🥝 aioqiwi
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/Python%203.7-blue.svg
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**Qiwi payments for humans(for healthy humans)**
Supports most of `qiwi <https://qiwi.com>`_ apis: `qiwi-maps <https://github.com/QIWI-API/qiwi-map>`_, `bills <https://developer.qiwi.com/en/bill-payments/>`_, `wallet <https://developer.qiwi.com/en/qiwi-wallet-personal/>`_
pip install aioqiwi
🔸 Dependencies
| Library | Description |
| aiohttp | default http server |
| pydantic | schema validation |
**However aioqiwi is highly customizable. Example of switching json modules:**
pip install orjson
.. code-block:: python
from aioqiwi import Wallet
from aioqiwi.core.tooling import json
wallet = Wallet()
wallet.tools.json_module = json.JSONModule("orjson")
🔹 Dive-in Examples
.. code:: python
import asyncio
from aioqiwi import Wallet
async def qiwi():
async with Wallet("TOKEN from https://qiwi.com/api") as w:
w.phone_number = '+7878787878' # phone number is not required by default, but some methods need it
balance = await w.balance()
for acc in balance.accounts:
print(acc.alias, acc.balance)
📣 Handling updates
**aioqiwi** provides user-friendly web-hooks handler
.. code:: python
import asyncio
from aioqiwi.wallet import WebHook, Wallet
wallet = Wallet("...")
@wallet.hm(lambda event: ...)
async def payments_handler(hook: WebHook):
print(f"{hook.payment.account} sent you {event.payment}")
async def secret_payments_handler(event: WebHook):
await something(event.payment.commission.amount)
When you do `Wallet::idle`, aioqiwi adds connector closing to `aiohttp.web.Application::on_shutdown` to make sure connector closes, however if you want to avoid this behaviour pass `close_connector_ate=False` to `Wallet::idle`
Handler manager
Handler manager `QiwiClient.handler_manager` or `qiwi_client.hm` is responsible for event-handlers registering and filtering/delivering updates to them.
There're currently two event processing strategies:
1. `core.handler.EventProcessStrategy.ORDERED` - sequential filter-check. has O(n) amplitude
2. `core.handler.EventProcessStrategy.MILKSHAKE` - as receives update, will shuffle existing handlers list. has O(n) amplitude
.. note::
Filters results are not currently cached.
.. note::
Some users don't want mess with web-hooks, for those fellas aioqiwi has `history_polling` [wip] in `aioqiwi.contrib`. Different approach for dealing with payment events.
Find usage example in `examples/` directory.
🔥 Qiwi API p2p transactions(bills)
.. code:: python
import asyncio
from aioqiwi import QiwiKassa
async def test_kassa():
async with QiwiKassa("SECRET KEY from p2p.qiwi.com or kassa.qiwi.com") as kassa:
sent_invoice = await kassa.new_bill(14.88, lifetime=44)
# setting lifetime to 44 ahead today [default is 10] 45 - is max
print("Url to pay:", sent_invoice.pay_url)
await kassa.close()
``sent_invoice.pay_url`` will redirect us to something like:
.. image:: https://imbt.ga/gO8EzaFItB
💳 Handling bill payments
.. code:: python
from aioqiwi.kassa import QiwiKassa, Notification
kassa = QiwiKassa('PRIVATE_KEY')
@kassa.hm(lambda bill: bill.bill.amount.currency == 'RUB')
async def my_shiny_rubles_handler(bill_update: Notification):
# do something
🗺 QIWI terminals
**aioqiwi** covers qiwi's `MAPS
<https://developer.qiwi.com/ru/qiwi-map>`_ api in aioqiwi.terminals module
QiwiClient.connector is responsible for making http requests. Current available request managers are located in `aioqiwi.core.connectors`
Default connector is `aioqiwi.core.connectors.asyncio`, but if it's no suit for you, you can easily switch to another
.. code:: python3
from aioqiwi import Wallet
from aioqiwi.core.connectors.aiohttp import AiohttpConnector
wallet = Wallet("auth")
# switch with read-to-use connector-like instance implementing
wallet.connector = AiohttpConnector(timeout, {"user-agent": "opeka/02"})
# or switch with aioqiwi.core.connectors.abstract.Connector compatible class
wallet.connector = AiohttpConnector
Hacking connector
You can easily implement your own http client(connector), subclassing from `aioqiwi.core.connectors.abstract.AbstractConnector`. Take a look at "out of the box" `aiohttp` or `asyncio` sessions for the start.
👾 Handling errors
API request error
Consider we have a `aioqiwi.wallet.Wallet` instance with a named reference `wallet` to it.
Known error when we cannot ask server for more than 50 rows in `wallet.history`. To handle that error, we simply:
.. code:: python
from aioqiwi.exceptions import AioqiwiError
from aioqiwi.errors import ErrorInfo
await wallet.history(2 ** 6) # pass rows=64, whilst constraint is 0<rows<51
except AioqiwiError as exc:
if exc.err: # this feature is experimental
exc.err: ErrorInfo = exc.err # cast to aioqiwi.Wallet's error info
This is slight different error and aioqiwi should not be really responsible for it. It's usually server-side error
which makes exception that should be raised connector-specific. `asyncio.TimeoutError` is exception that is produced
by `asyncio` connector. In `aiohttp` or other connectors it may differ.
⛏ return policies (types)
aioqiwi's server.BaseWebHookView and requests.Requests support "return policy", it means you can get response/update in the form that suits your needs.
There're currently 5 return policies.
- NOTHING - returns nothing(note: None is python's implicit return), :note: returning nothing does not mean doing nothing, validation is done anyway
- READ_DATA - raw return once stream is read
- JSON - raw return once read data was deserialized
- MODEL - complex return once json deserialized and new model instantiated
- LIST_OF_MODELS - complex return once json deserialized as an iterable list with new instantiated models of json objects
You can find examples in ``examples/`` directory in github repository. For start examples above should be enough.
- **Tests/CI/CD**
- **Implement all qiwi wallet API methods**
Work in progress
- history_polling needs to be tested
- implement wallet web-hook payment verification
🐦 Community
**My group**
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