## algoxtools
### A practical implementation of Donald Knuth's Algorithm X in Python using Numpy and Numba.
#### Open sourced implementations of [Algorithm X](https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~jchu/publicportal/sudoku/0011047.pdf) in Python are plentiful.<br/>Justification of creating algoxtools is that although existing packages are compact and elegantly coded in object oriented Python<br/>A drawback is that for more complex exact cover problems processing the Python interpreted node objects used in the NP-complete algorithm becomes slow. Since use of classes in Python has a poor relation with source to source compilers such as Numba, resulting speed gains of running them through a compiler are discouraging.<br/>
In algoxtools the web of dr. Knuth's Dancing Links is embedded in a numpy array. Since numpy arrays are homogeneous by design and boast high performance libraries, algoxtools aims to come more close to machine level than existing Python solutions by densifying the actual process.<br/>
The array space used by algoxtools is 3d, arranged in rows, columns, the third dimension being used for substitutes of class attributes such as pointers and index values. Headers for rows and columns as well as meta data such as current row, column, level and solution at hand are all embedded in the array as well, making the variables as easy to pass such as a conventional object.<br/>
Algoxtools facilitates unlinking and relinking of rows and columns at once by eleborate indexing which avoids handling each individual node chain*.<br/>Moreover the indexing used shakes off the need for recursion, which allows for effortless returns to caller level from a single function.<br/>
The array organisation is sparse and uses 16 bit ints. If needed, int size can be easily adapted.<br/>Dynamic allocation of nodes could further optimize use of memory and squeeze out a bit of performance gain, but remains to be implemented.
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## Installation
pip install algoxtools
## Api example
Data taken from [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuth%27s_Algorithm_X)
import algoxtools as axt
import numpy as np
dt = np.int16
# Initialize array
array = axt.init( 6, 7 )
# Assign nodes. Rows and cols start from 1!
axt.annex_row( array, 1, np.array([ 1, 4, 7 ], dt ) )
axt.annex_row( array, 2, np.array([ 1, 4 ], dt ) )
axt.annex_row( array, 3, np.array([ 4, 5, 7 ], dt ) )
axt.annex_row( array, 4, np.array([ 3, 5, 6 ], dt ) )
axt.annex_row( array, 5, np.array([ 2, 3, 6, 7 ], dt ) )
axt.annex_row( array, 6, np.array([ 2, 7 ], dt ) )
# Get result
ii = array[ INDEX, INDEX ]
while axt.exact_cover( array ):
print( array[ META, SOLUTION : ii[VALUE], VALUE ] )
[2 4 6]
Above example is enclosed in jupyter notebook format in the [examples folder](https://github.com/Seemee/algoxtools/tree/master/examples)
## Quick api reference guide:
### array = init( rows, columns )
Initializes algoxtools array.<br/>
Internally the number of columns is one higher than the given value and is used for indexing.<br/>
The internal number of rows is two higher than the given value and is used for indexing and storing meta data<br/>
Rows and columns values cannot exceed the np.int16 maximum value - 1 (+32,766)
### Example:
import algoxtools as axt
array = axt.init( 6, 7 )
### annex_row( array, row_number, numpy.array( column 1, column 2, .. column n , numpy.int16) )
Assigns linked nodes to the specified columns in a specific row.<br/>
row and col values should be higher than 1 and cannot exceed numpy.int16 maximum value - 1<br/>
In order to solve an exact cover, all rows must contain at least one node.<br/>
### Example:
axt.annex_row( array, 4, np.array([ 3, 5, 6 ], np.int16 ) )
### bool exact_cover( array )
This is the main function allowing to flip through the exact covers, it returns a boolean True if an exact cover solution is reached and returns a boolean False if finished.
