# `astrodown`
[bold blue]Astrodown[/bold blue] is a toolkit to build interactive websites for data science projects.
See a live example at https://astrodown-playground.qiushiyan.dev :sparkles:
$ astrodown [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
* `--install-completion`: Install completion for the current shell.
* `--show-completion`: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
* `--help`: Show this message and exit.
Report [bold red]bugs[/bold red] on [link=https://github.com/astrodown/astrodown-web/]Github[/link]
* `check`: Check for availabilities of programs...
* `dev`: [bold blue]Preivew[/bold blue] the website
* `docs`: [bold blue]Open[/bold blue] documentation...
* `init`: [bold blue]Create[/bold blue] an astrodown...
* `install`: [bold blue]Install[/bold blue] JavaScript...
* `new`: [bold blue]Create[/bold blue] the folder...
* `render`: [bold blue]Render[/bold blue] all Quarto...
## `astrodown check`
Check for availabilities of programs required by astrodown
$ astrodown check [OPTIONS]
* `--help`: Show this message and exit.
## `astrodown dev`
[bold blue]Preivew[/bold blue] the website
$ astrodown dev [OPTIONS]
* `--package-manager [npm|yarn|pnpm]`: package manager to use [default: PackageManager.npm]
* `--port INTEGER`: port to run the website [default: 3000]
* `--render-quarto / --no-render-quarto`: rerender quarto documents first [default: no-render-quarto]
* `--help`: Show this message and exit.
## `astrodown docs`
[bold blue]Open[/bold blue] documentation websites for relevant tools, e.g. Quarto, Python, etc.
$ astrodown docs [OPTIONS]
* `--help`: Show this message and exit.
## `astrodown init`
[bold blue]Create[/bold blue] an astrodown project.
Must have Quarto Node.js installed and avaiable in PATH variables, use `astrodown check` for health checks.
$ astrodown init [OPTIONS]
* `-p, --path TEXT`: path to create the project, default to the current working directory [default: /Users/qiushi/workspace/astrodown/astrodown-python]
* `-n, --name TEXT`: name of the project
* `-pm, --package-manager [npm|yarn|pnpm]`: package manager to use, default to npm [default: npm]
* `-t, --template [basic|full]`: template to use, default to basic [default: basic]
* `--help`: Show this message and exit.
## `astrodown install`
[bold blue]Install[/bold blue] JavaScript dependencies.
Only need to be run once per project.
$ astrodown install [OPTIONS]
* `--package-manager [npm|yarn|pnpm]`: package manager to use [default: PackageManager.npm]
* `--help`: Show this message and exit.
## `astrodown new`
[bold blue]Create[/bold blue] the folder structure for a new analysis, dataset, model, api, etc.
$ astrodown new [OPTIONS] COMPONENT_TYPE:{analysis|dataset|model|shinyapp|api}
* `COMPONENT_TYPE:{analysis|dataset|model|shinyapp|api}`: the type of the component to be created [required]
* `--help`: Show this message and exit.
## `astrodown render`
[bold blue]Render[/bold blue] all Quarto documents.
Should be run every time a Quarto document has changed. Edit _quarto.yml to include/exclude files.
$ astrodown render [OPTIONS]
* `--package-manager [npm|yarn|pnpm]`: package manager to use [default: PackageManager.npm]
* `--help`: Show this message and exit.