Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition RandomMapScript GeneratingObjects Parser
Parser to extract, from AoE2 DE file, the code that would be produced when ran with the constants contained in the RandomMapScript files
.. code-block:: bash
pip install aoe2de_rms_gen_obj_parser
Basic usage
.. code-block:: python
from aoe2de_rms_gen_obj_parser import GeneratingObjectsParser
# We instantiate the GeneratingObjectsParser
parser = GeneratingObjectsParser("Path/to/", "Path/to/SomeRandomMapScript.rms")
# We must run the parsers each time an attribute is set, in order to update them
# We can now get the result for the parsing (done on the fly, that's why we must use run_parsers() first
parsed_content = parser.get_result()
Advanced Usage
The class GeneratingObjectsParser can be instantiate with up to 5 arguments.
Two are <<mandatory>> *(they won't have default values)*:
* ``path_gen_obj``, the path of the file
* ``path_rms_file``, the path of the .rms file *(like Arabia.rms, Arena.rms ...)*
The three others are <<optional>> *(they have default values)* but must respect defined values:
* ``map_size``, **must be a key of** ``aoe2de_rms_gen_obj_parser.const.MAP_SIZE_DICT``
* ``map_resources``, **must be a key of** ``aoe2de_rms_gen_obj_parser.const.MAP_RESOURCES_DICT``
* ``game_type``, **must be a key of** ``aoe2de_rms_gen_obj_parser.const.GAME_TYPE_DICT``
By default, these are set to ``TINY_MAP``, ``OTHER_RESOURCES`` and ``OTHER_GAME``
Because the attributes can be changed at will *(setters exposed)*, the files must be parsed first with ``run_parsers()``
before asking for a result with ``get_result()``
.. code-block:: python
from aoe2de_rms_gen_obj_parser import GeneratingObjectsParser
# We instantiate the GeneratingObjectsParser
parser = GeneratingObjectsParser()
... <some code>
... <some code>
parsed_content = parser.get_result()
Information about ****
* Contains the code for the map objects generation, from buildings, to resources, with units and some terrains,
such as Town Centers, Villagers, Scouts, Stones, Golds, Huntables, Lurables ...
* The previous code is encapsulated in various ``if, elseif, else`` statements.
Omitting ``else``, they will have their corresponding constraint on a constant defined elsewhere *(the .rms files)*
Information about **RandomMapScript.rms**
* Define base Land and Terrain
* Define seasons if needed/wanted
* Define the constants used by the file