# ajsonapi: asynchronous JSON API
## What is it?
*ajsonapi* is a Python package for creating a [JSON API][json-api] web server
backed by a database from a user-provided object model.
## How to specify an object model?
Let's look at a simple object model specification.
# model.py
from ajsonapi import (JSON_API,
class Persons(JSON_API):
name = Attribute(String)
articles = OneToManyRelationship('Articles', rfkey='person_id')
class Articles(JSON_API):
title = Attribute(String)
author = ManyToOneRelationship('Persons', lfkey='person_id')
This model contains two class definitions: `Persons` and `Articles`. A person
has a name and can author zero of more articles. An article has a title and
has exactly one author (who is a person). The only parts in the model that may
be unobvious are the `lfkey` and `rfkey` parameters in the relationship
definitions. They are abbreviations for *local foreign key* and *remote
foreign key*, respectively. Ajsonapi uses these parameters to identify that
`Persons.articles` and `Articles.author` are each other's reverse relationship
and to persist objects and their relationships in the database.
For a more elaborate (albeit abstract) object model see [ajsonapi's model for
functional testing][functest-model].
## How to create a web server?
# app.py
from aiohttp.web import run_app
from ajsonapi import Application
import model # Or directly include the above code snippet
async def make_app():
app = Application()
await app.connect_database('postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/db')
await app.create_tables()
return app.app
## What does ajsonapi provide?
From the above six line model, ajsonapi creates a web server that supports the
following eighteen operations (combinations of HTTP method and URI) as
described by the [JSON API specification][json-api-spec].
GET, POST /persons
GET, PATCH, DELETE /persons/{id}
GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE /persons/{id}/relationships/articles
GET /persons/{id}/articles
GET, POST /articles
GET, PATCH, DELETE /articles/{id}
GET, PATCH /articles/{id}/relationships/author
GET /articles/{id}/author
All `GET` operations that return a collection support the `?include`, `?fields`,
`?filter`, `?sort`, and `?page` query parameters. All objects created and
manipulated through the web server are persisted in a Postgres database by ajsonapi.
## Where to get it?
pip install ajsonapi
[json-api]: https://jsonapi.org
[json-api-spec]: https://jsonapi.org/format
[functest-model]: https://gitlab.com/rvdg/ajsonapi/blob/master/ajsonapi/functests/model.py