# **Arlula API Python Package**
## About
This package provides a core interface for interacting with the [Arlula API](https://www.arlula.com/documentation/).
This package can be found on [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/arlulacore/).
Documentation for this package can be found below, but for extensive documentation see the [wiki](https://github.com/Arlula/python-core-sdk/wiki).
## Prerequisites
This package requires an active Arlula account and access to the API credentials. If you don't have an account, you can create one at [api.arlula.com/signup](https://api.arlula.com/signup).
## Installation
pip install arlulacore
## Initiation
Instantiate a Session object using your API credentials as below. This will validate your credentials and store them for the remainder of the session. This can be re-used for numerous requests or be instantiated numerous times with different credentials for concurrent access to different sessions.
import arlulacore
"""opening a session"""
arlula_session = arlulacore.Session(key, secret)
## API Endpoints
This package contains methods for each of the supported API endpoints, namespaced by API namespace. Each namespace inherits the session defined above
### Archive
api = arlulacore.ArlulaAPI(arlula_session)
archive = api.archiveAPI()
# Search for imagery around sydney between 2020-Jan-1 and 2020-Feb-1
# With at least 10m resolution (gsd)
search_result = archive.search(
start=date(2020, 1, 1),
.set_point_of_interest(-33.8688, 151.2093)
.set_end(date(2020, 2, 1))
# Order a specific image from the archive, using the id from above,
# the eula that applies to you, the bundle you want, and (optionally)
# email jane.doe@gmail.com and john.smith@gmail.com when it is complete.
order_result = archive.order(
eula="Supplier's EULA",
.set_emails(["john.smith@gmail.com", "jane.doe@gmail.com"])
### Orders
orders = api.ordersAPI()
# Get the status and details of an order
order = orders.get(
# Get a specific resource, for example thumbnails, tiffs, json metadata.
# Streams to a file and returns the file handle.
with orders.get_resource_as_file(id="b7adb198-3e6e-4217-9e67-fb26eb355cc4",filepath="downloads/thumbnail.jpg") as f:
# Get a specific resource, for example thumbnails, tiffs, json metadata.
# Returns the memory buffer of the requested resource.
# Not recommended for large files.
b = orders.get_resource_as_memory(
# List the details and status of all orders made
order_list = orders.list_orders()