The library provides ``@route`` decorator for `aiohttp.web`_, resembling the contract of Flask_ ``@app.route``.
.. _aiohttp.web:
.. _Flask:
The imaginary ``aiohttp`` ``@app.route`` decorator is discouraged_ for multiple_ reasons_; this one tries to solve part of those problems (the ``app`` doesn't need to be global at the very least).
.. _discouraged:
.. _multiple:
.. _reasons:
pip install aiohttp_route_decorator
Create a ``route`` object in each of your handler modules, and decorate the handlers:
.. code:: python
# myapp/
from aiohttp_route_decorator import RouteCollector
route = RouteCollector()
async def index(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
@route('/publish', method='POST')
async def publish(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
@route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'], name='login')
async def login(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
return web.Response(body=b'Login')
When you init the application, push the collected ``routes`` into ``app.router``:
.. code:: python
from aiohttp import web
from myapp import handlers
def run():
app = web.Application()
Non-decorator use
If you prefer to keep your routes together, you can construct the list manually after your handers:
.. code:: python
from aiohttp_route_decorator import RouteCollector, Route
async def index(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
async def publish(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
async def login(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
return web.Response(body=b'Login')
routes = RouteCollector([
Route('/', index),
Route('/publish', publish, method='POST'),
Route('/login', login, methods=['GET', 'POST'], name='login'),
Prefixed routes
You can provide common route prefix that will be prepended to all routes:
.. code:: python
from aiohttp_route_decorator import RouteCollector
routes = RouteCollector(prefix='/app')
async def index(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
@route('/publish', method='POST')
async def publish(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
# /app/ -> index
# /app/publish -> publish
You can also provide the prefix within ``add_to_router()`` call instead:
.. code:: python
from aiohttp_route_decorator import RouteCollector
routes = RouteCollector()
async def index(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
@route('/publish', method='POST')
async def publish(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
handlers.route.add_to_router(app.router, prefix='/app')
# /app/ -> index
# /app/publish -> publish
...or use both:
.. code:: python
from aiohttp_route_decorator import RouteCollector
routes = RouteCollector(prefix='/app')
async def index(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
@route('/publish', method='POST')
async def publish(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
handlers.route.add_to_router(app.router, prefix='/project')
# /project/app/ -> index
# /project/app/publish -> publish
The non-decorator version of ``RouteCollector`` can also accept prefix:
.. code:: python
from aiohttp_route_decorator import RouteCollector, Route
async def index(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
async def publish(request):
return web.Response(body=b'OK')
routes = RouteCollector(prefix='/app', routes=[
Route('/', index),
Route('/publish', publish, method='POST'),
Parameters reference
``route(path, *, method='GET', methods=None, name=None, **kwargs)``
- **path** (*str*) — route path. Should be started with slash (``'/'``).
- **method** (*str*) — HTTP method for route. Should be one of ``'GET'``, ``'POST'``, ``'PUT'``, ``'DELETE'``, ``'PATCH'``, ``'HEAD'``, ``'OPTIONS'`` or ``'*'`` for any method.
- **methods** (*List[str]*) — optional shortcut for creating several routes with different HTTP methods at once. If used, should be a list of acceptable values for ``method`` argument.
- **name** (*str*) — optional route name.
- **kwargs** — other parameters to be passed to ``aiohttp.web.Resource.add_route()``.