# python-quakeml-ingv-centro-nazionale-terremoti-client
This library provides convenient async access to the INGV Centro Nazionale Terremoti (Earthquakes) QuakeML feeds.
Retrieve all events from the last 24 hours (default timeframe):
import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from aio_quakeml_ingv_centro_nazionale_terremoti_client import IngvCentroNazionaleTerremotiQuakeMLFeed
async def main() -> None:
async with ClientSession() as websession:
# Home Coordinates: Latitude: 43.7, Longitude: 11.2
feed = IngvCentroNazionaleTerremotiQuakeMLFeed(websession,
(43.7, 11.2))
status, entries = await feed.update()
if entries:
for entry in entries:
print(f"- ID: {entry.external_id} - Magnitude: {entry.magnitude.mag} - Distance: {entry.distance_to_home:.2f}")
Retrieve all events from the last 24 hours (default timeframe) and within a radius of
100km around the provided home coordinates:
import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from aio_quakeml_ingv_centro_nazionale_terremoti_client import IngvCentroNazionaleTerremotiQuakeMLFeed
async def main() -> None:
async with ClientSession() as websession:
# Home Coordinates: Latitude: 43.7, Longitude: 11.2
# Filter radius: 100 km
feed = IngvCentroNazionaleTerremotiQuakeMLFeed(websession,
(43.7, 11.2),
status, entries = await feed.update()
if entries:
for entry in entries:
print(f"- ID: {entry.external_id} - Magnitude: {entry.magnitude.mag} - Distance: {entry.distance_to_home:.2f}")
Retrieve all events from the last 24 hours (default timeframe), within a radius of
100km around the provided home coordinates, and with a magnitude of 2.0 or higher:
import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from aio_quakeml_ingv_centro_nazionale_terremoti_client import IngvCentroNazionaleTerremotiQuakeMLFeed
async def main() -> None:
async with ClientSession() as websession:
# Home Coordinates: Latitude: 43.7, Longitude: 11.2
# Filter radius: 100 km
# Filter minimum magnitude: 2.0
feed = IngvCentroNazionaleTerremotiQuakeMLFeed(websession,
(43.7, 11.2),
status, entries = await feed.update()
if entries:
for entry in entries:
print(f"- ID: {entry.external_id} - Magnitude: {entry.magnitude.mag} - Distance: {entry.distance_to_home:.2f}")