.. contents::
MailServices allows to send emails to portal's users and groups.
* This very lightweight plone product let's you mailing people from your
portal, by groups or by selecting users.
* It equally allows you to mail people that are'nt members of the portals,
but WITHOUT ANY VERIFICATION! (for the moment).
* Otherwise, it adds a document action, which works in the
same way that classic plone 'send_to' action, but let's you choosing your
target by scanning the portal groups/users.
* It also adds an user action, which works in the same way as described above.
* Manager can choose in ControlPanel :
- default subject,
- default body,
- if he will receive a copy of each mail sent,
- if users are able to send mails to non-portal's users.
* Mails are sent from user email address. For security purposes, this can't be
Permission is set for 'Manager and 'Member'
Bcc support is currently implemented in a branche. However, due to MailHost behaviour,
all recipients can see the bcc list.
We are working on this issue, feel free to send your proposals in case you have some.
* `atReal Team`_
- Matthias Broquet [tiazma]
- Florent Michon [f10w]
.. |atreal| image:: http://www.atreal.fr/medias/atreal-logo-48.png
.. _atreal: http://www.atreal.fr/
.. _atReal Team: mailto:contact@atreal.fr
* `Thanks to`
- Thomas DESVENAIN [thomasdesvenain]
- Wouter VANDEN HOVE [WouterVH]
* `atReal Team`_
- Romain BEYLERIAN [rbeylerian]
.. _atReal Team: mailto:contact@atreal.fr
* Sponsorised by ML-COM - www.ml-com.com (and some international research labs)
* Make BCC mailing work.
* Modify template mechanism to adopt the same granularity that's provided in
(name of developer listed in brackets)
1.1.1 (2011-11-28)
- Fix Plone 4 compatibility : update action icons declaration. [rbeylerian]
1.1.0 (2011-11-25)
- Fix Plone 3.2 compatibility : added z3c.autoinclude in setup.py
install_requires list. [rbeylerian]
- Fix CC's send issue. [tiazma]
- Fix Plone 4.1 compatibility : Update CMF core permissions declaration in ZCML.
- Fix Plone 4.1 compatibility. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fix KSSViews. [WouterVH]
- Fix Plone 4.0 compatibility. [WouterVH]
- Fix configlet-icon in Plone4. [WouterVH]
- Add docs/LICENSE.GPL and docs/LICENSE.txt. [WouterVH]
- Add MANIFEST.in. [WouterVH]
- Added z3c.autoinclude entry point so this package is automatically loaded in
Plone 3.3+. [WouterVH]
- Pyflakes cleanup. [WouterVH]
1.0.0 (2010-02-04)
- Default subject/body fields are not required anymore. [tiazma]
- Modified the way to get the user's email. [tiazma]
- Corrected README and added TODO section. [tiazma]
- new features: user mail address auto, body and subject template, additionals adresses optionnals, translations... [f10w]
- User action added. [tiazma]
- By default, permission is now set on Member too. [tiazma]
1.0.0beta1 (2009-10-16)
- Transform the products MailServices in an egg.
[Florent Michon]
- Initial package structure.
0.6.4 (2009-09-18)
- Last version as a Product.
[Matthias Broquet]