# aioipapi

Asynchronous asyncio/aiohttp based client for https://ip-api.com IP geolocation API.
**ip-api.com** is a fast, accurate, reliable API service for IP geolocation,
free for non-commercial use.
**aioipapi** package provides asynchronous API to use ip-api.com service in free and pro.
The package features:
- Support JSON API [endpoint](https://ip-api.com/docs/api:json)
- Support Batch JSON API [endpoint](https://ip-api.com/docs/api:batch)
- Access to [pro service](https://members.ip-api.com/) with API key
- Free API rate limits control
- Customizable retrying when networking problems
**You must not use aioipapi package for commercial purposes without API key.**
## Installing
Use pip for installing:
pip install -U aioipapi
## Usage
_All examples are provided for Python 3.7 and above._
Use `location` coroutine to locate your own IP:
import asyncio
from aioipapi import location
{'status': 'success', 'country': 'United States', 'countryCode': 'US', 'region': 'CA', 'regionName': 'California', 'city': 'Santa Clara', 'zip': '95051', 'lat': 37.3417, 'lon': -121.9753, 'timezone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'isp': 'DigitalOcean, LLC', 'org': 'Digital Ocean', 'as': 'AS14061 DigitalOcean, LLC', 'query': 'XXX.XX.XXX.XXX'}
Use `location` coroutine to locate a domain name:
{'status': 'success', 'country': 'Netherlands', 'countryCode': 'NL', 'region': 'NH', 'regionName': 'North Holland', 'city': 'Amsterdam', 'zip': '1012', 'lat': 52.3667, 'lon': 4.89454, 'timezone': 'Europe/Amsterdam', 'isp': 'GitHub, Inc.', 'org': 'GitHub, Inc.', 'as': 'AS36459 GitHub, Inc.', 'query': ''}
A domain location is supported only in JSON endpoint. Currently, batch JSON endpoint does not support domain names as query.
In other words, you cannot locate a list of domain names per time.
Use `location` coroutine to locate an IP with cusomized result fields and language:
print(asyncio.run(location('', fields=['continent', 'region', 'country'], lang='de')))
{'status': 'success', 'continent': 'Nordamerika', 'country': 'Vereinigte Staaten', 'region': 'VA', 'query': ''}
Use `location` coroutine to locate a list of IPs:
print(asyncio.run(location(['', '', '', ''], fields=['lat', 'lon', 'org'])))
{'status': 'success', 'lat': -27.4766, 'lon': 153.0166, 'org': 'APNIC and Cloudflare DNS Resolver project', 'query': ''},
{'status': 'success', 'lat': -27.4766, 'lon': 153.0166, 'org': 'APNIC and Cloudflare DNS Resolver project', 'query': ''},
{'status': 'success', 'lat': 39.03, 'lon': -77.5, 'org': 'Google Public DNS', 'query': ''},
{'status': 'success', 'lat': 39.03, 'lon': -77.5, 'org': 'Google Public DNS', 'query': ''}
You can customize the result fields and lang for each IP in the query list:
ips = [
{'query': '', 'fields': ['lat', 'lon', 'country'], 'lang': 'de'},
{'query': '', 'fields': ['continent', 'country'], 'lang': 'ru'},
print(asyncio.run(location(ips, fields=['region', 'isp', 'org'])))
{'status': 'success', 'region': 'MOW', 'isp': 'Yandex LLC', 'org': 'Yandex enterprise network', 'query': ''},
{'status': 'success', 'country': 'Australien', 'lat': -27.4766, 'lon': 153.0166, 'query': ''},
{'status': 'success', 'continent': 'Северная Америка', 'country': 'США', 'query': ''}
In these cases the package uses Batch JSON API endpoint.
Use `location_stream` async generator to locate IPs from an iterable or async iterable:
import asyncio
from aioipapi import location_stream
async def locate():
async for res in location_stream(['', '', '', '']):
`location_stream` also supports `fields` and `lang` options.
`location_stream` always uses Batch JSON API endpoint.
Use `IpApiClient` class:
import asyncio
from aioipapi import IpApiClient
async def locate():
async with IpApiClient() as client:
print(await client.location())
`IpApiClient` provides `location` and `location_stream` methods similar to the corresponding non-member coroutines.
Use `IpApiClient` class with existing `aiohttp.ClientSession` instead of client own session:
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from aioipapi import IpApiClient
async def locate():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with IpApiClient(session=session) as client:
print(await client.location())
Usage of existing session also supported in `location` and `location_stream` non-member coroutines.
If you want to use unlimited pro ip-api service you can use your API key in `location`, `location_stream` functions and `IpApiClient`:
async with IpApiClient(key='your-api-key') as client:
When API key is set, the package always uses HTTPS for connection with `pro.ip-api.com`.
## Free API Rate Limit Control
ip-api service has rate limits in free API (without key).
Currently, there are 45 requests per minute for JSON endpoint and 15 requests per minute for Batch JSON endpoint.
The package controls the rate limits using `X-Rl` and `X-Ttl` response headers.
In other words, you are unlikely to get 429 HTTP error when using free API.
When API key is being used, the rate limits are not being checked, because pro API is theoretically unlimited.
Let's locate a lot of IPs for example:
import asyncio
import sys
import logging
format='%(relativeCreated)d [%(levelname)s] %(message)s',
from aioipapi import location
asyncio.run(location([''] * 2000))
798 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=14, ttl=60
900 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=13, ttl=59
1001 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=12, ttl=59
1103 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=11, ttl=59
1247 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=10, ttl=59
1391 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=9, ttl=59
1493 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=8, ttl=59
1595 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=7, ttl=59
1698 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=6, ttl=59
1809 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=5, ttl=58
1910 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=4, ttl=58
2015 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=3, ttl=58
2116 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=2, ttl=58
2216 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=1, ttl=58
2315 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=0, ttl=58
2367 [WARNING] API rate limit is reached. Waiting for 61 seconds by rate limit...
63464 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=14, ttl=60
63605 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=13, ttl=59
63695 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=12, ttl=59
63790 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=11, ttl=59
63894 [DEBUG] BATCH API rate limit: rl=10, ttl=59
## Retrying Connection
The client try to reconnect to the service when networking problems.
By default 3 attempts and 1 second between attempts are used. You can change these parameters by `retry_attempts` and
`retry_delay` parameters:
from aioipapi import location, location_stream, IpApiClient
result = location('', retry_attempts=2, retry_delay=1.5)
stream = location_stream(['', ''], retry_attempts=2, retry_delay=1.5)
async with IpApiClient(retry_attempts=2, retry_delay=1.5):
Also you can change these parameters in the global config:
from aioipapi import config, IpApiClient
config.retry_attempts = 2
config.retry_delay = 1.5
async with IpApiClient():
# License