# Applaud
`Applaud` is a Python client library for accessing [App Store Connect API](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi), generated by [Applaudgen](https://github.com/codinn/applaudgen).
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## Features
- [x] Support App Store Connect API latest version 1.6
- [x] Support `filter`, `fileds`, `include`, `limit`, `sort`, `exists` and other query parameters
- [x] All endpoints / paths are implemented, include, but not limited to: App Information, TestFlight, Users and Roles, Sales and Finances
- [x] Pythonic, all `camelCase` schema fields are represented as `snake_case` class attributes
- [x] Embrace [Python type hints](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0483/)
- [x] Use [Python Requests](https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/) to hanlde HTTP sessions
- [x] [ErrorResponse](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/errorresponse) can be catched as exception
## Installation
Install with `pip`:
pip install applaud
Install with [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/):
poetry add applaud
Install with [Pipenv](https://pipenv.pypa.io/en/latest/):
pipenv install applaud
## Usage
Calls to the API require authorization, so before we get started, you obtain keys to create the tokens from your organization’s App Store Connect account. See [Creating API Keys for App Store Connect API](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/creating_api_keys_for_app_store_connect_api) to create your keys and tokens.
### Connection
`Connection` is the core class of `Applaud`, it holds a connection between client and remote service, [generate a new token](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/generating_tokens_for_api_requests#3878467) before it expires.
from applaud.connection import Connection
# Create a connection object using API keys
In most of cases, all tasks you'd like to perform on remote service should be initiated from a `Connection` object. `Connection` has a bunch of functions help you create `…Endpoint` objects:
# Return an AppListEndpoint object
### Endpoint
A `…Endpoint` class encapsulates all operations you can perform on a specific resource. For example, this snippet fetches first two (sort by app name) apps that "ready for sale" and have game center enabled versions:
# Return an AppsResponse object
name: SortOrder.ASC
#### `…Endpoint.get()`
The `get()` operation initiates a HTTP `GET` request on the endpoint's path. For example, the URL of [List Apps](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/list_apps) service endpoint is:
GET https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/apps
The corresponding code in `Applaud`:
# Return an AppsResponse object
response = connection.apps().get()
for app in response.data:
print(f'{app.attributes.name}: {app.attributes.bundle_id}')
Unlike other operations (`create()`, `update()` and `delete()`), `get()` operation can be chained by query parameters functions:
You use `filter()` function to extract matching resources. For example:
filter[bundleId] Attributes, relationships, and IDs by which to filter.
The corresponding code in `Applaud`:
response = connection.apps().filter(
# or
bundle_id=["com.exmaple.app1", "com.exmaple.app2"]
for app in response.data:
print(f'{app.attributes.name}: {app.attributes.bundle_id}')
You use `include()` function to ask relationship data to include in the response. For example:
include Relationship data to include in the response.
[string] Possible values: appClips, appInfos, appStoreVersions,
availableTerritories, betaAppLocalizations,
betaAppReviewDetail, betaGroups, betaLicenseAgreement,
builds, ciProduct, endUserLicenseAgreement,
gameCenterEnabledVersions, inAppPurchases, preOrder,
preReleaseVersions, prices
The corresponding code in `Applaud`:
response = connection.apps().include(
# or
response = connection.apps().include(
[AppListEndpoint.Include.BETA_LICENSE_AGREEMENT, AppListEndpoint.Include.PRICES]
You use `fields()` function to ask fields data to return for included related resources in a `get()` operation. Related resources specified in `fields()` function *MUST* be included explicitly in `include()` function, otherwise, the remote service may not return the fields data that you expect. For example:
fields[betaLicenseAgreements] Fields to return for included related types.
[string] Possible values: agreementText, app
The corresponding code in `Applaud`:
beta_license_agreement=[BetaLicenseAgreementField.AGREEMENT_TEXT, BetaLicenseAgreementField.APP]
You use `limit()` function to restrict the maximum number of resources to return in a `get()` operation. For example:
limit Number of resources to return.
integer Maximum Value: 200
The corresponding code in `Applaud`:
# Return a response contains 10 apps at most
# Raise a ValueError exception, the maxinmu allowed value is 200
You can also included limit the number of related resources to return, as in `fields()` function, you *MUST* also specify the related resources explicitly in `include()` function. For example:
limit[appStoreVersions] integer
Maximum Value: 50
The corresponding code in `Applaud`:
# All returned apps have 5 related app store version at most
# Raise a ValueError exception, the maxinmu allowed value is 50
By leverage `limit()` function with `sort()` function, your script can be more responsive.
