# aquasec-api
Aqua Sec Cloud Secuirty API Tool used for interacting with Aqua Security CSPM Enterprise and Workload.
## Documents
* [CSPM API Docs](https://cloudsploit.docs.apiary.io/#)
* [Aqua CSPM API Overview](https://support.aquasec.com/support/solutions/articles/16000129694-aqua-cspm-api-overview)
* [Authenticte Enterprise CSPM](https://support.aquasec.com/support/solutions/articles/16000127855-how-to-authenticate-to-the-enterprise-api-in-the-cspm-platform)
* [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/atav928/aquasec-api)
## Installation
__Production Version:__
python -m pip install aquasec-api
__Testing Version:__
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ aquasec-api
## Configurations
You are able to directly interact with the SDK and pass the variables required to get the creadentials required. You can also have that handled inside of a configuration file or environment.
1. Using system environment variables. Below is a sample.
AQUA_WORKLOAD_API_KEY="workload key"
AQUA_WORKLOAD_API_SECRET="workload secret"
AQUA_CSPM_API_KEY="cspm key"
AQUA_CSPM_API_SECRET="cspm secret"
1. Using a yaml configuration file located in _~/.config/.aquaconf_. If a YAML config is found that will override any env variables taking priority.
AQUA_WORKLOAD_API_KEY: "workload key"
AQUA_WORKLOAD_API_SECRET: "workload secret"
AQUA_CSPM_API_KEY: "cspm key"
AQUA_CSPM_API_SECRET: "cspm secret"
AQUA_LOGNAME: 'aquas.log'
AQUA_LOGLOCATION: "/tmp/logs/"
> __NOTE:__ The Certificate is the verification used for the RestAPI calls. This will be called upon unless you specify in your own _verify=_ in your method call. Just like in the Requests module this is a (str|bool) value that defaults to _True_. If it is a string it will confirm that the string is a file and therefore the location of a specific cert to be verified against a Proxy forwarder.
## Usage
### Workload Protection
Inorder to ensure it workload auth works please be sure to pass the correct paremters that are not set in the configurations. You will require to set variables:
* allowed_endpoints: list
* Default: __["api_auditor"]__
* csp_roles: list
* Default: __["ANY"]__
>>> from aquasec.api import API
>>> api = API(csp_roles=["api_auditor"], allowed_endpoints=["ANY", "GET", "POST"])
INFO : Created WorkloadAuth Token for URL https://1234567890ab.cloud.aquasec.com
>>> api.get.workload_protection(url_path='license')
INFO : Created Workload URL=https://1234567890ab.cloud.aquasec.com/api/v2/license
DEBUG : Response Code: 200| Full Response: {"type":"Standard","organization":"ACME Corp, Inc.","account_id":"","client_name":"user@ACME Corp, Inc.-2023-03-29-StandardS","name":"","email":"john.doe@acme.com","num_agents":0,"num_microenforcers":0,"num_hostenforcers":0,"num_images":0,"num_functions":10000,"num_advanced_functions":0,"num_pas":-1,"num_code_repositories":0,"license_issue_date":1641772800,"license_exp_date":1768003199,"non_prod":false,"approved":true,"external_token":"","strict":false,"level":"Advanced","vpatch":true,"vpatch_coverage":0,"malware_protection":true,"tier":"","agents_running":0,"images_scanned":0,"num_protected_kube_nodes":0,"resource_status":{"Enforcers":"valid","Kubernetes cluster protection":"valid","MicroEnforcers":"valid","Repositories":"valid","VM Enforcers":"valid"}}
__Bypass OS or YAML Configs:__
>>> from aquasec.api import API
>>> api = API(api_key="7d6c02219a99", api_secret="0b3b928a1acd4c2580583cc160f49f5e",api_csp_roles=["CSP_USER"],allowed_endpoints=["ANY"])
INFO : Created WorkloadAuth Token for URL https://1234567890ab.cloud.aquasec.com
__Common Params:__
"page": 1,
"pagesize": 1000
I found treating page similar to _"limit"_ for a typical API call limiting the amount of responses and _"pagesize"_ is akin to _"offset"_. Responses typically look like this:
"count": 8793,
"page": 1,
"pagesize": 9000,
"result": [
"id": "9ad366ef-1494-44c1-9b1f-928bca02cf7d",
"name": "someserver.acme.com",
"query": {
"identifiers_only": false,
"enforcer_type": "",
"status": "",
"cluster": "",