### Example:
while axt.exact_cover( array )
print( array[ -1, 1 : array[ 0,0,-1 ], -1 ] )
## Miscellaneous functions used internally
### bool isempty( array )
Returns boolean True if an exact cover is reached else returns a False
### Example:
if axt.isempty( array ):
## Exact cover found
level = array[ 0, 0, -1 ]
print( array[ -1, 1:level, -1 ]
### bool mcr_cover( array )
Minimum column rows cover (Or Most-constrained column rows cover) is a composite of the internal min_col() and cover() functions.<br/>
Initialy it selects the first column with the least number of nodes and the first row in that column as an entry, after which it covers the nodes linked to that entry.<br/>
In subsequent calls mcr_cover selects a next row entry in that column and covers it until all rows are depleted.<br/>
Returns a boolean False if no more rows are available, else returns a True<br/>
Balanced by Uncover, this function can be used recurively as well as in a flat loop.<br/>
### void uncover( array )
Uncover the nodes previously linked to current row and colum entry in the array (selected by mcr_cover)
### Internal organisation of algoxtools array:
0,0 Index,Index------------- Column Indices ----------------------- 0,-1
| Node 1,1 Node 1,2 Node 1,Columns
| Node 2,1 Node 2,2 Node 2,Columns
indices | | |
| | | |
| Node Rows,1 Node Rows,2 Node Rows,Columns
-1,0 --------------------------- Meta data ---------------------- -1, -1
NB The row and column indices are basically unlinked nodes keeping track of entry positions and node count
### Specific array locations used in api's
Level: array[ 0, 0,-1 ]
Solution count: array[-1, 0, 0 ]
Solution row numbers: array[-1, 1: level, -1 ]
### Node attributes
Name Description Value
L Left link pointer 0
R Right link pointer 1
U Up link pointer 2
D Down link pointer 3
LINKED Node or index link status 4
VALUE Stores miscellaneous values 5 (-1)
## Usage examples of internal functions:
### 1. Recursive solver:
import algoxtools as axt
ii = array[ INDEX, INDEX ]
def search(array): # Level up
ii[VALUE] += 1
if axt.isempty(array):
print( array[ META, SOLUTION : ii[VALUE], VALUE ] )
while axt.mcr_cover(array):
ii[VALUE] -= 1 # Level down
search( array )
### 2. Flat loop solver:
This example of an exact_cover function is taken from the source code of algoxtools
Note that this function can be compiled while still being able to hop in and out to interpreter level with results
import algoxtools as axt
from numba import njit
def exact_cover( array ):
ii = array[ INDEX, INDEX ]
if ii[VALUE] == 0:
# First time:
# Reset solution counter
# Level up
ii[VALUE] += 1
# Consecutive time, Level down
ii[VALUE] -= 1
if ii[VALUE] == 0:
return False
# Uncover preceding exact cover
while True:
# If any left, get next row in column with minimum node count and cover it
if mcr_cover(array):
# Level up
ii[VALUE] += 1
# If exact cover found, hop in and out with result
if isempty(array):
return True
# Else backtrack
# Level down
ii[VALUE] -= 1
if ii[VALUE] == 0:
# Exit loop
return False
# Uncover preceding trivial cover
ii = array[ INDEX, INDEX ]
while exact_cover( array ):
print( array[ META, SOLUTION : ii[VALUE], VALUE ] )
## * Unlinking and relinking nodes:<br/>
The illustration below which is taken from [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuth%27s_Algorithm_X) shows how nodes are covered in algoxtools:<br/>
In the example the entry at column 1, row 1 is heuristically chosen to be covered.<br/>
<img src="https://github.com/Seemee/algoxtools/blob/master/images/Cover%20example.PNG" width="300"><br/>
Since the nodes at the red ones in Columns (1,4,7) and rows (A,B,C,E,F) are not linked to any other outside nodes, they are unlinked just by row and column index without unlinking each individual node.<br/>
<img src="https://github.com/Seemee/algoxtools/blob/master/images/Loose%20nodes%20example.png" width="300"><br/>
In the example the remaining ones in the red boxes, (C5,E2,E3,E6 and F2) are what I call 'loose nodes'.<br/>
They are situated in an unlinked row but not in an unlinked column and are possibly attached to external nodes. So, unlike the other nodes which are left untouched, loose nodes are handled individually ie. unlinked and relinked one by one.<br/>
NB common in most other implementations of Algorithm X only the down link of the upper node and the up link of the down nodes are changed, right and left links do not need to be modified since the row being made inactive they are not externally referenced.