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`PyPIM <https://pypim.docs.pyansys.com>`_ exposes a Pythonic interface to
communicate with the Product Instance Management (PIM) API.
What is the PIM API?
The PIM API is a gRPC API enabling library and application developers to
start a product in a remote environment and communicate with its API.
The PIM API is intended to be as simple as possible to be adaptable in a variety of
network and software infrastructures. Using this API does not require any
knowledge of its infrastructure. You need only know which product to
start and which API the product exposes. The PIM API itself exposes very few
features and assumes that all the configuration is set on a server.
The PIM API is not intended to manage stateless services, to be a job management
system, or a fully featured service orchestration API. Its purpose is to expose
a minimum feature set for managing service-oriented applications.
Getting Started
To use PyPIM, you must have access to the PIM API.
.. note::
The PIM API is a work in progress. There is no public exposure or
distribution of an implementation yet.
PyPIM itself is pure Python and relies on `gRPC`_.
.. _`gRPC`: https://grpc.io/
The ``ansys-platform-instancemanagement`` package is tested for Python 3.7 through
Python 3.10 on Windows and Linux.
.. code-block::
pip install ansys-platform-instancemanagement
By default, PyPIM is configured externally instead of via code. Anywhere in the
local storage, create a configuration file with the following format:
.. code-block:: json
"version": 1,
"pim": {
"uri": "dns:pim.svc.com:80",
"headers": {
"metadata-info": "value"
"tls": false
Then, define the environment variable
PyPIM is a single module called ``ansys.platform.instancemanagement``, shortened
to ``pypim``.
To start MAPDL and communicate with PyPIM:
.. code-block:: python
import ansys.platform.instancemanagement as pypim
from ansys.mapdl.core import Mapdl
if pypim.is_configured():
with pypim.connect() as pim:
with pim.create_instance(product_name="mapdl", product_version="221") as instance:
channel = instance.build_grpc_channel(options=[("grpc.max_receive_message_length", 8*1024**2)])
mapdl = Mapdl(channel=channel)
You can also use PyPIM without the ``with`` statement:
.. code-block:: python
import ansys.platform.instancemanagement as pypim
from ansys.mapdl.core import Mapdl
if pypim.is_configured():
pim = pypim.connect()
instance = pim.create_instance(product_name="mapdl", product_version="221")
channel = instance.build_grpc_channel(options=[("grpc.max_receive_message_length", 8*1024**2)])
mapdl = Mapdl(channel=channel)
PyPIM can be integrated in PyAnsys libraries to transparently switch to a remote
instance in a suitable environment. This process is described in the
integration topic.
For example, starting MAPDL with PyPIM is as simple as:
.. code-block:: python
from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
mapdl = launch_mapdl()
PyPIM is integrated in the following libraries:
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Library
- Product Name
- Version Scheme
- ``mapdl``
- Unified 3 digits