# allin
Allin is an experimental asynchronous web framework.
Table of Contents:
* [:raised_eyebrow: Why ?](#🤨-why)
* [:books: Roadmap](#📚-roadmap)
* [:star_struck: Features](#🤩-features)
* [:love_you_gesture: Quick Start](#🤟-quick-start)
* [:sunglasses: Installation](#😎-installation)
* [From source](#install-from-source)
* [With `pip`](#install-with-pip)
`Allin` is heavily inspired by [Flask](https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.2.x/), [Starlette](https://www.starlette.io/) & [Falcon](https://falconframework.org/).
## :raised_eyebrow: Why ?
> I'm just curious :monocle_face:
[ASGI]: https://asgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest
Yup, I'm curious about how a web application based on [ASGI] works.
It may not yet fully comply with the [ASGI] application specifications as documented. But, for the main features like route mapping, HTTP responses, error handling, parsing the request body it's there.
...and I want to build my own framework from scratch so I know how the application works.
Literally, the "framework parts" weren't built from scratch as I also used third party modules and some "parts from other sources" were used as references.
> _This is part of the journey_
## :books: Roadmap
- [x] ASGI Lifespan Support
- [x] HTTP Support
- [x] Parse HTTP Headers
- [x] Parse HTTP Request
- [x] Request Body Stream (Useful for dealing with large data)
- [x] JSON Body Support
- [x] MessagePack Body Support
- [x] Form Data Support
- [x] Cookies
- [x] Query Parameters
- [x] HTTP Responses
- [x] JSONResponse
- [x] MessagePackResponse
- [ ] HTTP Middleware
- [ ] Before HTTP Request
- [ ] After HTTP Request
- [x] Routing
- [x] Decorator shortcuts such as `@get`, `@post`, `@put`, etc. are available.
- [x] Nesting routers
- [ ] Websocket Support
## :star_struck: Features
- [x] Global variables. (It means, you can access the `app` and `request` object instances globally)
- [x] Error handling
- [x] `JSON` and `MessagePack` requests are supported out of the box (thanks to [msgspec](https://github.com/jcrist/msgspec))
- [x] Form Data Support (`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` or `multipart/form-data`)
- [x] Decorator shortcuts such as `@get`, `@post`, `@put`, etc. are available.
- [x] Nesting routers
## :love_you_gesture: Quick Start
Here is an example application based on the `Allin` framework and I'm sure you are familiar with it.
from allin import Allin, JSONResponse
app = Allin()
async def index():
return JSONResponse({"message": "Hello World!"})
<summary>:point_down: Explanation</summary>
* The `app` variable is the ASGI application instance.
* And we create an endpoint with the route `/` on the line `app.route(...)`
* Then we add the `index()` function to handle the `/` route.
* And the handler function will return a JSON response with the content `{"message": "Hello World!"}`
That's it! looks familiar right?
Want more? check out other [sample projects here](https://github.com/aprilahijriyan/allin/tree/main/examples)
## :sunglasses: Installation
### Install from source
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/aprilahijriyan/allin.git
cd allin
Need https://python-poetry.org/ installed on your device
poetry build
pip install ./dist/*.whl
### Install with `pip`
Currently I just published the pre-release version `v0.1.1a0`. So, maybe you need to install it with the `--pre` option. Example:
pip install --pre allin