<div align="center"><a href="https://anymotion.nttpc.co.jp/"><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/63082802/81498974-edf9a500-9302-11ea-8583-f8d6971a9b25.png"/></a></div>
# AnyMotion CLI
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This package provides a command line interface to [AnyMotion](https://anymotion.nttpc.co.jp/), which is a motion analysis API using pose estimation.
It uses the [AnyMotion Python SDK](https://github.com/nttpc/anymotion-python-sdk).
<div align="center"><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/63082802/81499044-7a0bcc80-9303-11ea-96b5-a779ae0adcf7.gif"/></div>
It works on Python 3.6.1 or higher.
## Installation
Install using [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/quickstart/):
$ pip install anymotion-cli
Alternatively, you can use [homebrew](https://brew.sh/) to install:
$ brew install nttpc/tap/anymotion-cli
## Getting Started
Before using anymotion-cli, you need to tell it about your credentials which issued by the [AnyMotion Portal](https://portal.anymotion.jp/).
You can do this in several ways:
- CLI command
- Credentials file
- Environment variables
The quickest way to get started is to run the `amcli configure` command:
$ amcli configure
AnyMotion Client ID: your_client_id
AnyMotion Client Secret: your_client_secret
To use environment variables, do the following:
export ANYMOTION_CLIENT_ID=<your_client_id>
export ANYMOTION_CLIENT_SECRET=<your_client_secret>
To use the credentials file, create an INI formatted file like this:
and place it in `~/.anymotion/credentials`.
**Note**: If set in both the credentials file and environment variables, the environment variables takes precedence.
## Usage
You can use `amcli`.
See the table below for more information, or run it with the `--help` option.
### Processing commands
| command name | description |
| -- | -- |
| upload | Upload the local movie or image file to the cloud storage. |
| download | Download the drawn file. |
| extract | Extract keypoints from image or movie. |
| analyze | Analyze the extracted keypoint data. |
| compare | Compare the two extracted keypoint data |
| draw | Draw based on the extracted keypoints or comparison results. |
The command name is represented by a verb.
### Display commands
| command name | description |
| -- | -- |
| image | Show the information of the uploaded images. |
| movie | Show the information of the uploaded movies. |
| keypoint | Show the extracted keypoints. |
| analysis | Show the analysis results. |
| comparison | Show the comparison results. |
| drawing | Show the information of the drawn images or movies. |
The command name is represented by a noun.
### Other commands
| command name | description |
| -- | -- |
| configure | Configure your AnyMotion Credentials. |
| interactive | Start interactive mode. |
### Examples
#### Draw keypoints in image file
First, upload the image file.
$ amcli upload image.jpg
Success: Uploaded image.jpg to the cloud storage. (image id: 111)
When the upload is complete, you will get an `image id`.
Extract keypoints using this `image id`.
$ amcli extract --image-id 111
Keypoint extraction started. (keypoint id: 222)
Success: Keypoint extraction is complete.
Draw points/lines to image using `keypoint id`.
$ amcli draw --keypoint-id 222
Drawing is started. (drawing id: 333)
Success: Drawing is complete.
Downloaded the file to image.jpg.
When the drawing is complete, the drawing file is downloaded (by default, to the current directory).
To save to a specific file or directory, use the `--out` option.
As shown below, you can also use `--path` option and `--with-drawing` in `extract` command to upload, extract keypoints, drawing at the same time.
$ amcli extract --path image.jpg --with-drawing
Success: Uploaded image.jpg to the cloud storage. (image id: 111)
Keypoint extraction started. (keypoint id: 222)
Success: Keypoint extraction is complete.
Drawing started. (drawing id: 333)
Success: Drawing is complete.
Downloaded the file to image.jpg.
#### Draw using rules
You can use the rules to draw a variety of things.
In the following example, draw the lines of stick picture in red.
$ amcli draw --keypoint-id 222 --rule '{"drawingType": "stickPicture", "pattern": "all", "color": "red"}'
In the following other example, draw only the skeleton.
$ amcli draw --keypoint-id 222 --bg-rule '{"skeletonOnly": true}'
You can also specify it in the JSON file.
$ amcli draw --keypoint-id 222 --rule-file rule.json
"drawingType": "stickPicture",
"pattern": "all",
"color": "red"
You can also write `rule` and `backgroundRule` at the same time when using `--rule-file`.
"rule": {
"drawingType": "stickPicture",
"pattern": "all",
"color": "red"
"backgroundRule": {
"skeletonOnly": true
For more information on the drawing rules, see the [documentation](https://docs.anymotion.jp/drawing.html).
#### Show extracted keypoints
You can use the `keypoint show` command to display the extracted keypoint data.
$ amcli keypoint show 1234
"id": 1234,
"image": null,
"movie": 123,
"keypoint": [
"leftKnee": [
The `--only` option allows you to display only the keypoint data.
$ amcli keypoint show 1234 --only
"leftKnee": [
"rightKnee": [
With [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/), it's also easy to take out only certain parts of the body.
$ amcli keypoint show 1234 --only | jq '[.[].leftKnee]'
The `--join` option also allows you to display related data.
$ amcli keypoint show 1234 --join
"id": 1234,
"image": null,
"movie": {
"id": 123,
"name": "movie",
"text": "Created by anymotion-cli.",
"keypoint": [
"leftKnee": [
## Interactive Mode
You can use interactive mode using `interactive` command.
$ amcli interactive
<div align="center"><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/63082802/92619134-1a96eb00-f2fc-11ea-92a2-2f36e9f652a4.png"/></div>
## Shell Complete
The anymotion-cli supports Shell completion.
For Bash, add this to `~/.bashrc`:
eval "$(_AMCLI_COMPLETE=source amcli)"
For Zsh, add this to `~/.zshrc`:
eval "$(_AMCLI_COMPLETE=source_zsh amcli)"
For Fish, add this to `~/.config/fish/completions/amcli.fish`:
eval (env _AMCLI_COMPLETE=source_fish amcli)
## Change Log
## Contributing
- Code must work on Python 3.6 and higher.
- Code should follow [black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/).
- Docstring should follow [Google Style](http://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html#38-comments-and-docstrings).
- Install all development dependencies using:
$ poetry install
- You can install a pre-commit hook to check:
$ poetry run pre-commit install
- Before submitting pull requests, run tests with:
$ poetry run tox
[pypi]: https://pypi.org/project/anymotion-cli
[pypi-version]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/anymotion-cli
[ci]: https://circleci.com/gh/nttpc/anymotion-cli
[ci-status]: https://circleci.com/gh/nttpc/anymotion-cli.svg?style=shield&circle-token=4f7564ae447f53ff1c6d3aadb2303b5d526c6fb8
[codecov]: https://codecov.io/gh/nttpc/anymotion-cli
[codecov-status]: https://codecov.io/gh/nttpc/anymotion-cli/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=6S0GIV4ZD9