* Based on `gevent.wsgi <http://www.gevent.org/servers.html>`_, optimized for tens of thousands of concurrent users.
* Simple! Try it::
mkdir -p myproduct/api/v0
touch {myproduct,myproduct/api,myproduct/api/v0}/__init__.py
cat <<END >myproduct/api/v0/echo.py
# from myproduct.api import anything
def read(request):
response = request.copy()
response.server = 'myproduct'
return response
sudo apt-get install --yes gcc libevent-dev python-dev
sudo pip install apiphant
apiphant myproduct
# POST http://{host}:{port}/api/{version}/{t/a/r/g/e/t}/{action}
curl -X POST -d '{"hello": "world"}'
{"hello": "world", "server": "myproduct"}
* Automated functional tests in Python::
apiphant myproduct
cat <<END >test.py
from apiphant.test import test
test('echo', 'read', {"hello": "world"}, 200, {"hello": "world", "server": "myproduct"})
python test.py
POST {"hello": "world"} --> 200 {'hello': 'world', 'server': 'myproduct'}
* Please see how this shell script
`test.sh <https://github.com/denis-ryzhkov/apiphant/blob/master/tests/myproduct/api/test.sh>`_
can help to run Python tests in
`test.py <https://github.com/denis-ryzhkov/apiphant/blob/master/tests/myproduct/api/test.py>`_.
* Optional full-stack deploy! Supervisor, Nginx, Logrotate, Apt, Pip, etc.
* Copy `myproduct template <https://github.com/denis-ryzhkov/apiphant/blob/master/tests>`_.
* Replace ``myproduct`` with your product name in all configs and scripts.
* Run root ``deploy.sh`` and enjoy the show.
* This deploy framework is going:
* To get Virtualenv bootstraper.
* To be extracted to a separate opensource repo.
* Validate request fields and subfields, raise errors::
from apiphant.validation import ApiError, field, Invalid
def read(request):
id = field(request, 'id', is_required=True, valid_type=int)
# More options: default_value, valid_value, valid_length, max_length, explain.
item = get_item(id)
if not item:
raise Invalid('id')
# that is a shortcut for:
raise ApiError(400, {"field": "id", "state": "invalid"})
raise Invalid('id', id) # {"field": "id", "state": "invalid", "explain": -1}
* Background tasks may be scheduled::
cat <<END >myproduct/api/background.py # Or background/__init__.py importing modules of tasks.
from apiphant.background import seconds
def update_something():
apiphant-background myproduct
INFO at background.main:107 [2013-08-12 13:16:52,624] Task update_something: OK.
INFO at background.main:107 [2013-08-12 13:17:53,012] Task update_something: OK.
* Error tracebacks are logged and may be e.g. emailed::
def on_error(error):
send_email_message(to=email_config['user'], subject='Error', text=error, **email_config)
# See https://pypi.python.org/pypi/send_email_message
def update_something():
apiphant-background myproduct
ERROR at background.main:92 [2013-08-12 13:22:41,205] Task update_something failed:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "...myproduct/api/background.py", line 18, in update_something
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
INFO at background.main:104 [2013-08-12 13:22:43,229] on_error: OK.
# Email is sent.
* ``version`` value ``v0`` used in the example
`means <http://semver.org/>`_ API is not public yet, and maybe never will,
so is expected to be changed without notification.
* ``action`` is one of `CRUD <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete>`_:
``create``, ``read``, ``update``, ``delete``.
* Reasons why `CRUD <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete>`_
is implemented without use of HTTP methods
that are recommended by `REST <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer>`_:
* Best match for generally partial «Update» action is `PATCH <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5789>`_ method,
but it is not supported by our `gevent.wsgi <http://www.gevent.org/servers.html>`_ webserver and several clients.
* Much more standard ``PUT`` method means «Replace»,
that is not how «Update» should work in general case.
Imagine SQL ``UPDATE`` working as «Replace».
* Some cases allow only ``GET`` and ``POST``,
e.g. cross-origin requests in some browsers,
while at least ``DELETE`` method is required for full set of actions.
* So ``POST`` is selected as «a uniform method», suitable for all actions:
«The actual function performed by the POST method
is determined by the server» - `HTTP/1.1 <http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html>`_.
* `{"json": "object"} <http://json.org/>`_ is used for both request and response,
to speak one language easily with any client.
* No `X-Custom-HTTP: Headers <http://www.google.com/search?q=custom+http+headers>`_.
* No `?url=encoded%20query%20string <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Query_string#URL_encoding>`_.
* No need to check the type of root JSON value,
it is always ``object`` with self-describing names inside,
not just bare value like ``42``.
* However, URL still contains several request parameters, because:
* Different targets may be routed by load balancers
to different backend servers using simple URL location routing.
* ``version``, ``target`` and ``action`` are always required,
so may be positional parameters,
improving readability and saving resources in a natural way.
* The purity of the concept above should not stand in your way.
If you need e.g. to upload a file as "multipart/form-data",
you may use raw wsgi environ::
sudo pip install multipart
from multipart import parse_form_data
from apiphant.server import raw_environ
def create(environ):
forms, files = parse_form_data(environ)
* And if you need to return e.g. not "application/json",
you may use raw wsgi response, with or without ``@raw_environ``::
from apiphant.server import raw_environ, raw_response
def create(environ, start_response):
start_response(status, headers)
return [response]