# Argparse HParams
> A simple argument parser for hyper-parameters.
## Installation
From PyPI:
pip install argparse-hparams
From Github:
pip install git+https://github.com/enhuiz/argparse-hparams.git
## Example
from argparse_hparams import dataclass, HParams, Annotated, Flag
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
class HParamsTest(HParams):
# This will call: parser.add_argument(type=int, default=0)
x: int = 0
# You may annotate custom data for parser.add_argument(...).
# The annotated default will overwrite dataclass default
# This will call: parser.add_argument(type=str.upper, default='bad')
y: Annotated[str, dict(type=str.upper, default="bad")] = "good"
# This will call: parser.add_argument(type=int, nargs=2, default=(2, 3))
pair: Annotated[tuple[int, int], dict(type=int, nargs=2)] = (2, 3)
# This will call: parser.add_argument(action="store_true", default=False)
ok: Flag = False
# When positional is set, the argument is a positional argument instead of an option
# i.e., there will be no '--' added before the name when calling parser.add_argument
pos: Annotated[str, dict(positional=True)] = ""
# Dict is parsed using json.loads
payload: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Priority: dataclass default < annotated default < YAML default < manually specified value (sys.argv)
test = HParamsTest()
$ python example.py
usage: example.py [-h] [--x int] [--y upper] [--pair int int] [--ok] [--payload dict_parser] [--default Path] str
example.py: error: the following arguments are required: pos
$ python example.py 123
│ HParams │
│ok: False │
│pair: (2, 3)│
│payload: {} │
│pos: 123 │
│x: 0 │
│y: BAD │
$ python example.py --default default.yml 123
│ HParams │
│ok: False │
│pair: [4, 5] │
│payload: {'some': 'payload', 'here': 'for test'}│
│pos: 123 │
│x: 0 │
│y: 1 │
$ python example.py --help
usage: example.py [-h] [--x int] [--y upper] [--pair int int] [--ok] [--payload dict_parser] [--default Path] str
positional arguments:
str pos
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--x int x (default: 0)
--y upper y (default: bad)
--pair int int pair (default: (2, 3))
--ok ok (default: False)
--payload dict_parser
payload (default: {})
--default Path A YAML configuration file that overrides the defaults (default: None)
$ python example.py --payload '{"oops": "it is overwriten."}' --default default.yml 123
│ HParams │
│ok: False │
│pair: [4, 5] │
│payload: {'oops': 'it is overwriten.'}│
│pos: 123 │
│x: 0 │
│y: 1 │