.. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/pingviini/aja.png
:target: http://travis-ci.org/pingviini/aja
Aja provides Fabric_ tasks for deploying buildouts_ from staging server to
remote production servers:
* it assumes buildout with absolute path (this is the buildout default)
* it assumes that all the relevant paths (python, buildout, shared eggs, etc)
are identical for the staging and production servers
* bootstrap and buildout are always run on the staging server only
* buildout is deployed by pushing its bin-, parts- and (local or shared)
eggs-directories into the remote production server using rsync
.. _buildout: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout
.. _buildouts: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout
.. _Fabric: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Fabric
Aja can be installed like any Python package:
.. code:: bash
$ pip install aja
But be aware that Aja comes with the following dependencies
* Fabric
* paramiko
* zc.buildout
* setuptools
* ecdsa
* pycrypto
and therefore, it's recommended to use a dedicated virtualenv.
Aja doesn't have it's own executable, but is executed using Fabric's ``fab``
command. Of course, it is possible to symlink that as ``aja``.
Aja is configured with a fabfile, e.g. ``fabfile.py``:
.. code:: python
import fabric.api
'buildout_directory_prefix': '', # optional
'buildout_extends_prefix': '', # optional
from aja.tasks import *
``buildout_directory_prefix`` provides optional convenience when creating new
buildouts or when looking for buildouts for the other commands.
``buildout_extends_prefix`` provides optional convenience when creating new
Aja maps Fabric's hosts into buildouts so that for each buildout, it fills
``fabric.api.env`` with variables from ``[aja]`` part in the buildout (this is
quite similar to `collective.hostout`_). The rest of the resolved buildout file
can be found at ``fabric.api.env.buildout``.
.. _collective.hostout: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/collective.hostout
An example ``[aja]`` part could look like:
.. code:: ini
executable = /usr/local/python/bin/python
host_string = buildout@production
key_filename = /home/buildout/.ssh/id_rsa
This part would configure Aja tasks to use particular Python virtualenv for
running the buildout
push the results into server ``production`` by performing rsync using the
given key file.
Example Aja usage could look like:
.. code:: bash
$ fab create:/var/buildout/plone,/vagrant/plone-4.3.cfg
$ fab -H /var/buildout/plone buildout push
And with the following convenience configuration in fabfile:
.. code:: python
import fabric.api
'buildout_directory_prefix': '/var/buildout',
'buildout_extends_prefix': '/vagrant',
from aja.tasks import *
The previous example usage could look like:
.. code:: bash
$ fab create:plone,plone-4.3.cfg
$ fab -H plone buildout push
.. note::
``buildout_extends_prefix`` can also be an URL like
Aja provides only the most basic fabric tasks, but it provides a custom
task class ``aja.tasks.AjaTask``, which provides resolved buildout
at ``fabric.api.env.buildout``. This makes it easy to define custom tasks
in your fabfile, e.g.
.. code:: python
from fabric import api
from fabric.operations import run
from aja.tasks import AjaTask
def purge():
buildout_bin = api.env.buildout['buildout'].get('bin-directory')
buildout_parts = api.env.buildout['buildout'].get('parts-directory')
run('rm -rf {0:s}'.format(buildout_bin))
run('rm -rf {0:s}'.format(buildout_parts))
purge.__doc__ = \
"""Clean bin- and parts-directories (e.g. before push)
0.9.2 (2017-05-10)
- Add support for bootstrap cmd to read setuptools and zc.buildout versions
from buildout
0.9.1 (2016-04-26)
- Add aja-alias for fabric as a console script
0.9.0 (2015-01-14)
- First release.