"image_name": "",
"image_id": "",
"server_id": "",
"kube_enforcer_id": "",
"batch_name": "",
"compliant": "",
"address": "",
"cve": "",
"config_file_name": "",
"scope": "",
"machine_ids": null,
"kube_enforcer_exists": false,
"ke_kube_bench_feature_flag": false
"more_data_all_pages": 0,
"is_estimated_count": false
__Common useful endpoints:__
* Get all hosts (I increase the size based on my company count; you can build out a refresh to get everything until the count equals the amount of records returned)
>> all_hosts = api.get.workload_protection(url_path='hosts', api_version='v1', get_all=True)
* Get CIS Benchmark Results
>> host_id = all_hosts['result'][0]['id']
>> cis_benchmark = api.get.workload_protection(url_path=f'risks/bench/{host_id}/bench_results')
* Get Kubernetes Resources
>> kube_resources = api.get.workload_protection(url_path='kubernetesresources', params={'pagesize': 1000})
* Get Kubernetes Applications
>> applications = api.get.workload_protection(endpoint='applications', api_version='v1')
* Get Containers
>>> all_containers = api.get.workload_protection(url_path="containers", api_version='v2', get_all=True)
* Get CIS Bench Reports Directly
# Kube Report Only for Production Cluster
>>> kube_report = api.get.bench_reports(report_type='kube_bench', cluser_name='production')
# Kube Report for all Clusters
>>> kube_report = api.get.bench_reports(report_type='kube_bench')
# Linux Report Only
>>> all_linux_report = api.get.bench_reports(report_type='linux')
# disa_stig Report
>>> disa_stig_report = api.get.bench_reports(report_type='disa_stig')
# Full CIS Benchmark Report on all Hosts
>>> full_cis_report = api.get.bench_reports(report_type='all')
## Release Info
### v0.0.2
* added retrieve_full_list() which allows get to retrieve all items.
* if _"get_all"_ is specified in api.get.workload_protection() the variable will retrieve all possible values.
* updates to README.md, fixed a few typos.
* added ability to retrieve CIS bench reports directly without the need to run mulitple calls.
* Fixed issue with _"get_all"_ where it would go into an infinant loop since the count return did not always match the results.
* Provides direct ability to call on all reports or individual reports.
* Fixed issue where passing api_key or api_secret when creating an API Object would not properly create the WorkloadAuth.
### v0.0.1
* WorkloadAuth - usage to get auth token for workload tasks
* API - used to run api calls against CSPM or Workload
* Baseline version to interact with CSPM Enterprise and Workload
* GET is built out to handle almost any api call you need. You just need to figure out the endpoint and pass the url path through the __workload_protection__ or __cspm__
## Version
| Version | Build | Changes |
| ------- | ----- | ------- |
| __0.0.1__ | __a1__ | Initial Alpha Release. Not working baseline for testing |
| __0.0.1__ | __a2__ | built in decorartor and two methods of handling different request types |
| __0.0.1__ | __a3__ | fixed manifest for package deployment |
| __0.0.1__ | __a4__ | fixed requirements |
| __0.0.1__ | __a5__ | removed pathlib from requirments |
| __0.0.1__ | __rc1__| updated readme.md with instructions of usage |
| __0.0.1__ | __rc2__ | issues with dataclasses module |
| __0.0.1__ | __rc3__ | issues with dataclasses and requirements |
| __0.0.1__ | __rc4__ | issues with dataclasses and requirements |
| __0.0.1__ | __rc8__ | final release that solves how the auth works for CSPM and Workload Protection |
| __0.0.2__ | __a1__ | Updated readme testing some additional modeling and possible integration scripts |
| __0.0.2__ | __a2__ | Added ability to retrieve all functions leveraging paging |
| __0.0.2__ | __a3__ | Added CIS benchmark reports, Fix bug with infinate get_all |
| __0.0.2__ | __rc1__ | Bug with providing direct api information into api function with WorkloadAuth |
| __0.0.2__ | __final__ | completed orchestration of bench report and standard get workload checks |
__NOTE:__ Use at your own risk!!!! API as is and building on it.