`atom_access` is a python package for assessing the steric hindrance at any atom in a molecule or molecular fragment.
We request that any results obtained through the use of `atom_access` are accompanied by the following reference:
> Gransbury, G. K.; Corner, S. C.; Kragskow, J. G. C., Evans, P.; Yeung, H. M.; Blackmore, W. J. A.; Whitehead, G. F. S.; Vitorica-Yrezabal, I. J.; Chilton, N. F.; Mills, D. P. *AtomAccess*: A predictive tool for molecular design and its application to the targeted synthesis of dysprosium single-molecule magnets. *ChemRxiv* **2023**, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-28z84.
This code was developed under the ERC CoG-816268 grant with PI [David P. Mills](https://millsgroup.weebly.com/). We acknowledge Ken Gransbury for help conceptualising the `atom_access` logo.
# Web interface
The `atom_access` web interface is available on the [Magnetism Tools](https://magnetism-tools.manchester.ac.uk) website and has all the features of the command line interface and package, plus the ability to visualise rays/clusters on top of molecular models.
# Installation via `pip`
The easiest way to install atom_access is to use `pip`
pip install atom_access
some users, such as those on shared machines, may need to use the `--user` argument after `install`
# Updating via `pip`
Update the code using `pip`
pip install --upgrade atom_access
some users, such as those on shared machines, may need to use the `--user` argument after `install`
# Usage
`atom_access` takes an xyz file as the input and can be run in the command line
atom_access <molecule.xyz>
Use `atom_access -h` to see all available options
# Developers: Installation with `pip` editable install
Clone a copy of this repository, preferably while within a directory called git
mkdir -p git; cd git
git clone https://gitlab.com/chilton-group/atom_access
Navigate to the package directory
cd atom_access
and install the package in editable mode
pip install -e .
some users, such as those on shared machines, may need to use the `--user` argument after `install`
To uninstall this editable copy, use
pip uninstall atom_access
# Building a `.whl` file (Advanced)
To build a copy of the `atom_access` `.whl` file, move to the `package` directory.
Now run
Then install the `.whl` file with `pip`
pip install dist/*.whl
some users, such as those on shared machines, may need to use the `--user` argument after `install`
# Documentation
The [documentation](https://chilton-group.gitlab.io/atom_access/) for this package is hosted by gitlab, and is automatically generated whenever new code is committed to the `main` branch.
# Bugs
If you believe you have a bug, *please check that you are using the most up to date version of the code*.
If that does not fix the problem, please create an issue on GitLab detailing the following:
- The commands you entered
- The error message
If possible, try to simplify the problem as much as possible, e.g. providing an example for a small molecule rather than one with 1000 atoms.