Upload to Nexus, Upload files to hooks, Modify version number, Syncing of GitLab/GitHub type repository, Generate template files, Create Git tags, Extract commands from Git commit messages, Create SonarQube projects, Archive file(s), Create changelog.md file
You can download and install the latest version of this software from the Python package index (PyPI) as follows::
pip install --upgrade artify
python -m artify --help=
python -m artify --command <command> [Options]
`python -m artify -c <command> [Options]`
command nexus, syncrepo, deploy, deltav, create, extract, initialize, archive
Create CHANGELOG.md file
`python -m artify -c changelog`
**Optional params**
--projectname Used to specify project when solution has more than 1 project. For .NET/NET core projects
**.Net/.Netcore example below:**
`python -m artify -c changelog --projectname Client`
Upload to Nexus
python -m artify -c nexus -f <format> -n <artifact_name> -h <nexus_repository_base_url>
Artifact name should include artifact id and version number. E.g example-ws-1.0.0.war
-f, --format Nexus upload format. Types supported: raw, npm, maven, nuget, pypi, helm
-w, --workdirectory Working directory of artifact to be uploaded to Nexus repository
-n, --artifactname Artifact name
-r, --repository Nexus repository to upload to: e.g <repository>-snapshots
-g, --groupid Group ID for Maven2 type repository, Environment variable: NEXUS_GROUP_ID
-d, --directory Directory for RAW type repository
-u, --username Username of nexus user, Environment variable: NEXUS_USERNAME
-p, --password Password of nexus user, Environment variable: NEXUS_PASSWORD
--proxy Sets Http proxy
--proxysec Sets Https proxy
**Optional Parameter(s)**
--file2 Allow second file to be upload, will be uploaded as a classifier
### Environment variable(s) (Required)
**CI_COMMIT_BRANCH** The pipeline CI branch that the Nexus upload is being initiated from
### Environment variables (Optional if set with -u, -p, -g parameter above)
**NEXUS_GROUP_ID** Group ID of the project e.g com.testing.testapplication
**NEXUS_USERNAME** Username of nexus user that will upload artifact
**NEXUS_PASSWORD** Password of nexus user that will upload artifact
Deploy App using custom AWX host
python -m artify -c deploy -f <manifest_file.yml> -h <awx_host>
### Environment variables need
**DEPLOY_TOKEN** Token used to deploy application
Change Package version
Artify uses semantic version 2.0.
`python -m artify -c deltav -t patch -a npm`
`python -m artify -c version -t patch -a flutter`
`python -m artify -c deltav -t auto -a other --file=setup.py`
`python -m artify -c version -t minor -a gradle --file=version.properties`
-a, --archtype npm, gradle, flutter, maven, dotnet, other
-t, --type major, minor, patch, prerelease, auto
**Optional Params**
--preValue Prerelease version value e.g SNAPHOT, RELEASE, BUILD, beta, alpa
--getversion Get the current application version
--nocommit Does not create feature branch with version change
--file File name that you want to update version number. It should be relative to artify execution directory
--file2 An additional file that you want to update version number. It should be relative to artify execution directory
Push changes to GitLab/GitHub repository
### Recommendation: You can create a feature branch, then perform your code changes before pushing changes to remote
python -m artify -c syncrepo -m <message> -b
-c, --message Commit message
-b, --branch Optional, by default, it will push to 'develop' branch
### Environment variables need
**PRIVATE_TOKEN**, popularly known as personal access token is needed to perform the push. This can be created by following this guide:
[Creating a personal access token: GitLab](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html)
[Creating a personal access token: GitHub](https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token)
**N.B** A commit is performed automatically followed by a push
Creating Tags
`python -m artify -c syncrepo -m tag`
**Optional Params**
--projectname Used to specify project when solution has more than 1 project. For .NET/NET core projects
`python -m artify -c syncrepo -m tag` Creates a git tag of repository branch that task is executed on e.g v-1.0.0-a56def9
`python -m artify -c syncrepo -m tag --projectname Client` Creates a git tag of repository branch for the Client project that task is executed on (**For .NET/.NET core projects**) e.g v-
**N.B** Please set environment variable **CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA** (This variable is already set in GitLab type repository)
