# Before You Start
Apple-peeler was written using python 3.9 (but it should be trivial to support earlier versions of python 3.5+).
# Installation
pip install apple-peeler
# Dependencies
[BeautifulSoup 4](https://beautiful-soup-4.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), [lxml](https://lxml.de), and [click](https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.0.x/)
# Usage
Apple likes to move around the dictionaries location from macOS version to macOS version. So if the dictionaries are no longer at the path below you can tell `apple-peeler` where to look by exporting `DICT_BASE` in your environment or using the `--base` option below.
export DICT_BASE="/System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_DictionaryServices_dictionaryOSX/"
After that, useage is straightforward.
Usage: apple-peeler [OPTIONS]
Extract XML from Apple Dictionary files.
--base DIRECTORY The root directory of the OS X dictionaries.
(Default: /System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple
X/) [Env var DICT_BASE]
--out DIRECTORY The path to place extracted XML files.
-d, --dictionary [
all|Arabic - English|Danish|Duden Dictionary Data Set I|Dutch|
Dutch - English|French|French - English|French - German|German - English|
Hebrew|Hindi|Hindi - English|Indonesian - English|Italian|
Italian - English|Korean|Korean - English|New Oxford American Dictionary|
Norwegian|Oxford American Writer's Thesaurus|
Oxford Dictionary of English|Oxford Thesaurus of English|
Polish - English|Portuguese|Portuguese - English|Russian|
Russian - English|Sanseido Super Daijirin|
Sanseido The WISDOM English-Japanese Japanese-English Dictionary|
Simplified Chinese - English|Simplified Chinese - Japanese|Spanish|
Spanish - English|Swedish|Thai|Thai - English|
The Standard Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese|Traditional Chinese|
Traditional Chinese - English|Turkish|Vietnamese - English]
The dictionary to extract or 'all'.
(Default: all) [Accepts multiple]
--format-xml / --no-format-xml Format the XML files using BeautifulSoup.
(Default: False)
--debug Output debug information to STDERR.
(Default: False)
--help Show this message and exit.
## Introduction
I need a ton of dictionary data for prototyping my learning a language tool, [Parsnip](https://solarmist.net/), and licensing 40 dictionaries seems too expensive for a bootstrapper working on an MVP (I look forward to the day this is no longer true).
Parsnip uses Natural Language Processing and Dictionaries to decouple the word <-> sentence tug-of-war that's existed as long as flashcards have been used for language learning. I.e., should I make a word (concept) or a sentence (example) flashcard?
I care about what words I know for tracking purposes, but I want those words in context when I'm practicing. So the learning system breaks down sentences into lemmas (or dictionary form of a word) and a database of example sentences that the words appear in. This resolves the conceptual tug-of-war for flashcards.
But by removing reference data from the flashcards themselves, I need to integrate reference material directly into Parsnip's UI. [JMDict](https://www.edrdg.org/wiki/index.php/JMdict-EDICT_Dictionary_Project) is a great open source project for this, but that only covers a single language. So, I've been keeping my eyes open for people working on extracting the data from Apple's bundled dictionaries.
This has been a community effort that's spanned several years. My contribution is to collect the results, clear up some details about the file format, and package it into a general command-line tool.
## References
This is inspired by
[Reverse-Engineering Apple Dictionary](https://fmentzer.github.io/posts/2020/dictionary/).
And the discussion on Hacker News
[Hacker News: Reverse-Engineering Apple Dictionary (2020)](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28505406). Special thanks to tim-- and enragedcacti who introduced me to `binwalk`. And dunham who mentioned the random bytes looking like `int`s of payload sizes.
Additionally, I've found these posts informative:
- https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/DictionaryServicesProgGuide/prepare/prepare.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006152-CH3-SW7
- https://jadedtuna.github.io/apple-dictionary/
- https://josephg.com/blog/reverse-engineering-apple-dictionaries/
- https://josephg.com/blog/apple-dictionaries-part-2/
- https://gist.github.com/josephg/5e134adf70760ee7e49d