APNs Proxy Python Client
Client program of `APNs Proxy
Server <https://github.com/voyagegroup/apns-proxy-server>`__
|Build Status|
pip install apns-proxy-client
How to Use
.. code:: python
from apns_proxy_client import APNSProxyClient
client = APNSProxyClient(host="localhost", port=5556, application_id="myapp")
with client:
# send "Hello" alerts to many tokens
for token in many_tokens:
client.send(token, 'Hello', badge=1)
# get disabled device tokens from feedback service
feedback = client.get_feedback()
OR use ``connect()`` and ``close()`` instead of ``with``
.. code:: python
from apns_proxy_client import APNSProxyClient
client = APNSProxyClient(host="localhost", port=5556, application_id="myapp")
# send "Hello" alerts to many tokens
for token in many_tokens:
client.send(token, 'Hello')
# get disabled device tokens from feedback service
feedback = client.get_feedback()
Set host and port for your server running on. application\_id is
specified in settings.py on apns-proxy-server.
send() method synopsis
.. code:: python
client = APNSProxyClient(host="localhost", port=5556, application_id="myapp")
with client:
# Simple
client.send(token, 'Hello')
# Custom sound (default = 'default')
client.send(token, 'Alert with custom sound', sound='custom')
# Message without sound
client.send(token, 'I am silent', sound=None)
# Badge
client.send(token, 'Alert with badge', badge=2)
# Change badge silently
client.send(token, None, sound=None, badge=9999)
# Set expiry (default = 1hour)
four_hours_later = int(time.time()) + (60 * 60 * 4)
client.send(token, 'I am long life', expiry=four_hours_later)
# Set priority (default = 10)
client.send(token, 'I am low priority', priority=5)
# For background fetch
client.send(token, None, sound=None, content_available=True)
# With custom field.
client.send(token, 'With custom field', custom={
'foo': True,
'bar': [200, 300],
'boo': "Hello"
# Finally following payload will send to APNs
# {
# "aps": {
# "alert": "With custom field",
# "sound": "default",
# },
# "foo": True,
# "bar": [200, 300],
# "boo": "Hello"
# Use JSON Payload
client.send(token, {
'body': 'This is JSON alert',
'action_loc_key': None,
'loc_key': 'loc key',
'loc_args': ['one', 'two'],
'launch_image': 'aa.png'
# All
client.send(token, 'Many opts', sound='foo', badge=2, content_available=True,
custom={"bar": "boo"}, expiry=four_hour_later, priority=5)
# Test. APNsProxyServer don't send to APNs
client.send(token, 'This message never send to device', test=True)
Parameters of send method
| Name | Type | Required | Default Value (Set on server) |
| token | string | yes | - |
| alert | string, unicode or dict | yes | - |
| sound | string | no | 'default' |
| badge | number | no | None |
| content\_available | bool | no | False |
| custom | dict | no | None |
| expiry | date | no | 1 hour |
| priority | number | no | 10 |
| test | bool | no | False |
get\_feedback() method synopsis
This client library provides a way to get disabled device tokens from
APNs feedback service; just call ``get_feedback()`` without any
``get_feedback()`` returns the dict that is a pair of "device\_token"
and "timestamp".
| Name | Type | Description |
| device\_token | string | The device token string which cannot be received push notifications |
| timestamp | float | The seconds since 00:00 on January 1, 1970 UTC. This value means a timestamp which APNs judged the device token should be disabled. |
.. code:: python
client = APNSProxyClient(host="localhost", port=5556, application_id="myapp")
with client:
feedback = client.get_feedback()
# a value of feedback likes the following dict:
# {
# "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef": 1399442843.0, # device_token : unix timestamp
# "abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789": 1399442892.0,
# }
For contributor
Makefile provides some useful commands.
| Command | Description |
| make setup | Setup work directory |
| make lint | Code check using flake8 |
| make test | Run tests |
.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/voyagegroup/apns-proxy-client-py.png?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/voyagegroup/apns-proxy-client-py