# Antares Python
<img src="https://antares.id/assets/img/antarespy.png" width="300">
This is a Python library to simplify the connection to Antares IoT Platform. For more information about the platform itself, please visit the .
## Installation
Make sure you have Python (2 or 3) and pip installed.
pip install antares-http
### Usage Example
#### Send data
from antares_http import antares
myData = {
'temp' : 77,
'windsp' : 10
antares.send(myData, 'your-project-name', 'your-device-name')
#### Get latest data
from antares_http import antares
latestData = antares.get('your-project-name', 'your-device-name')
### API Reference
* `setAccessKey(access-key)`
Set the `access-key` parameter to your Antares access key.
* `setDebug(status)`
Set whether you want to show debug results of every HTTP request to Antares or not, can be set to `True` or `False`.
* `get(projectName, deviceName)`
Get the latest data from your Antares device.
return: latest data (json)
* `getAll(projectName, deviceName, limit=integer)`
Get a chunk of data from your Antares project, you can set the limitation by setting the `limit` parameter.
return: Chunk of data from your Antares device
* `getAllId(projectName, deviceName, limit=integer)`
Get a chunk of data IDs from your Antares project, you can set the limitation by setting the `limit` parameter.
return: Chunk of data IDs from your Antares device
* `getSpecific(projectName, deviceName, data-id)`
Get specific data from your Antares device, the `data-id` parameter looks like this: `cin_81723819`.
return: Specific device data
* `getDeviceId(projectName, deviceName)`
Get your Antares device ID.
return: antares device ID (i.e. `cnt-44637281`)
* `send(data, projectName, deviceName)`
Send data to your Antares project. This can be a python dictionary or string.
return: POST response data from Antares
* `sendById(data, device-id)`
Send data to your Antares device through Antares device ID which looks like `cnt-281727372`
return: POST response data from Antares
* `createDevice(projectName, newDeviceName)`
Create an Antares device in your Project.
return: device creation response
* `getDevices(projectName)`
Get all device names of Antares project
return: antares device names