# arXiv Loader
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This tool is a wrapper of the [arXiv API](https://arxiv.org/help/api/) that allows you to retrieve metadata of articles published on arXiv as `pandas.DataFrame`.
Please abide by the [Terms of Usage](https://arxiv.org/help/api/tou) of the arXiv API.
## Installation
`pip install arxivloader`
## Usage
Please consult the [arXiv API documentation](https://arxiv.org/help/api/user-manual#_query_interface) for help in constructing a valid query string.
### Searching by keyword
To search for a keyword the query needs to start with `search_query=` followed by a prefix and the search word.
Possible prefixes are
| Prefix | Explanation |
| ti | Title |
| au | Author |
| abs | Abstract |
| co | Comments |
| jr | Journal Reference |
| cat | Subject Category |
| rn | Report Number |
| id | arXiv ID |
| all | All of the above |
Please have a look at the [arXiv API documentation](https://arxiv.org/help/api/user-manual#query_details) for details.
import arxivloader
keyword = "DustPy"
prefix = "all"
query = "search_query={pf}:{kw}".format(pf=prefix, kw=keyword)
columns = ["id", "title", "authors"]
df = arxivloader.load(query, columns=columns)
| | id | title | authors |
| 0 | 2207.00322v2 | DustPy: A Python Package for Dust Evolution in Protoplanetary Disks | Sebastian Markus Stammler; Tilman Birnstiel |
| 1 | 2110.04007v1 | The formation of wide exoKuiper belts from migrating dust traps | E. Miller; S. Marino; S. M. Stammler; P. Pinilla; C. Lenz; T. Birnstiel; Th. Henning |
### Searching by id
To search for a specific arXiv ID the query needs to start with `id_list=` followed by a comma-separated list of arXiv IDs:
import arxivloader
IDs = ["1909.04674", "1909.10526"]
query = "id_list={}".format(",".join(IDs))
columns = ["id", "title", "authors"]
df = arxivloader.load(query, columns=columns)
| | id | title | authors |
| 0 | 1909.04674v1 | The DSHARP Rings: Evidence of Ongoing Planetesimal Formation? | Sebastian M. Stammler; Joanna Drazkowska; Til Birnstiel; Hubert Klahr; Cornelis P. Dullemond; Sean M. Andrews |
| 1 | 1909.10526v1 | Including Dust Coagulation in Hydrodynamic Models of Protoplanetary Disks: Dust Evolution in the Vicinity of a Jupiter-mass Planet | Joanna Drazkowska; Shengtai Li; Til Birnstiel; Sebastian M. Stammler; Hui Li |
### Filtering specific articles by keywords
If both, `search_query=` and `id_list=` are present, the given arXiv articles are filtered by the give key word.
import arxivloader
keyword = "DSHARP"
prefix = "ti"
IDs = ["1909.04674", "1909.10526"]
query = "search_query={pf}:{kw}&id_list={ids}".format(pf=prefix, kw=keyword, ids=",".join(IDs))
columns = ["id", "title", "authors"]
df = arxivloader.load(query, columns=columns)
| | id | title | authors |
| 0 | 1909.04674v1 | The DSHARP Rings: Evidence of Ongoing Planetesimal Formation? | Sebastian M. Stammler; Joanna Drazkowska; Til Birnstiel; Hubert Klahr; Cornelis P. Dullemond; Sean M. Andrews |
### Searching by date
It is possible to only retrieve entries in a specified date window.
This query selects all publications that have been submitted to `astro-ph.EP` on July 1st 2022 between 8am and 1pm.
import arxivloader
prefix = "cat"
cat = "astro-ph.EP"
submittedDate = "[20220701080000+TO+20220701130000]"
query = "search_query={pf}:{cat}+AND+submittedDate:{sd}".format(pf=prefix, cat=cat, sd=submittedDate)
columns = ["id", "title", "authors", "published"]
df = arxivloader.load(query, columns=columns, sortBy="submittedDate", sortOrder="ascending")
| | id | title | authors | published |
| 0 | 2207.00273v1 | Whistler Waves As a Signature of Converging Magnetic Holes in Space Plasmas | Wence Jiang; Daniel Verscharen; Hui Li; Chi Wang; Kristopher G. Klein | 2022-07-01 08:55:54 |
| 1 | 2207.00322v2 | DustPy: A Python Package for Dust Evolution in Protoplanetary Disks | Sebastian Markus Stammler; Tilman Birnstiel | 2022-07-01 10:25:59 |
### Searching by category
It is possible to search large number of articles by category. Please be responsible with the traffic this query causes.
import arxivloader
keyword = "astro-ph.EP"
prefix = "cat"
query = "search_query={pf}:{kw}".format(pf=prefix, kw=keyword)
columns = ["id", "title", "primary_category", "categories", "published"]
df = arxivloader.load(query, columns=columns, sortBy="submittedDate", sortOrder="descending", num=1000, page_size=100)
| | id | title | primary_category | categories | published |
| 0 | 2210.11357v1 | The Key Factors Controlling the Seasonality of Planetary Climate | physics.ao-ph | physics.ao-ph; astro-ph.EP | 2022-10-20 15:45:43 |
| 1 | 2210.11305v1 | On the origin of the dichotomy of stellar activity cycles | astro-ph.SR | astro-ph.SR; astro-ph.EP | 2022-10-20 14:34:33 |
| 2 | 2210.11207v1 | $\texttt{KOBEsim}$: a Bayesian observing strategy algorithm for planet detection in radial velocity blind-search | astro-ph.EP | astro-ph.EP; astro-ph.IM | 2022-10-20 12:33:03 |
| 3 | 2210.11103v1 | Lower-than-expected flare temperatures for TRAPPIST-1 | astro-ph.SR | astro-ph.SR; astro-ph.EP | 2022-10-20 08:55:47 |
| 4 | 2210.10909v1 | TOI-3884 b: A rare 6-R$_{\oplus}$ planet that transits a low-mass star with a giant and likely polar spot | astro-ph.EP | astro-ph.EP | 2022-10-19 22:19:15 |
## Options
`arxivloader.load()` has several keyword arguments:
| Keyword | Default value | Description |
| `num` | 10 | Maximum total number of entries to be retrieved. |
| `start` | 0 | Starting index of query. |
| `page_size` | 10 | The entries are retrieved in pages. The maximum allowed page size is 30000. |
| `delay` | 3. | Delay in seconds between page requests. |
| `sortBy` | `"relevance"` | Possible values: `"relevance"`, `"lastUpdatedDate"`, `"submittedDate"`. |
| `sortOrder` | `"descending"` | Possible values: `"descending"`, `"ascending"`. |
| `columns` | `["id", "title", "summary", "authors", "primary_category", "categories", "comments", "updated", "published", "doi", "links"]` | List of the columns the `pandas.DataFrame` should contain. |
| `timeout` | 10. | Timeout in seconds for a single page. |
| `verbosity` | 2 | Level of verbosity. |
The default options are usually good enough.
The `delay` has to be at least three seconds to be fair with the load on the arXiv API.
It can happen that the arxiv API does not respond for a query. `timeout` will set the time after which `arxivloader` assumes a failed attempt and will retry at most five times. Please note, that `timeout` needs to be larger than the arXiv API takes to process the query, which depends on `page_size`. Consider two minutes for ten thousand entries in a page.
If `verbosity` is `0`, `arxivloader` will not display anything on screen. If `verbosity` is `1`, `arxivloader` will print out the number of retrieved entries at the end of execution. If `verbosity` is `2`, `arxivloader` will additionally show a progess bar.
## Acknowledgements
Thank you to arXiv for use of its open access interoperability.