# asciimage
A library designed in python to convert images into ascii paintings.
To install: <br><br>
<b>pip install asciimage</b><br>
<b>pip install docx</b><br>
<b>pip install python-docx </b><br><br>
For more examples or if you are still struggling with installation check out the <a href="https://github.com/jojo96/asciimage/blob/main/asciimage/asciimageExample.ipynb">Jupyter notebook</a>
<b>Note:</b> In some cases, you might get the error "No module named <b>'exceptions'</b>". This is because the docx and python-docx libraries are not installed properly.<br>
You can try the library extensively on <a href="https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1WEjeu8NB7tmz5i50QeisT2EK4b4Vk8ZX?usp=sharing">Google Colab</a>. Create a copy of this notebook and make edits as necessary.<br>
<b>Also, in case of exception like 'too many values to unpack', try using a jpg image.</b><br>
<b>This library works best with JPG images</b>
### Table of Contents
1. [Installation](#installation)
2. [Motivation](#motivation)
3. [Example](#example)
4. [Sample](#sample)
5. [Troubleshooting](#sample)
## Installation <a name="installation"></a>
The repository contains a zipped file of my Python package asciimage and should be installed via pip.<br/>
Instalation procedure: <br>
<b>pip install asciimage</b><br>
<b>pip install docx</b><br>
<b>pip install python-docx </b><br>
#The docx and python-docx libraries must be installed
## Motivation <a name="Motivation"></a>
The package is intended as a simple drawing tool that produces ASCII art.<br/>
The user will upload an image. The image has to be a jpg or png image. The image should have a nice contrast for proper output.<br/>
The package contains the function make_ascii_image() which produces ascii art <br/>
For the colored ASCII image function, the input images should not be very richly colored and the function works well for images of small size, up to dimensions 256X256.
## Example <a name="Example"></a>
This is the way to run the module:
from asciimage import *
from PIL import Image #import the module
image_path = r"input_image.jpg"
file_path = r"output.txt" #'output.txt' is the destination where the ASCII art will be stored
ascii_char = list(",.")
height = 400 #intended height of output file
width = 400 #intended width of output file
art = asciimage(image_path,file_path,ascii_char,height,width) #optional: ascii_char,height,width
#for colored ascii image
from PIL import Image
from docx import *
from docx.shared import *
image_path = r"input_image.jpg"
file_path = r"output.doc" #'output.doc' is the destination where the ASCII art will be stored
art = asciimage(image_path,file_path) #compulsory: image_path,file_path
#this function outputs a doc file only
art.make_colored_ascii(64)#produces 64X64 image;
## Sample <a name="Sample"></a>
Input Image: <br>
Output text file: <br>
Colored ASCII Input Image: <br>
Output doc file: <br>
If you like the library, please consider giving it a star on Github :)
## Troubleshooting <a name="Troubleshooting"></a>
This is a common error: <br>
If this happens, it is because of python-docx not being installed. In that case, please proceed with:<br>
<b>pip install python-docx</b><br>
<b>pip install docx</b><br>