# AltDG API Python Tools
Command-line tool with methods to consume the [AltDG API](https://developer.altdg.com) in bulk.
© [Alternative Data Group](https://www.altdg.com/). All rights reserved.
## Contents
- [AltDG API Python Tools](#AltDG-api-python-tools)
- [Contents](#contents)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Authorization](#authorization)
- [Free tier key](#free-tier-key)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Domain mapper](#domain-mapper)
- [Merchant mapper](#merchant-mapper)
- [Product mapper](#product-mapper)
- [Command arguments (options)](#command-arguments-options)
- [Development](#development)
- [Usage as library](#usage-as-library)
- [Support](#support)
## Requirements
Python 3.6+
> See also requirements.txt
## Installation
Run the following commands in your shell:
# install as usual python package
pip install altdg
# ... or install "altdg" package directly from repo
pip install git+https://github.com/altdg/bulk_mapper.git
# ... or if you want to get samples for testing, clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/altdg/bulk_mapper.git altdg
pip install -e altdg
Now everything is ready to run the tool.
## Authorization
To use this tool you must have a valid app key to the [AltDG API](https://developer.altdg.com).
Methods are available depending on you account type with AltDG.
## Free tier key
Use this key to try the API for free: **f816b9125492069f7f2e3b1cc60659f0**
Sign up at https://developer.altdg.com/ to get a non-trial key.
## Usage
A preferred way to run the tool is to load it as module with the `python` command.
Run the tool with `--help` flag to display command's usage:
altdg --help
### Domain mapper
Maps domain names from given text to structured company information.
> More details in https://developer.altdg.com/docs#domain-mapper
This will run all the domains in the provided text file (one per line expected):
altdg -e domain-mapper sample-domains.txt -k "f816b9125492069f7f2e3b1cc60659f0"
Sign up at https://developer.altdg.com/ to get a non-trial key.
A CSV output file will be created automatically with the same path as the input file but prepending the current date.
[sample-domains.txt](sample-domains.txt) is a sample list of domains we included in our repo. This file is downloaded as part of this package, no need to re-create it.
### Merchant mapper
Maps strings from transactional purchase text (e.g. credit card transactions) to structured company information.
> More details in https://developer.altdg.com/docs#merchant-mapper
altdg -e merchant-mapper sample-merchants.txt -k "f816b9125492069f7f2e3b1cc60659f0"
Sign up at https://developer.altdg.com/ to get a non-trial key.
A CSV output file will be created automatically with the same path as the input file but prepending the current date.
[sample-merchants.txt](sample-merchants.txt) is a sample list of domains we included in our repo. This file is downloaded as part of this package, no need to re-create it.
### Product mapper
Maps strings from product related text (e.g. inventory) to structured company information.
> More details in https://developer.altdg.com/docs#product-mapper
altdg -e product-mapper sample-products.txt -k "f816b9125492069f7f2e3b1cc60659f0"
Sign up at https://developer.altdg.com/ to get a non-trial key.
A CSV output file will be created automatically with the same path as the input file but prepending the current date.
### Command arguments (options)
* `-e <endpoint>` `--endpoint` Type of mapper. Choices are "merchant-mapper", "domain-mapper" and "product-mapper".
* `-k <key>` `--key` AltDG API application key.
* `-o <filename>` `--out` Output file path. If not provided, the input file name is used with the ".csv" extension, prepended with the date and time.
* `-F` `--force` When providing a specific out_file, some results may already exist in that file for an input.
Use this option to force re-process results that are already in that output file, otherwise existing
results won't be processed again. Previous results are NOT overwritten, a new CSV row is added.
* `-n` `--num-threads` Number of requests to process in parallel. (See `--help` for max and default)
* `-r` `--num-retires` Number of retries per request. (See `--help` for max and default)
* `-t` `--timeout` API request timeout (in seconds). (See `--help` for max and default)
* `-th <hint>` `--type-hint` Improves the accuracy by providing the industry name or any keyword hint relevant to the inputs. E.g. `-th "medical"`
## Usage as library
You may use `AltdgAPI` class from your python program:
from altdg.api import AltdgAPI
# initialize Mapper class with your key
mapper = AltdgAPI('domain-mapper', api_key='f816b9125492069f7f2e3b1cc60659f0')
# single query
# single query with hint
print(mapper.query('abc.com', hint='news'))
# bulk query
print(mapper.bulk_query(['yahoo.com', 'amazon.com']))
# bulk query with same hint for all inputs
print(mapper.bulk_query(['yahoo.com', 'amazon.com'], hint='company'))
# bulk query with overwriting hint
('purple mint', 'restaurant'), # (input, hint) tuple
'amazon', # just input with base hint
], hint='company')) # base hint
## Support
Please email info@altdg.com if you need to contact us directly.