# APS Journals
_A pythonic interface for browsing APS_
The `apsjournals` library is a collection of tools used for exploring American
Physical Society publications via python.
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## Motivation
Admittedly, the APS website is well-built. Why `apsjournals` then?
1. The APS website does not offer an official API. This library offers a set of usable abstractions
to help explore some of the available data.
1. It is not possible to download an entire Issue as a single PDF in the current website.
Future versions of `apsjournals` will offer such behavior.
1. Why not? Interacting with APS publications via Python is fun.
## Loading Articles for a Journal Issue
The `apsjournals` library offers several ways to load articles. The easiest of which
is by picking a Journal, then specifying a volume and issue number. The library will then
load the entire issue, including all articles. For example:
>>> from apsjournals import PRL
>>> PRL
Journal('Physical Review Letters')
>>> PRL.issue(121, 6)
Issue('Physical Review Letters', 121, 6)
>>> PRL.issue(121, 6).articles[:3]
[Article('Magnetic Levitation Stabilized by Streaming Fluid Flows'),
Article('First Six Dimensional Phase Space Measurement of an Accelerator Beam'),
Article('Ubiquitous Spin-Orbit Coupling in a Screw Dislocation with High Spin Coherency')]
## Download Journal Articles
In addition to surveying which articles are in an issue, `apsjournals` is also capable of downloading
articles, either individually or as an entire issue. In the latter case, a cover page and table of contents
will also be added to the pdf (including appropriately linked bookmarks).
### Authentication
The first step to downloading articles is authentication. You _must_ be a valid APS member. this library
abides by all APS Terms and Conditions, and consequently relies on you for credentials to access
APS material. Authentication can be performed by using the `authenticate` function:
>>> import apsjournals
>>> apsjournals.authenticate('username', 'password')
This will set a session cookie required for pdf downloads.
### Downloading an Article
After authenticating, it is then possible to download articles from an issue individually or as a whole.
To download an individual article, use the `pdf` method of the `Article` instance.
>>> journal = apsjournals.PRL
>>> issue = journal.issue(121, 6)
>>> article = issue.articles[3]
>>> article.pdf('path/to/file.pdf')
This will download the article as a pdf to the given location.
### Download an Entire Issue
In order to download all the articles at once, simply use the `pdf` method of the `Issue` instance! For
>>> issue.pdf('path/to/file.pdf')