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مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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Python module for the Amadeus travel APIs
ویژگی مقدار
سیستم عامل -
نام فایل amadeus-8.0.0
نام amadeus
نسخه کتابخانه 8.0.0
نگهدارنده []
ایمیل نگهدارنده []
نویسنده Amadeus
ایمیل نویسنده developers@amadeus.com
آدرس صفحه اصلی https://github.com/amadeus4dev/amadeus-python
آدرس اینترنتی https://pypi.org/project/amadeus/
مجوز MIT
Amadeus Python SDK ================== |Module Version| |Build Status| |Maintainability| |Dependencies| |Discord| Amadeus provides a rich set of APIs for the travel industry. For more details, check out the `Amadeus for Developers Portal <https://developers.amadeus.com>`__ or the `SDK class reference <https://amadeus4dev.github.io/amadeus-python>`__. Installation ------------ This SDK requires Python 3.8+. You can install it directly with pip: .. code:: sh pip install amadeus OR, add it to your `requirements.txt` file and install using: .. code:: sh pip install -r requirements.txt Getting Started --------------- To make your first API call, you will need to `register <https://developers.amadeus.com/register>`__ for an Amadeus Developer Account and `set up your first application <https://developers.amadeus.com/my-apps/>`__. .. code:: py from amadeus import Client, ResponseError amadeus = Client( client_id='REPLACE_BY_YOUR_API_KEY', client_secret='REPLACE_BY_YOUR_API_SECRET' ) try: response = amadeus.shopping.flight_offers_search.get( originLocationCode='MAD', destinationLocationCode='ATH', departureDate='2022-11-01', adults=1) print(response.data) except ResponseError as error: print(error) Examples -------------------------- You can find all the endpoints in self-contained `code examples <https://github.com/amadeus4dev/amadeus-code-examples>`_. Initialization -------------- The client can be initialized directly. .. code:: py # Initialize using parameters amadeus = Client(client_id='REPLACE_BY_YOUR_API_KEY', client_secret='REPLACE_BY_YOUR_API_SECRET') Alternatively, it can be initialized without any parameters if the environment variables ``AMADEUS_CLIENT_ID`` and ``AMADEUS_CLIENT_SECRET`` are present. .. code:: py amadeus = Client() Your credentials can be found on the `Amadeus dashboard <https://developers.amadeus.com/my-apps/>`__. By default, the SDK environment is set to ``test`` environment. To switch to a production (pay-as-you-go) environment, please switch the hostname as follows: .. code:: py amadeus = Client(hostname='production') Documentation ------------- Amadeus has a large set of APIs, and our documentation is here to get you started today. Head over to our `reference documentation <https://amadeus4dev.github.io/amadeus-python/>`__ for in-depth information about every SDK method, as well as its arguments and return types. - `Initialize the SDK <https://amadeus4dev.github.io/amadeus-python/#/client>`__ - `Find an Airport <https://amadeus4dev.github.io/amadeus-python/#amadeus.reference_data.locations.Airports>`__ - `Find a Flight <https://amadeus4dev.github.io/amadeus-python/#amadeus.shopping.FlightOffersSearch>`__ - `Get Flight Inspiration <https://amadeus4dev.github.io/amadeus-python/#shopping-flights>`__ Making API calls ---------------- This library conveniently maps every API path to a similar path. For example, ``GET /v2/reference-data/urls/checkin-links?airlineCode=BA`` would be: .. code:: py amadeus.reference_data.urls.checkin_links.get(airlineCode='BA') Similarly, to select a resource by ID, you can pass in the ID to the singular path. For example, ``GET /v2/shopping/hotel-offers/XZY`` would be: .. code:: py amadeus.shopping.hotel_offer('XYZ').get() You can make any arbitrary API call directly with the ``.get`` method as well: .. code:: py amadeus.get('/v2/reference-data/urls/checkin-links', airlineCode='BA') Or, with ``POST`` method: .. code:: py amadeus.post('/v1/shopping/flight-offers/pricing', body) Response -------- Every API call returns a ``Response`` object. If the API call contained a JSON response it will parse the JSON into the ``.result`` attribute. If this data also contains a ``data`` key, it will make that available as the ``.data`` attribute. The raw body of the response is always available as the ``.body`` attribute. .. code:: py from amadeus import Location response = amadeus.reference_data.locations.get( keyword='LON', subType=Location.ANY ) print(response.body) #=> The raw response, as a string print(response.result) #=> The body parsed as JSON, if the result was parsable print(response.data) #=> The list of locations, extracted from the JSON Pagination ---------- If an API endpoint supports pagination, the other pages are available under the ``.next``, ``.previous``, ``.last`` and ``.first`` methods. .. code:: py from amadeus import Location response = amadeus.reference_data.locations.get( keyword='LON', subType=Location.ANY ) amadeus.next(response) #=> returns a new response for the next page If a page is not available, the method will return ``None``. Logging & Debugging ------------------- The SDK makes it easy to add your own logger. .. code:: py import logging logger = logging.getLogger('your_logger') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) amadeus = Client( client_id='REPLACE_BY_YOUR_API_KEY', client_secret='REPLACE_BY_YOUR_API_SECRET', logger=logger ) Additionally, to enable more verbose logging, you can set the appropriate level on your own logger. The easiest way would be to enable debugging via a parameter during initialization, or using the ``AMADEUS_LOG_LEVEL`` environment variable. .. code:: py amadeus = Client( client_id='REPLACE_BY_YOUR_API_KEY', client_secret='REPLACE_BY_YOUR_API_SECRET', log_level='debug' ) List of supported endpoints --------------------------- .. code:: py # Flight Inspiration Search amadeus.shopping.flight_destinations.get(origin='MAD') # Flight Cheapest Date Search amadeus.shopping.flight_dates.get(origin='MAD', destination='MUC') # Flight Offers Search GET amadeus.shopping.flight_offers_search.get(originLocationCode='SYD', destinationLocationCode='BKK', departureDate='2022-11-01', adults=1) # Flight Offers Search POST amadeus.shopping.flight_offers_search.post(body) # Flight Offers Price flights = amadeus.shopping.flight_offers_search.get(originLocationCode='SYD', destinationLocationCode='BKK', departureDate='2022-11-01', adults=1).data amadeus.shopping.flight_offers.pricing.post(flights[0]) amadeus.shopping.flight_offers.pricing.post(flights[0:2], include='credit-card-fees,other-services') # Flight Create Orders amadeus.booking.flight_orders.post(flights[0], traveler) # Flight Order Management # The flight ID comes from the Flight Create Orders (in test environment it's temporary) # Retrieve the order based on it's ID flight_booking = amadeus.booking.flight_orders.post(body).data amadeus.booking.flight_order(flight_booking['id']).get() # Delete the order based on it's ID amadeus.booking.flight_order(flight_booking['id']).delete() # Flight SeatMap Display GET amadeus.shopping.seatmaps.get(**{"flight-orderId": "orderid"}) # Flight SeatMap Display POST amadeus.shopping.seatmaps.post(body) # Flight Availabilities POST amadeus.shopping.availability.flight_availabilities.post(body) # Branded Fares Upsell amadeus.shopping.flight_offers.upselling.post(body) # Flight Choice Prediction body = amadeus.shopping.flight_offers_search.get( originLocationCode='MAD', destinationLocationCode='NYC', departureDate='2022-11-01', adults=1).result amadeus.shopping.flight_offers.prediction.post(body) # Flight Checkin Links amadeus.reference_data.urls.checkin_links.get(airlineCode='BA') # Airline Code Lookup amadeus.reference_data.airlines.get(airlineCodes='U2') # Airport and City Search (autocomplete) # Find all the cities and airports starting by 'LON' amadeus.reference_data.locations.get(keyword='LON', subType=Location.ANY) # Get a specific city or airport based on its id amadeus.reference_data.location('ALHR').get() # City Search amadeus.reference_data.locations.cities.get(keyword='PAR') # Airport Nearest Relevant Airport (for London) amadeus.reference_data.locations.airports.get(longitude=0.1278, latitude=51.5074) # Flight Most Booked Destinations amadeus.travel.analytics.air_traffic.booked.get(originCityCode='MAD', period='2017-08') # Flight Most Traveled Destinations amadeus.travel.analytics.air_traffic.traveled.get(originCityCode='MAD', period='2017-01') # Flight Busiest Travel Period amadeus.travel.analytics.air_traffic.busiest_period.get(cityCode='MAD', period='2017', direction='ARRIVING') # Hotel Search v3 # Get list of available offers by hotel ids amadeus.shopping.hotel_offers_search.get(hotelIds='RTPAR001', adults='2') # Check conditions of a specific offer amadeus.shopping.hotel_offer_search('XXX').get() # Hotel List # Get list of hotels by hotel id amadeus.reference_data.locations.hotels.by_hotels.get(hotelIds='ADPAR001') # Get list of hotels by city code amadeus.reference_data.locations.hotels.by_city.get(cityCode='PAR') # Get list of hotels by a geocode amadeus.reference_data.locations.hotels.by_geocode.get(longitude=2.160873,latitude=41.397158) # Hotel Name Autocomplete amadeus.reference_data.locations.hotel.get(keyword='PARI', subType=[Hotel.HOTEL_GDS, Hotel.HOTEL_LEISURE]) # Hotel Booking # The offerId comes from the hotel_offer above amadeus.booking.hotel_bookings.post(offerId, guests, payments) # Hotel Ratings # What travelers think about this hotel? amadeus.e_reputation.hotel_sentiments.get(hotelIds = 'ADNYCCTB') # Points