# argsloader
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Configuration Parsing and Management Based on [chainloader](https://github.com/HansBug/chainloader).
The argsloader library's main goal is to extract and change configuration data before implementing it using its computational mechanism:
* Reusability of local configuration modules
* Scalability and composition of configuration components
* Constructing complicated configuration data validation quickly
## Installation
You can simply install it with `pip` command line from the official PyPI site.
pip install argsloader
For more information about installation, you can refer to [Installation](https://HansBug.github.io/argsloader/main/tutorials/installation/index.html).
## Quick Start
### Painless Try
A simple usage is like above
from argsloader.units import yesno, number, is_type, interval
if __name__ == '__main__':
yn = yesno() # yes-no option
print(yn('yes')) # True
print(yn('no')) # False
print(yn(True)) # True
print(yn(False)) # False
num = number() # any number
print(num(1)) # 1
print(num('1.2')) # 1.2
print(num('0x4f')) # 79
int_ = number() >> is_type(int) # any int number
print(num(1)) # 1
print(num('0x4f')) # 79
print(num(1.2)) # TypeError
val_ = number() >> interval.LR(0, 10) # number within [0, 10]
print(num(1)) # 1
print(num(1.2)) # 1.2
print(num(11)) # ValueError
After the unit is built, it can be used to transform and validate the given value.
### Full Validation
Sometimes, there may be multiple errors in the given value, but if you directly call corresponding loader (i.e. call the pre-defined `__call__` method), only the first error will be raised.
from argsloader.units import is_type, interval
if __name__ == '__main__':
in_ = is_type(int) & interval.LR(0, 10) # int within [0, 10]
print(in_(1)) # OK
print(in_(10)) # OK
print(in_(11.2)) # not an int, not in [0, 10] neither
The output should be
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test_main.py", line 7, in <module>
print(in_(11.2)) # not an int, not in [0, 10] neither
File "/home/hansbug/projects/argsloader/argsloader/units/base.py", line 237, in __call__
return self.call(v, 'FIRST')
File "/home/hansbug/projects/argsloader/argsloader/units/base.py", line 249, in call
return self._process(PValue(v, ())).act(err_mode)
File "/home/hansbug/projects/argsloader/argsloader/base/result.py", line 264, in act
raise self._first_error()
File "/home/hansbug/projects/argsloader/argsloader/units/build.py", line 80, in _easy_process
pres = self._transform(v, pvalues)
File "/home/hansbug/projects/argsloader/argsloader/units/build.py", line 105, in _transform
v.value, nested_map(lambda x: x.value, pres)
File "/home/hansbug/projects/argsloader/argsloader/units/type.py", line 43, in _calculate
raise TypeError(f'Value type not match - {_tname(type_)} expected but {_tname(type(v))} found.')
TypeParseError: Value type not match - int expected but float found.
To resolve this problem, you can use method `call` to show them all.
from argsloader.units import is_type, interval
if __name__ == '__main__':
in_ = is_type(int) & interval.LR(0, 10) # int within [0, 10]
print(in_.call(1)) # OK
print(in_.call(10)) # OK
print(in_.call(11.2)) # not an int, not in [0, 10] neither
The output should be
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test_main.py", line 7, in <module>
File "/home/hansbug/projects/argsloader/argsloader/units/base.py", line 249, in call
return self._process(PValue(v, ())).act(err_mode)
File "/home/hansbug/projects/argsloader/argsloader/base/result.py", line 268, in act
raise self._full_error()
argsloader.base.exception.MultipleParseError: (2 errors)
<root>: TypeParseError: Value type not match - int expected but float found.
<root>: ValueParseError: Value not in interval - [0, 10] expected but 11.2 found.
For further examples and best practice, see
* [Cheat Sheet of Units (still under developing)](https://hansbug.github.io/argsloader/main/tutorials/cheat_sheet/index.html)
* [Example of C51 Configuration](https://hansbug.github.io/argsloader/main/best_practice/c51/index.html)
* [Example of Subprocess Env Manager](https://hansbug.github.io/argsloader/main/best_practice/subprocess_env_manager/index.html)
* [Example of One vs One Configuration](https://hansbug.github.io/argsloader/main/best_practice/one_vs_one/index.html)
## Contributing
We appreciate all contributions to improve `argsloader`, both logic and system designs. Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for more guides.
## License
`argsloader` released under the Apache 2.0 license.