# Aiorazemax
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✉️ Async communications using AWS SNS + SQS for Python services ✨
## Documentation
### In-Memory event manager
_Show me the code_
from aiorazemax.event_manager import EventManager
class NorthKoreaThreatCreatedEvent:
def __init__(self, id, target):
self.id = id
self.target = target
async def trump_subscriber(event: NorthKoreaThreatCreatedEvent):
print(f"North korea will attack us or {event.target}!")
EventManager.subscribe(trump_subscriber, NorthKoreaThreatCreatedEvent)
await EventManager.trigger(NorthKoreaThreatCreatedEvent(0, "Mexico"))
North korea will attack us or Mexico!
### Trigger subscribers from SQS
#### Preconditions
SQS queue has to be subscribed to SNS topic before running the consumer
#### Code
import asyncio
from aiorazemax.consumers import MessageConsumer
from aiorazemax.drivers import SQSDriver
from aiorazemax.event_manager import EventManager
from aiorazemax.publisher import SNSMessagePublisher
aws_settings = {
'region_name': "",
'aws_access_key_id': "",
'aws_secret_access_key': "",
'endpoint_url': ""
class NorthKoreaThreatCreatedEvent:
def __init__(self, id, target):
self.id = id
self.target = target
def kp_message_to_event(event_message):
message = event_message.body
# Highly recommended to use Marshmallow to validate
return NorthKoreaThreatCreatedEvent(message['body']['id'], message['body']['target_name'])
mapper = {
'KPThreatCreated': kp_message_to_event
async def trump_subscriber(event: NorthKoreaThreatCreatedEvent):
print(f"North korea will attack us or {event.target}!")
async def main():
EventManager.subscribe(trump_subscriber, NorthKoreaThreatCreatedEvent)
queue_driver = await SQSDriver.build('korea-threats-queue', aws_settings)
consumer = MessageConsumer(mapper, EventManager, queue_driver)
publisher = await SNSMessagePublisher.build('korea-topic', aws_settings)
await publisher.publish('KPThreatCreated', {'id': 21, 'target_name': 'Portugal'})
await consumer.process_message()
await queue_driver.close()
await publisher.close()
if __name__ == '__main__':
North korea will attack us or Portugal!
## Installing
`pip install aiorazemax`
## Running the tests
To run end to end tests do:
make unit-tests
make integration-tests
## Authors
* Jairo Vadillo ([@jairovadillo](https://github.com/jairovadillo))
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details