-word queries need to be enclosed in spaces).
`$ auacm competitions "october 15th"
Similar to problems, you can also search for a competition using it's unique
competition id with the `-i` or `--id` flag.
## Bugs? Improvements? Funny jokes?
Send them to me at brandon dot morris95 at gmail dot com, or leave a comment
on this repo. Contributions are warmly welcomed.