# Apache Atlas S3 hook in Python
This python client uses a s3 client package s3fs to get the metadata of s3 entities such as Bucket, pseudo_dir and
object, then it inserts these metadata into Atlas instances.
## Quick start
### Create a client to connect to an Atlas instance
from atlas_client.client import Atlas
# login with your token
hostname = "https://atlas.lab.sspcloud.fr"
port = 443
oidc_token = "<your_token>"
atlas_client = Atlas(hostname, port, oidc_token=oidc_token)
# login with your username and password
atlas_client = Atlas(hostname, port, username='',password='')
### Create a s3 metadata client to collect metadata of s3 entities
from atlas_s3_hook.S3MetadataClient import S3MetadataClient
s3_end_point = ''
s3_access_key = ''
s3_secret_key = ''
s3_token = ''
s3_client = S3MetadataClient(s3_end_point, s3_access_key, s3_secret_key, s3_token)
### Load a single s3 entity into atlas
If you want to load the metadata of a single s3 entity, you can use the following code example
from atlas_s3_hook.S3Hook import S3Hook
# Indicate the path of the entity which you want to
s3_hook = S3Hook(s3_client, atlas_client)
# Get the class of the s3 entity
path_class = s3_client.get_class_from_path(path)
# Get the metadata of the s3 entity
meta_data = s3_client.get_path_meta_data(path)
# based on the class of the s3 entity, s3 hook provides different loaders. You need to choose the correct one
# bucket loader
# directory loader
# object loader
### Load multiple s3 entities into atlas
If you want to load the metadata of multiple s3 entities, you can use the following code example. The S3Scanner class
takes a path of s3 entity and load all the metadata of its contents (e.g. sub-directory, objects).
from atlas_s3_hook.S3Scanner import S3Scanner
minio_scanner = S3Scanner(minio_client, atlas_client, owner=entity_owner)
## Prerequisites
This tool only requires python 3.7 or above
## Supported OS
Windows XP/7/8/10
## Authors
* **Pengfei Liu**
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details
## Acknowledgement
This package was created by using [s3fs](<https://pypi.org/project/s3fs/>) project