APT, a Command-line Wrapper
A shorter, simpler, and slightly saner interactive interface to the
`Debian/Ubuntu APT <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Packaging_Tool>`_
command-line tools.
**Note:** This utility is not as useful as it once was because the apt command
has already incorported its headline features.
However, it is still more convenient in a number of ways,
so read on if you'd like.
``apt`` may be thought of as a traffic cop
that directs commands to the appropriate tool,
automatically elevating itself with sudo if need-be.
It consolidates all commands from ``apt-get`` and ``apt-cache``,
and the most common from
``aptitude, dpkg, dpkg-query, add-apt-repository``, and ``apt-key``.
It has a much narrower focus than "kitchen-sink" tools such as ``wajig``.
Hopefully this micro-project will make your life a tiny bit easier.
sudo pip install apt-wrapper
or for a possibly more up-to-date version::
sudo pip install https://bitbucket.org/mixmastamyk/apt/get/default.tar.gz
apt # List available commands.
apt add universe # Invokes sudo automatically,
Password: # when necessary.
apt add ppa:who/foo
apt update
apt search foo
apt policy foo
apt install foo bar
apt purge foo
apt instdeb foo.deb
apt instdeb http://foo... # new
apt who-owns `which tr`
coreutils: /usr/bin/tr
Shortened commands
``apt`` can also handle shortened commands.
Add letters until it can be uniquely identified::
apt cl
results in::
sudo apt-get clean
There are a few aliases for common commands as well::
apt in foo # install foo
apt rm bar # remove
apt se baz # apt-cache search
apt ls boo # list installed packages, optionally
# with pkg name or glob\* argument syntax.
apt dir # dir (e.g. NT or ls -l) installed packages.
Licensed under the `GPL, version 3+ <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>`_.
Release Notes
- 1.18 - Forced off bitbucket, move to github. Update metadata.
- 1.15 - fix: instdeb download issue under Python3.
- 1.12 - enh: Python 3 support, refactoring.
- 1.11 - enh: rmrepo command to remove ppa's.
- 1.10 - enh: reorder messages, refactoring.
- 1.09 - enh: addrepo can now enable standard repos, print commands by default.
- 1.08 - enh: instdeb can now download and install from urls.
- 1.07 - Fix auto elevate for instdeb.
- 1.06 - Add ls and dir aliases and doc syntax.
- 1.05 - Doc improvements.
- 1.04 - Allow additional options to be passed thru w/o error.
- 1.03 - Update readme with release notes and document new aliases.
- 1.02 - Add ``who-owns`` alias for ``searchfiles``.
- 1.01 - Add ``in`` alias for ``install``.