You use `sort()` function to sort the returned resources by attributes in ascending or descending order. For example:
sort Attributes by which to sort.
[string] Possible values: bundleId, -bundleId, name, -name, sku, -sku
The corresponding code in `Applaud`:
connection.apps().sort(name=SortOrder.ASC, bundleId=SortOrder.DESC).get()
`exists()` is a special type of filter – filter by existence or non-existence of related resource. For example:
exists[gameCenterEnabledVersions] [string]
The corresponding code in `Applaud`:
#### `…Endpoint.create()`
The `create()` operation initiates a HTTP `POST` request on the endpoint's path. For example, the URL of [Create an App Store Version](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/create_an_app_store_version) service endpoint is:
POST https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/appStoreVersions
The corresponding code in `Applaud`:
request = AppStoreVersionCreateRequest(
data = AppStoreVersionCreateRequest.Data(
relationships = AppStoreVersionCreateRequest.Data.Relationships(
app = AppStoreVersionCreateRequest.Data.Relationships.App(
data = AppStoreVersionCreateRequest.Data.Relationships.App.Data(
id = 'com.exmaple.app1'
attributes = AppStoreVersionCreateRequest.Data.Attributes(
version_string = '1.6',
platform = Platform.IOS,
copyright = f'Copyright © 2021 Codinn Technologies. All rights reserved.',
release_type = AppStoreVersionReleaseType.AFTER_APPROVAL
# Return an AppStoreVersionResponse object
reponse = connection.app_store_versions().create(request)
version = response.data
print(f'{version.version_string}: {version.created_date}, {version.app_store_state}')
#### `…Endpoint.update()`
The `update()` operation initiates a HTTP `PATCH` request on the endpoint's path. For example, the URL of [Modify an App Store Version](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/modify_an_app_store_version) service endpoint is:
PATCH https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/appStoreVersions/{id}
The corresponding code in `Applaud`:
# Get the version id created in previous example
version_id = version.data.id
# Update version's information
request = AppStoreVersionUpdateRequest(
data = AppStoreVersionUpdateRequest.Data(
id = version.data.id,
attributes = AppStoreVersionUpdateRequest.Data.Attributes(
version_string = '1.6.1',
platform = Platform.IOS,
copyright = f'Copyright © 2022 Codinn Technologies. All rights reserved.',
release_type = AppStoreVersionReleaseType.AFTER_APPROVAL
# Return an AppStoreVersionResponse object
reponse = connection.app_store_version(version_id).update(request)
version = response.data
print(f'{version.version_string}: {version.copyright}, {version.app_store_state}')
#### `…Endpoint.delete()`
The `delete()` operation initiates a HTTP `DELETE` request on the endpoint's path. For example, the URL of [Delete an App Store Version](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/delete_an_app_store_version) service endpoint is:
DELETE https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/appStoreVersions/{id}
The corresponding code in `Applaud`:
# Get the version id created in previous example
version_id = version.data.id
### Exceptions
`…Endpoint.get()`, `…Endpoint.create()`, `…Endpoint.update()` and `…Endpoint.delete()` may raise two types of exceptions:
1. HTTP request exceptions raised by [Python Requests](https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/api/#exceptions)
2. Remote service returns an [ErrorResponse](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/errorresponse)
For the second case, `Applaud` raises an `EndpointException` exception, and attaches all [`ErrorResponse.Error`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/errorresponse/errors) objects in `EndpointException.errors` attribute.
Some errors are harmless, for example, App Store Connect has no API for you to tell whether a tester has accepted beta test invitation or not. When you trying to resend invitations to testers, you may encounter an `ALREADY_ACCEPTED` error, it's safe to just ignore such error:
# Send / resend beta test invitations
response = connection.beta_tester_invitations().create(…)
except EndpointException as err:
already_accepted_error = False
for e in err.errors:
# silent this error
already_accepted_error = True
if not already_accepted_error:
raise err
## Caveats
- Query parameters functions (`filter()`, `include`, `fields` …) play a role only when using with `…Endpoint.get()`. Though there is no side effects if chain it with `…Endpoint.create()`, `…Endpoint.update()` and `…Endpoint.delete()` operations, it is not adviced.