Generate Template files
### Generate template .gitlab-ci.yml file
`python -m artify -c create -f gitlabci`
### Geneate template manifest.yml file
`python -m artify -c create -f manifest`
-f, --file File template to generate
**Supported files**
- .gitlab-ci.yml
- manifest.yml
Extract commands from GIT message
`python -m artify -c extract`
**N.B** If manifest.yml file is present, it will update version number in that file also.
- version/deltav - specifies type of version change e.g "version": "patch", "deltav": "patch", "version": "minor", "version": "auto"
- archtype - specifies project architecture e.g "archtype": "npm", "archtype": "gradle", "archtype": "flutter", "archtype": "other"
**Environment variable(s) needed**
CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE This the variables that is used to extract dictionary formatted command
**N.B** For GitHub, you can set value using commands below pipeline line (*.yml):
CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE: ${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}
**Optional Parameters**
- branch - speficies branch you want to push changes. If branch is not specified, it push changes to 'develop' branch by default
- nocommit - Does not create feature branch with version change
- file - File name that you want to update version number. It should be relative to artify execution directory
- file2 - An additional file that you want to update version number. It should be relative to artify execution directory
**Sample commit messages**
1. Added login functionality {"version": "patch", "archtype": "npm", "branch": "release-1.0.0" } - Updates the patch version of npm type project, and push to branch called 'release-1.0.0' branch
2. Added search functionality {"deltav": "major", "archtype": "gradle" } - Updates the major version of a java project with Gradle build tool
3. Added edit functionality {"version": "minor", "a": "flutter" } - Updates the minor version of a flutter project
4. Add filter functionality {"version": "prerelease", "archtype": "npm", "preValue": "beta"} - Updates the prerelease value i.e Version 1.0.0 would change to 1.0.0-beta
5. Upgrade from Angular 11 to Angular 12 {"version": "auto", "archtype": "gradle", "branch": "feature/angular-12"} - Updates the pre-release integer value by 1 e.g 1.0.0-beta1 will change to 1.0.0-beta2
Initialize SonarQube project
`python -m artify -c initialize -h <SonarQube_base_url> -k <project-key> -n <project-name> -u <username> -p <password> -a <arch_type/os> -l <language>`
**Sample command**
`python -m artify -c initialize -h <SonarQube_base_url> -k <project-key> -n <project-name> -u <username> -p <password> -l java -a gradle`
`python -m artify -c initialize -h <SonarQube_base_url> -k <project-key> -n <project-name> -u <username> -p <password> -l java -a maven`
**For Windows Runner, Other (JS, TS, Go, Python, PHP, ...)**
python -m artify -c initialize -h <SonarQube_base_url> -k <project-key> -n <project-name> -u <username> -p <password> -l other -a windows
**For Linux/macOS runner, Other (JS, TS, Go, Python, PHP, ...)**
python -m artify -c initialize -h <SonarQube_base_url> -k <project-key> -n <project-name> -u <username> -p <password> -l other -a linux
-l, --language => Possible values: JS, TS, Go, Python, PHP, other)
-a, --archtype => Architecture, OS (depends on usage)
-n, --projectname => Project name.
-k, --projectkey => Project key. This should be a unique identifier for project.
-u, --username => Username for SonarQube.
-p, --password => Password for SonarQube. The user should be able to create projects.
**N.B**. The user should have the permission to create/modify projects.
python -m artify -c initialize -h <SonarQube_base_url> -k <project-key> -n <project-name> -u <username> -p <password> -a php
Archive file(s)
Uses Shutil Python library to create archive file
`python -m artify -c archive -n <archive_name> -f <archive_format> -w <root_dir> -d base_dir>`
-n, --archivename Name for the archive file that will be created.
-f, --format Format for the archive e.g zip, tar, gztar, bztar, xztar.
-w, --rootdir Root directory is a directory that will be the root directory of the archive.
-d, --basedir Base directory is the directory where we start archiving from.