:info: Asynchronous IPFS_ client library
**aioipfs** is a python3 library providing an asynchronous API for IPFS_.
Supported python versions: *3.6*, *3.7*, *3.8*, *3.9*
This library supports the
`RPC API specifications <https://docs.ipfs.tech/reference/kubo/rpc>`_
for kubo_ version *0.16.0*. Unit tests are run against
most major go-ipfs releases (go-ipfs>0.8.0) and all kubo_
releases, see the *CI* section below.
See `the documentation here <https://aioipfs.readthedocs.io/en/latest>`_.
.. image:: https://github.com/pinnaculum/aioipfs/workflows/aioipfs-build/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/pinnaculum/aioipfs
.. image:: https://gitlab.com/cipres/aioipfs/badges/master/pipeline.svg
.. code-block:: shell
pip install aioipfs
By default the *json* module from the standard Python library is used
to decode JSON messages, but orjson_ will be used if installed:
.. code-block:: shell
pip install 'aioipfs[orjson]'
Client instantiation
The recommended way to specify the kubo node's RPC API address is
to pass a multiaddr_.
.. code-block:: python
client = aioipfs.AsyncIPFS(maddr='/ip4/')
client = aioipfs.AsyncIPFS(maddr='/dns4/localhost/tcp/5001')
You can also pass a *multiaddr.Multiaddr* instance.
.. code-block:: python
from multiaddr import Multiaddr
client = aioipfs.AsyncIPFS(maddr=Multiaddr('/ip4/'))
Otherwise just pass *host* and *port* separately:
.. code-block:: python
client = aioipfs.AsyncIPFS(host='localhost', port=5001)
client = aioipfs.AsyncIPFS(host='::1', port=5201)
Get an IPFS resource
.. code-block:: python
import sys
import asyncio
import aioipfs
async def get(cid: str):
client = aioipfs.AsyncIPFS()
await client.get(cid, dstdir='.')
await client.close()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Add some files
This example will import all files and directories specified on the command
line. Note that the **add** API function is an asynchronous generator and
therefore should be used with the *async for* syntax.
.. code-block:: python
import sys
import asyncio
import aioipfs
async def add_files(files: list):
client = aioipfs.AsyncIPFS()
async for added_file in client.add(*files, recursive=True):
print('Imported file {0}, CID: {1}'.format(
added_file['Name'], added_file['Hash']))
await client.close()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
You can also use the async list generator syntax:
.. code-block:: python
cids = [entry['Hash'] async for entry in client.add(dir_path)]
Pubsub service
.. code-block:: python
async def pubsub_serve(topic: str):
async with aioipfs.AsyncIPFS() as cli:
async for message in cli.pubsub.sub(topic):
print('Received message from', message['from'])
await cli.pubsub.pub(topic, message['data'])
Dialing a P2P service
.. code-block:: python
async with aioipfs.AsyncIPFS() as client:
async with client.p2p.dial_service(peer_id, '/x/echo') as dial:
print(f'Dial host: {dial.maddr_host}, port: {dial.maddr_port}')
# Connect to the service now
The Gitlab CI workflow runs unit tests against the following
go-ipfs/kubo releases (`go here <https://gitlab.com/cipres/aioipfs/-/jobs>`_
for the CI jobs overview).
- go-ipfs 0.7.0
- go-ipfs 0.8.0
- go-ipfs 0.9.0
- go-ipfs 0.10.0
- go-ipfs 0.11.0
- go-ipfs 0.12.0
- go-ipfs 0.13.0
- kubo 0.14.0
- kubo 0.15.0
- kubo 0.16.0
Async file writing on get operations
The **aiofiles** library is used to asynchronously write data retrieved from
the IPFS daemon when using the */api/v0/get* API call, to avoid blocking the
event loop. TAR extraction is done in asyncio's threadpool.
- Python >= 3.6, <= 3.9
- aiohttp_
- aiofiles_
- py-multibase_
- yarl_
.. _aiohttp: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/aiohttp
.. _aiofiles: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/aiofiles
.. _multiaddr: https://multiformats.io/multiaddr/
.. _py-multibase: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/py-multibase
.. _yarl: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/yarl
.. _IPFS: https://ipfs.io
.. _kubo: https://github.com/ipfs/kubo
.. _orjson: https://github.com/ijl/orjson
**aioipfs** is offered under the GNU Lesser GPL3 (LGPL3) license.