of Interest # What are the popular places in Barcelona (based a geo location and a radius) amadeus.reference_data.locations.points_of_interest.get(latitude=41.397158, longitude=2.160873) # What are the popular places in Barcelona? (based on a square) amadeus.reference_data.locations.points_of_interest.by_square.get(north=41.397158, west=2.160873, south=41.394582, east=2.177181) # Returns a single Point of Interest from a given id amadeus.reference_data.locations.point_of_interest('9CB40CB5D0').get() # Location Score amadeus.location.analytics.category_rated_areas.get(latitude=41.397158, longitude=2.160873) # Safe Place # How safe is Barcelona? (based a geo location and a radius) amadeus.safety.safety_rated_locations.get(latitude=41.397158, longitude=2.160873) # How safe is Barcelona? (based on a square) amadeus.safety.safety_rated_locations.by_square.get(north=41.397158, west=2.160873, south=41.394582, east=2.177181) # What is the safety information of a location based on it's Id? amadeus.safety.safety_rated_location('Q930400801').get() # Trip Purpose Prediction amadeus.travel.predictions.trip_purpose.get(originLocationCode='ATH', destinationLocationCode='MAD', departureDate='2022-11-01', returnDate='2022-11-08') # Flight Delay Prediction amadeus.travel.predictions.flight_delay.get(originLocationCode='NCE', destinationLocationCode='IST', departureDate='2022-08-01', \ departureTime='18:20:00', arrivalDate='2022-08-01', arrivalTime='22:15:00', aircraftCode='321', carrierCode='TK', flightNumber='1816', duration='PT31H10M') # Airport On-Time Performance amadeus.airport.predictions.on_time.get(airportCode='JFK', date='2022-11-01') # Airport Routes amadeus.airport.direct_destinations.get(departureAirportCode='BLR') # Trip Parser # Encode to Base64 your booking confirmation file (.html, .eml, .pdf supported) response = amadeus.travel.trip_parser.post(amadeus.travel.from_file(path_to_file)) # Alternatively you can use a Base64 encoded content directly response = amadeus.travel.trip_parser.post(amadeus.travel.from_base64(base64)) # Or you can call the API with the JSON directly response = amadeus.travel.trip_parser.post(body) # Travel Recommendations amadeus.reference_data.recommended_locations.get(cityCodes='PAR', travelerCountryCode='FR') # Retrieve status of a given flight amadeus.schedule.flights.get(carrierCode='AZ', flightNumber='319', scheduledDepartureDate='2022-09-13') # Tours and Activities # What are the popular activities in Madrid (based a geo location and a radius) amadeus.shopping.activities.get(latitude=40.41436995, longitude=-3.69170868) # What are the popular activities in Barcelona? (based on a square) amadeus.shopping.activities.by_square.get(north=41.397158, west=2.160873, south=41.394582, east=2.177181) # Returns a single activity from a given id amadeus.shopping.activity('4615').get() # Returns itinerary price metrics amadeus.analytics.itinerary_price_metrics.get(originIataCode='MAD', destinationIataCode='CDG', departureDate='2021-03-21') # Travel Restrictions v2 amadeus.duty_of_care.diseases.covid19_report.get(countryCode='US') # Airline Routes amadeus.airline.destinations.get(airlineCode='BA') Development & Contributing -------------------------- Want to contribute? Read our `Contributors Guide <.github/CONTRIBUTING.md>`__ for guidance on installing and running this code in a development environment. License ------- This library is released under the `MIT License <LICENSE>`__. Help ---- You can find us on `StackOverflow <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/amadeus>`__ or join our developer community on `Discord <https://discord.gg/cVrFBqx>`__. .. |Module Version| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/amadeus.svg :target: https://pypi.org/project/amadeus/ .. |Build Status| image:: https://github.com/amadeus4dev/amadeus-python/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/amadeus4dev/amadeus-python/actions/workflows/build.yml .. |Maintainability| image:: https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/c2e19cf9628d6f4aece2/maintainability :target: https://codeclimate.com/github/amadeus4dev/amadeus-python/maintainability .. |Dependencies| image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amadeus4dev/amadeus-python/master/.github/images/dependencies.svg?sanitize=true :target: https://badge.fury.io/py/amadeus .. |Discord| image:: https://img.shields.io/discord/696822960023011329?label=&logo=discord&logoColor=ffffff&color=7389D8&labelColor=6A7EC2 :target: https://discord.gg/cVrFBqx

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>=3.4.8 Python

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    pip install amadeus-8.0.0.whl

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    pip install amadeus-8.0.0.tar.gz