A argument parsing module that also can run commands.
Note the argc.get key is the string but only if the argument started with an "-"
if it started with "--" then you can use it by added and "-" in front of the string
argc().get("s") # - short
argc().get("-long") # -- long
## Changelog
2.1.0 - single file version
2.0.2 - Bugfixes
2.0.1 - Fixed detectType for python2
2.0.0 - Added tests working way better now
1.1.3 - stupid dots
1.1.2 - removed / in as an arguement
1.1.1 - Some more bugfixes!
1.1.0 - Thought so. and python2 support
1.0.2 - Confusion
1.0.1 - Bugfix
1.0.0 - Release
### Example 1
from argc import argc
if __name__ import "__main__":
# for python 2 do as it does not support charectar conversion
# args = argc(sys.argv, False)
args = argc() # uses sys.argv by default
args.add("version", 10.0, True) # the true means that it will exit when the command is done
args.add("func", lambda: 100**10, True) # real time calculations and running of functions
args.add("func_2", functionname) # or just a function
args.add("help", [
"It also supports lists for multi-line prints",
"With support for {}".format("functions"),
lambda: 10-9**10,
"So yeah... Awsome"
], True)
args.run() # checks and runs arguments (can stop program)
args.get("-config_name", True) # get config if by default it will return Value but
# add True it will return True/False
### Example 2
# example program that takes some arguments
# run as ${python} test.py ${args}
import random
from argc import argc
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__author__ = "Monty python"
__package__ = "STRING RING"
__help__ = [
"Usage: ",
" import STRING_RING as sr",
" tone = 10",
" sr.RING(tone)",
"Author: {}".format(__author__),
"Name: %(__package__)s"
# arguments are case sensetive but the -- and - is stripped
# so you only need the names. but that also means that -hallo, --hallo and /hallo
# all triggers the hello command
# option
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = argc() # uses sys.argv by default
args.add("help", __help__, True) # exits on help
args.add("version", __version__, True)
# supports functions (prints return value)
args.add("func", lambda: random.randint(0, 10**10), True)
# checks and runs commands
# code after .run
# Use .get for config
if args.get("useL"):
print("Using L")
print("am not using L")
# and for custom config using long
print(args.get("-config", False)) # Use raw data returns None if it does not exist