# Airflow Code Editor Plugin
A plugin for [Apache Airflow](https://github.com/apache/airflow) that allows you to edit DAGs in browser.
It provides a file managing interface within specified directories and it can be used to edit, upload, and download your files.
If git support is enabled, the DAGs are stored in a Git repository. You may use it to view Git history, review local changes and commit.
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[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/psf/black)
### System Requirements
* Airflow Versions
* 1.10.3 or newer
* git Versions (git is not required if git support is disabled)
* 2.0 or newer
### Screenshots
![File manager](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1288154/133688225-1a5e2298-bfb2-402f-999c-1126b4e4ceb5.png)
![Code editor](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1288154/133688469-96a0ae00-a1dd-4923-b09a-59cd41a5b4e7.png)
![Git tags](https://andreax79.github.io/airflow-code-editor/screenshots/3.png)
![Git workspace](https://andreax79.github.io/airflow-code-editor/screenshots/4.png)
### Install Instructions
1. Install the plugin
pip install airflow-code-editor
2. Install optional dependencies
* black - Black Python code formatter
* fs-s3fs - S3FS Amazon S3 Filesystem
* fs-gcsfs - Google Cloud Storage Filesystem
* ... other filesystems supported by PyFilesystem - see https://www.pyfilesystem.org/page/index-of-filesystems/
pip install black fs-s3fs fs-gcsfs
3. Restart the Airflow Web Server
4. Open Admin - DAGs Code Editor
### Config Options
You can set options editing the Airflow's configuration file or setting environment variables.
You can edit your *airflow.cfg* adding any of the following settings in the \[code_editor\] section.
All the settings are optional.
* **enabled** enable this plugin (default: True).
* **git_enabled** enable git support (default: True). If git is not installed, disable this option.
* **git_cmd** git command (path)
* **git_default_args** git arguments added to each call (default: -c color.ui=true)
* **git_author_name** human-readable name in the author/committer (default logged user first and last names)
* **git_author_email** email for the author/committer (default: logged user email)
* **git_init_repo** initialize a git repo in DAGs folder (default: True)
* **root_directory** root folder (default: Airflow DAGs folder)
* **line_length** Python code formatter - max line length (default: 88)
* **string_normalization** Python code formatter - if true normalize string quotes and prefixes (default: False)
* **mount**, **mount1**, ... configure additional folder (mount point) - format: name=xxx,path=yyy
enabled = True
git_enabled = True
git_cmd = /usr/bin/git
git_default_args = -c color.ui=true
git_init_repo = False
root_directory = /home/airflow/dags
line_length = 88
string_normalization = False
mount = name=data,path=/home/airflow/data
mount1 = name=logs,path=/home/airflow/logs
mount2 = name=data,path=s3://example
Mount Options:
* **name**: mount name (destination)
* **path**: local path or PyFilesystem FS URLs - see https://docs.pyfilesystem.org/en/latest/openers.html
* name=ftp_server,path=ftp://user:pass@ftp.example.org/private
* name=data,path=s3://example
* name=tmp,path=/tmp
You can also set options with the following environment variables:
export AIRFLOW__CODE_EDITOR__MOUNT='name=data,path=/home/airflow/data'
export AIRFLOW__CODE_EDITOR__MOUNT1='name=logs,path=/home/airflow/logs'
export AIRFLOW__CODE_EDITOR__MOUNT2='name=tmp,path=/tmp'
### Development Instructions
1. Fork the repo
2. Clone it on the local machine
git clone https://github.com/andreax79/airflow-code-editor.git
cd airflow-code-editor
3. Create and activate virtualenv
source ./scripts/activate.sh
4. Make changes you need. Build npm package with:
make npm-build
5. You can start Airflow webserver or scheduler with these commands:
make webserver
make scheduler
6. Run tests
make test
7. Commit and push changes
git add .
git commit
git push
7. Create [pull request](https://github.com/andreax79/airflow-code-editor/compare) to the original repo
### Links
* Apache Airflow - https://github.com/apache/airflow
* Codemirror, In-browser code editor - https://github.com/codemirror/codemirror
* Git WebUI, A standalone local web based user interface for git repositories - https://github.com/alberthier/git-webui
* Black, The Uncompromising Code Formatter - https://github.com/psf/black
* Vue.js - https://github.com/vuejs/vue
* Vue-good-table, data table for VueJS - https://github.com/xaksis/vue-good-table
* Vue-tree, TreeView control for VueJS - https://github.com/grapoza/vue-tree
* Vue-universal-modal Universal modal plugin for Vue@3 - https://github.com/hoiheart/vue-universal-modal
* Splitpanes - https://github.com/antoniandre/splitpanes
* Axios, Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js - https://github.com/axios/axios
* PyFilesystem2, Python's Filesystem abstraction layer - https://github.com/PyFilesystem/pyfilesystem2
* Amazon S3 PyFilesystem - https://github.com/PyFilesystem/s3fs
* Google Cloud Storage PyFilesystem - https://github.com/Othoz/gcsfs