# AndEggs
AndEggs is a Python library that allows you to create an email bot using Gmail's API.
# Simple Documentation
## Client Class
The `Client` class will be the main entry point of your program.
### Create a Client
First, create a new client by calling the `Client` constructor:
>>> from andeggs import Client
>>> client = Client('CommandPrefix')
Then, you can use the `Client` object to interact with Gmail's API.
### Creating a Command
To create a command, you should create an asynchronous function that will be called when the command is triggered.
It should take in a `MailContext` object as its only parameter. This object contains all the information about the email that triggered the command.
To turn it into a command, use the `Client.command` decorator:
>>> @client.command('CommandName')
>>> async def command(context: MailContext):
>>> # Do something
>>> pass
### Sending an Email
To send an email, you should use the `Client.send` method:
>>> client.send(
>>> to='RecipientEmail',
>>> subject='Subject',
>>> body='Body',
>>> is_html=False,
>>> )
### Activating the Client
To activate the client, you should call the `Client.run` method:
>>> client.run('youremail', 'yourpassword')
### Events
Events are triggered when certain actions happen. Below is a list of the events that can be triggered and their parameters:
* `on_ready`: Triggered when the client is started.
* `on_message`: Triggered when a new email is received. The parameter is a `MailContext` object.
* `on_send`: Triggered when an email is sent. The parameter is a `MailContext` object.
* `on_command`: Triggered when a command is triggered. The parameter is a `MailContext` object.
* `on_stop`: Triggered when the client is stopped.
### Tasks
A task is a function that runs in the background. You can use the `Client.task` decorator to create a task:
>>> @client.task(interval=60)
>>> async def task():
>>> # Do something
>>> pass
## MailContext
On all of your commands, you will receive a `MailContext` object. This object contains all the information about the email that triggered the command.
### Attributes
- `sender`: A `Sender` object.
- `subject`: The subject of the email.
- `body`: The body of the email.
### Sending an Email
You can also send an email using the `MailContext.send` method:
>>> context.send(
>>> 'Body',
>>> )
If you want to format your text with html, you should use the `MailContext.sendf` method:
>>> context.sendf(
>>> '<p>{}</p>',
>>> 'Body',
>>> )