amaz3dpy is a Python SDK to interact with Amaz3d Web APIs.
This SDK is built by three main component:
- Object primitives for dealing with Authentication, Projects and Optimizations
- A simple Client that simplifies interaction with Web APIs providing authentication, projects handling (visualization, creation, etc.), optimizations handling (creation and download)
- A cli command for using Amaz3D from a terminal session
*Please consider that an Amaz3d account is required for using all functionalities*
*For further information visit:* `Adapta Studio Website <https://adapta.studio>`_
Object primitives
amaz3dpy provides primitives for interacting with Amaz3d functionalities.
Here you can find the import statements for the main objects:
.. code-block:: python
from amaz3dpy.auth import Auth
from amaz3dpy.projects import Projects
from amaz3dpy.models import LoginInput, Optimization, OptimizationOutputFormat, OptimizationParams, OptimizationPreset, Project
from amaz3dpy.optimizations import ProjectOptimizations
The client encapsulates object primitives to follow the application business logic:
.. code-block:: python
from amaz3dpy.clients import Amaz3DClient
from amaz3dpy.models import OptimizationOutputFormat, OptimizationParams, OptimizationPreset
amaz3dclient = Amaz3DClient()
preset = OptimizationPreset['medium']
format = OptimizationOutputFormat['format_fbx']
optimization1 = amaz3dclient.create_optimization("using presets", format, preset=preset)
params = OptimizationParams()
params.face_reduction = 0.5
params.feature_importance = 0
params.preserve_hard_edges = False
optimization2 = amaz3dclient.create_optimization("using parameters", format, params=params)
It is possible to run a simple interactive CLI application for creating projects and optimizations.
Open your terminal and run:
Run the *login* command, and insert your credentials
Projects management
It is possible to load and view projects by running *load_projects* and *projects*
The first command loads projects page by page.
The second command instead prints all projects loaded.
*create_project* is used to create a new project and to upload an object that could be optimized afterwards
Optimizations management
Before creating or visualizing optimization it is necessary to select a project with *select_project* command.
Optimization visualization follows the same logic of projects: use *load_optimizations* and *optimizations* commands
*create_optimization* is used to create an optimization for the selected project. It is possible to create optimization by selecting a preset or by tweaking advanced parameters
Downlaod an optimization
To download an optimization it is necessary to select it first using the *select_optimization* command.
After that an optimization is selected it is possible to download the result with the *download_selected_optimization* command.