# 📟 aionotion: a Python3, asyncio-friendly library for Notion® Home Monitoring
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`aionotion` is a Python 3, asyncio-friendly library for interacting with
[Notion](https://getnotion.com) home monitoring sensors.
# Python Versions
`aionotion` is currently supported on:
- Python 3.9
- Python 3.10
- Python 3.11
# Installation
pip install aionotion
# Usage
import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from aionotion import async_get_client
async def main() -> None:
"""Create the aiohttp session and run the example."""
client = await async_get_client("<EMAIL>", "<PASSWORD>", session=session)
# Get all "households" associated with the account:
systems = await client.system.async_all()
# Get a system by ID:
system = await client.system.async_get(12345)
# Create a system (with associated parameters):
await client.system.async_create({"system_id": 12345, "name": "Test"})
# Update a system with new parameters:
await client.system.async_update(12345, {"name": "Test"})
# Delete a system by ID:
await client.system.async_delete(12345)
# Get all bridges associated with the account:
bridges = await client.bridge.async_all()
# Get a bridge by ID:
bridge = await client.bridge.async_get(12345)
# Create a bridge (with associated parameters):
await client.bridge.async_create({"system_id": 12345, "name": "Test"})
# Update a bridge with new parameters:
await client.bridge.async_update(12345, {"name": "Test"})
# Reset a bridge (deprovision its WiFi credentials):
await client.bridge.async_reset(12345)
# Delete a bridge by ID:
await client.bridge.async_delete(12345)
# Get all devices associated with the account:
devices = await client.device.async_all()
# Get a device by ID:
device = await client.device.async_get(12345)
# Create a device (with associated parameters):
await client.device.async_create({"id": 12345})
# Delete a device by ID:
await client.device.async_delete(12345)
# Get all sensors:
sensors = await client.sensor.async_all()
# Get a sensor by ID:
sensor = await client.sensor.async_get(12345)
# Create a sensor (with associated parameters):
await client.sensor.async_create({"sensor_id": 12345, "name": "Test"})
# Update a sensor with new parameters:
await client.sensor.async_update(12345, {"name": "Test"})
# Delete a sensor by ID:
await client.sensor.async_delete(12345)
# Get all "tasks" (conditions monitored by sensors) associated with the account:
tasks = await client.task.async_all()
# Get a task by ID:
task = await client.task.async_get("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
# Get a task's value history between two datetimes:
import datetime
history = await client.task.async_history(
data_after=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=3),
# Create a list of tasks for a particular sensor (e.g., sensor # 12345):
await client.task.async_create(
12345, [{"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "type": "missing"}]
# Delete a task for a particular sensor (e.g., sensor # 12345):
await client.task.async_delete(12345, "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
By default, the library creates a new connection to Notion with each coroutine. If you
are calling a large number of coroutines (or merely want to squeeze out every second of
runtime savings possible), an
[`aiohttp`](https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp) `ClientSession` can be used for connection
import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from aionotion import async_get_client
async def main() -> None:
"""Create the aiohttp session and run the example."""
async with ClientSession() as session:
# Create a Notion API client:
client = await async_get_client("<EMAIL>", "<PASSWORD>", session=session)
# Get to work...
Check out the examples, the tests, and the source files themselves for method
signatures and more examples.
# Contributing
1. [Check for open features/bugs](https://github.com/bachya/aionotion/issues)
or [initiate a discussion on one](https://github.com/bachya/aionotion/issues/new).
2. [Fork the repository](https://github.com/bachya/aionotion/fork).
3. (_optional, but highly recommended_) Create a virtual environment: `python3 -m venv .venv`
4. (_optional, but highly recommended_) Enter the virtual environment: `source ./venv/bin/activate`
5. Install the dev environment: `script/setup`
6. Code your new feature or bug fix.
7. Write tests that cover your new functionality.
8. Run tests and ensure 100% code coverage: `poetry run pytest --cov aionotion tests`
9. Update `README.md` with any new documentation.
10. Add yourself to `AUTHORS.md`.
11. Submit a pull request!