# AsyncSQL
AsyncSQL aims to provide simple and efficient way to perform PostgreSQL
requests with aiohttp.
## Install
As python library AsyncSQL may be installed as follows:
(venv)$ pip install asyncsql
## Settings
To connect to PostgreSQL common env vars should use.
For example the following values can be used when develop:
$ export PGHOST= # depends on which IP postgres container is using
$ export PGDATABASE=asyncsql
$ export PGUSER=postgres
$ export PGPASSWORD=xxx
By default listing data is paginated. The page size can be specify as follows:
$ export ASYNCSQL_PER_PAGE=25 # default: 50
Folder containing .sql files can be specify as follows:
$ export ASYNCSQL_SQL_DIR=./tests/data # default: ./sql_files
## Migrate
To ease db setup a simple `migrate` command is provided by AsyncSQL.
For example, we can load tests data as follows:
(venv)$ python -m asyncsql.migrate -d ./tests/data jobs # file-2 file-3
jobs... ok
No magic bullet here, files order matters and idempotency too.
## Usage
Let's perform some queries on our `jobs` test table.
First we need to define a `Model` object to work with in our python code:
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional
from uuid import UUID
from asyncsql.models import Model
class Job(Model):
id: Optional[UUID] = None
enabled: bool = False
func: str
name: str
created_at: Optional[datetime] = None
updated_at: Optional[datetime] = None
Then we need a `Queries` instance:
from asyncsql.queries import Queries
jobs_queries = Queries(
Let's connect as follows:
import asyncio
from asyncsql.backends import sql_backend
conn = await sql_backend.conn
As the db is empty simple `select` should return an empty list and `has_next`
flag to `False`:
await jobs_queries.select(conn)
# ([], False)
Let's insert some data:
for x in range(10):
await jobs_queries.insert(conn, Job(func="ping", name=f"ping-{x}"))
We should now have the following data:
[j.name for j in (await jobs_queries.select(conn))[0]]
# ['ping-0',
# 'ping-1',
# 'ping-2',
# 'ping-3',
# 'ping-4',
# 'ping-5',
# 'ping-6',
# 'ping-7',
# 'ping-8',
# 'ping-9']
We can limit the result changing the `per_page` value as follows:
jobs_queries.per_page = 3
jobs, has_next = await jobs_queries.select(conn)
[j.name for j in jobs], has_next
# (['ping-0', 'ping-1', 'ping-2'], True)
As we would do in an API, we can get the next page with a `Cursor` object
as follows:
from asyncsql.cursor import Cursor
Cursor(fields=("name",), obj=jobs[-1])
where, values, _ = jobs_queries.get_where_from_cursor(_)
where, values
# ('name >= $1 AND id != $2', ['ping-2', '4e535a48-bf28-11eb-9d77-0242ac130002'])
jobs, has_next = await jobs_queries.select(conn, values=values, where=where)
[j.name for j in jobs], has_next
# (['ping-3', 'ping-4', 'ping-5'], True)
`Job` object can be use for update too:
job = (await jobs_queries.select(conn, values=("ping-9",), where="name = $1"))[0][0]
job.id, job.name
# ('4e5692d0-bf28-11eb-9d77-0242ac130002', 'ping-9')
job.name = "ping-x"
new_job = await jobs_queries.update(conn, job)
# ping-x
Let's clean this demo:
jobs_queries.per_page = 10
for j in (await jobs_queries.select(conn))[0]:
await jobs_queries.delete_by_id(conn, j.id)
## Ideas
- make smaller cursor: serializing the whole object may be an overhead
- work with templated .sql files instead of hard coded `sql` strings in `Queries`
## Contributing
Contribution is welcome. It may be simple but tested as it started.
## License