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An asynchronous SPARQL library using aiohttp
from aiosparql.syntax import (
IRI, Namespace, Node, PrefixedName, RDF, RDFTerm, Triples)
# define a namespace
class Boo(Namespace):
__iri__ = IRI("http://boo#")
SomeClass = PrefixedName
website = PrefixedName
label = PrefixedName
# create a node
node = Node("<subject>", {
RDF.type: Boo.SomeClass,
Boo.website: IRI("http://example.org"),
Boo.label: "some label", # "some label" will be automatically escaped
# missing prefixed names will show on your IDE and fail on execution
print(Boo.something) # AttributeError!
# create triples
triples = Triples([("s", "p", "o")]) # o is automatically escaped
triples.append(("s", Boo.website, IRI("http://example.org")))
triples.extend([("s", Boo.website, IRI("http://example.org"))])
print(triples) # print the triples is a format usable directly in a SPARQL
# query. It also groups by subject automatically for you
from aiosparql.client import SPARQLClient
client = SPARQLClient("http://dbpedia.org/sparql")
result = await client.query("select * where {?s ?p ?o} limit 1")
# result is a dict of the JSON result
result = await client.update("""
with {{graph}}
insert data {
""", triples)
# the triples will be automatically indented to produce a beautiful query
from aiosparql.escape import escape_any
print(escape_any(True)) # "true"
print(escape_any("foo")) # "foo"
print(escape_any(5)) # "5"
print(escape_any(5.5)) # "5.5"^^xsd:double
* User space installation
easy_install --user aiosparql
* System wide installation
easy_install aiosparql
* Python >= 3.5
In order for the tests to run, you must have the following Docker containers started:
docker run -d --name travis-virtuoso -p 8890:8890 -e SPARQL_UPDATE=true tenforce/virtuoso:1.2.0-virtuoso7.2.2
docker run -d -p 3030:3030 --name travis-fuseki -e ADMIN_PASSWORD=PASSWORD -e ENABLE_DATA_WRITE=true -e ENABLE_UPDATE=true -e ENABLE_UPLOAD=true secoresearch/fuseki
This software has been produced by `Dacota One <http://www.dacota.one/>`_.