# Approw - Python
The Approw Python SDK is comprised of two parts: `ManagementClient` and `AuthenticationClient`.
`AuthenticationClient` makes a request as a terminal user, and provides all methods for managing user identities such as login, registration, logout, user profile management, and access to authorized resources; this module also provides SDKs for various identity protocols, for example [OpenID Connect](https://docs.approw.com/concepts/federation.html#openid-connect), [OAuth 2.0](https://docs.approw.com/concepts/federation.html#oauth2), [SAML](https://docs.approw.com/concepts/federation.html#saml2) and
[CAS](https://docs.approw.com/concepts/federation.html#cas) This module is suitable for server environments with pure back-end interactions.
The Approw Python SDK is comprised of two parts: `ManagementClient` and `AuthenticationClient`. All operations in `ManagementClient` are performed as an administrator, including managing users, managing roles, managing authority policies, and managing user pool configuration. All operations in `AuthenticationClient` are performed as the [Approw Console](https://console.approw.com/console/userpool) including login, registration, modification of user information, and logout.
You should set the initialized `ManagementClient` instance to a global variable (initialize only once), and the `AuthenticationClient` should be initialized for each request.
> Approw Python SDK supports both `python2` and `python3`.
## Installation
pip install approw-py-sdk
## Use ManagementClient
`ManagementClient` request as an Administrator for user pool management and perform adminstrative tasks, it provides management of user, role, application and resources. In a word,All operations in [Approw Console](https://console.approw.com/console/userpool) can be performed through module. This module is suitable for use in a back-end server environment.
### Initialization
Initialization of ManagementClient requires `userPoolId` and `secret`:
> You can [learn how to get UserPoolId and Secret](/guides/faqs/get-userpool-id-and-secret.md) here.
You should set the initialized `ManagementClient` instance to a global variable (initialize only once).
from approw.v2.management import ManagementClient, ManagementClientOptions
management_client = ManagementClient(
Now the `managementClient()` instance is ready to be used. For example, you can get the list of users in the user pool:
data = management_client.users.list()
The returned data is as follows:
"totalCount": 1,
"list": [
"id": "5f7ddfe62ba819802422362e",
"arn": "arn:cn:approw:5f7a993eb9b49dcd5c021e40:user:5f7ddfe62ba819802422362e",
"userPoolId": "5f7a993eb9b49dcd5c021e40",
"username": "nhxcpzmklk",
"email": null,
"emailVerified": false,
"phone": null,
"phoneVerified": false,
"unionid": null,
"openid": null,
"nickname": null,
"registerSource": ["import:manual"],
"photo": "https://usercontents.approw.cn/approw-avatar.png",
"password": "a56f21e5659428f9b353be4ed667fc05",
"oauth": null,
"token": null,
"tokenExpiredAt": null,
"loginsCount": 0,
"lastLogin": null,
"lastIP": null,
"signedUp": "2020-10-07T23:33:58+08:00",
"blocked": false,
"isDeleted": false,
"device": null,
"browser": null,
"company": null,
"name": null,
"givenName": null,
"familyName": null,
"middleName": null,
"profile": null,
"preferredUsername": null,
"website": null,
"gender": "U",
"birthdate": null,
"zoneinfo": null,
"locale": null,
"address": null,
"formatted": null,
"streetAddress": null,
"locality": null,
"region": null,
"postalCode": null,
"country": null,
"createdAt": "2020-10-07T23:33:58+08:00",
"updatedAt": "2020-10-07T23:33:58+08:00"
## Use AuthenticationClient
`AuthenticationClient` makes a request as an end user (End User), and provides all methods for managing user identity, such as login, registration, logout, user information management, and access to authorized resources; this module also provides SDKs for various identity protocols , like [OpenID Connect](/guides/federation/oidc.md), [OAuth 2.0](/guides/federation/oauth.md), [SAML](/guides/federation/saml.md) 和 [CAS](/guides/federation/cas.md)。This module is suitable for server environments with pure back-end interaction.
### Initialization
Initialization of `AuthenticationClient` requires `app_id` and `app_host`(For example, `https://YOUR_DOMAIN.approw.com`):
> You can view your own **application** list in the application of the console.
from approw.v2.authentication import AuthenticationClient, AuthenticationClientOptions
authentication_client = AuthenticationClient(
The complete parameters are as follows:
- `app_id`: Approw [Application ID](https://docs.approw.com/guides/faqs/get-app-id-and-secret.html)(Required);
- `app_host`: Approw [Application host](https://docs.approw.com/guides/faqs/get-app-id-and-secret.html)(Require) For example, `https://YOUR_DOMAIN.approw.com`;
- `token`: User [id_token](https://docs.approw.com/concepts/id-token.html) (Optional),you can storge user `id_token` in foront-end and use `id_token` to initialize SDK,so as to achieve login without authentication.
- `timeout`: Request timeout time (optional), in milliseconds, the default is 10000 (10 seconds);
- `on_error`: Error handling function (optional), you can use it to globally catch all exceptions requested by the Approw client. See the complete error code[Documentant](https://docs.approw.com/reference/error-code.html)The function is :
def on_error(code, message):
raise ApprowException(code=code, errmsg=message)
- `enc_public_key`: Password asymmetric encryption public key (optional), if you are using Approw public cloud service, you can ignore it; if you are using a privatized deployment of Approw, please contact the Approw IDaaS service administrator.
- `lang`: The interface Message returns the language format (optional), the optional values are `zh-CN` and `en-US`, and the default is `en-US`.
### Quick Start
We recommend to initialize a new `AuthenticationClient` for each request to ensure complete isolation between different requests.
username = "bob"
password = "passw0rd"
user = authentication_client.login_by_username(
After logging in, methods such as `update_profile` that require users to log in are available:
'nickname': 'Nick'
You can also use the `token` parameter to initialize the `AuthenticationClient` instead of calling the `login` method every time:
from approw.v2.authentication import AuthenticationClient, AuthenticationClientOptions
authentication_client = AuthenticationClient(
Executing the `update_profile` method can also succeed:
user = authentication_client.update_profile({
'nickname': 'Nick'
## Error handling
If the function fails, it will return an exception, you need to use `try/except` to catch the exception:
from approw.v2.exceptions import approwException
except ApprowException as e:
print(e.code) # 2004
print(e.message) # User does not exist
> See the complete error code[Documentant](https://docs.approw.com/reference/error-code.html)
## Privatization deployment
**The privatization deployment** scenario needs to specify the GraphQL endpoint of your privatized Approw service (**without protocol header and Path**). If you are not sure, you can contact the Approw IDaaS service administrator.
from approw.v2.management import ManagementClient, ManagementClientOptions
management_client = ManagementClient(
## View full documentation
You can [view full documentation](https://docs.approw.com/reference/sdk-for-python/) 。
## Ger help
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