# ahkUnwrapped
I wanted to automate Windows with the coverage and simplicity of the _complete_ [AutoHotkey API](https://www.autohotkey.com/), yet code in Python, so I created `ahkUnwrapped`.
AutoHotkey already abstracts the Windows API, so another layer to introduce complexity and slowdowns is undesirable.
Instead, we bundle and bridge *AutoHotkey.exe*, sending your initial script [via stdin](https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/AHKL_ChangeLog.htm#v1.1.17.00) with minimal boilerplate to listen for [window messages](https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/OnMessage.htm) from Python and respond [via stdout](https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/subprocess.html).
## Features
* **All** of AutoHotkey!
* Execute arbitrary AHK code or load scripts.
* [Hypothesis](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) powered testing of convoluted unicode, et al.
* Warnings for loss of precision (maximum 6 decimal places).
* Errors for unsupported values (`NaN` `Inf` `\0`).
* Unhandled AHK exceptions carry over to Python.
* Won't explode when used from multiple threads.
* Separate auto-execute sections to ease scripting.
* Supports [PyInstaller](https://www.pyinstaller.org/) for _onefile/onedir_ installations.
* Special care for:
* Descriptive errors with accurate line numbers.
* Persistent _Windows notification area_ settings.
* Unexpected exit handling.
* Minimal latency.
## Get started
`> pip install ahkunwrapped`
`call(proc, ...)` `f(func, ...)` `get(var)` `set(var, val)`
from ahkunwrapped import Script
ahk = Script()
# built-in functions are directly callable
isNotepadActive = ahk.f('WinActive', 'ahk_class Notepad')
# built-in variables (and user globals) can be set directly
ahk.set('Clipboard', "Copied text!")
from ahkunwrapped import Script
ahk = Script('''
LuckyMinimize(winTitle) {
global myVar
myVar := 7
WinMinimize, % winTitle
Clipboard := "You minimized: " winTitle
ahk.call('LuckyMinimize', 'ahk_class Notepad')
print("Lucky number", ahk.get('myVar'))
from pathlib import Path
from ahkunwrapped import Script
ahk = Script.from_file(Path('my_msg.ahk'))
ahk.call('MyMsg', "Wooo!")
; auto-execute section when ran standalone
#SingleInstance force
AutoExec() ; we can call this if we want
MyMsg("test our function")
; auto-execute section when ran from Python
AutoExec() {
SetBatchLines, 100ms ; slow our code to reduce CPU
MyMsg(text) {
MsgBox, % text
Settings from [AutoExec()](https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Scripts.htm#auto) will [still apply](https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/OnMessage.htm#Remarks) even though we execute directly from the message listening thread for speed.
<sub>(AutoHotkey's [#Warn](https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/_Warn.htm#Remarks) is special and will apply to both standalone and from-Python execution, unless you add/remove it dynamically.)</sub>
## Usage
`call(proc, ...)` is for performance, to avoid receiving a large unneeded result.
`get(var)` `set(var, val)` are shorthand for accessing global variables and [built-ins](https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Variables.htm#BuiltIn) like `A_TimeIdle`.
`f(func, ...)` `get(var)` will infer `float` and `int` (base-16 beginning with `0x`) like AutoHotkey.
`f_raw(func, ...)` `get_raw(var)` will return the raw string as-stored.
`call_main(proc, ...)` `f_main(func, ...)` `f_raw_main(func, ...)` will execute on AutoHotkey's main thread instead of the [OnMessage()](https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/OnMessage.htm#Remarks) listener.
This avoids `AhkCantCallOutInInputSyncCallError`, e.g. from some uses of [ComObjCreate()](https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ComObjCreate.htm).
This is slower (except with very large data), but still fast and unlikely to bottleneck.
## Event loop with hotkeys
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from ahkunwrapped import Script, AhkExitException
choice = None
class Event(Enum):
# format_dict= so we can use {{VARIABLE}} within example.ahk
ahk = Script.from_file(Path('example.ahk'), format_dict=globals())
def main() -> None:
print("Scroll your mousewheel in Notepad.")
ts = 0
while True:
# ahk.poll() # detect exit, but all ahk functions include this
s_elapsed = time.time() - ts
if s_elapsed >= 60:
ts = time.time()
event = ahk.get('event') # contains ahk.poll()
if event:
ahk.set('event', '')
except AhkExitException as ex:
def print_minute() -> None:
print(f"It is now {datetime.now().time()}")
def on_event(event: str) -> None:
global choice
def get_choice() -> str:
return choice or datetime.now().strftime('%#I:%M %p')
if event == str(Event.QUIT):
if event == str(Event.CLEAR_CHOICE):
choice = None
if event == str(Event.SEND_CHOICE):
ahk.call('Send', f'{get_choice()} ')
if event == str(Event.CHOOSE_MONTH):
choice = datetime.now().strftime('%b')
ahk.call('ToolTip', f"Month is {get_choice()}, {HOTKEY_SEND_CHOICE} to insert.")
if event == str(Event.CHOOSE_DAY):
choice = datetime.now().strftime('%#d')
ahk.call('ToolTip', f"Day is {get_choice()}, {HOTKEY_SEND_CHOICE} to insert.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
#SingleInstance, force
ToolTip("Standalone script test!")
AutoExec() {
global event
event := ""
SendMode, input
Send(text) {
Send, % text
ToolTip(text, s := 2) {
ToolTip, % text
; negative for non-repeating
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, % s * -1000
event = {{Event.CLEAR_CHOICE}}
MouseIsOver(winTitle) {
MouseGetPos,,, winId
result := WinExist(winTitle " ahk_id " winId)
return result
#If WinActive("ahk_class Notepad")
^Q::event = {{Event.QUIT}}
#If MouseIsOver("ahk_class Notepad")
WheelUp::event = {{Event.CHOOSE_MONTH}}
WheelDown::event = {{Event.CHOOSE_DAY}}
## PyInstaller (single _.exe_ or folder)
# -*- mode: python -*-
from pathlib import Path
import ahkunwrapped
a = Analysis(
(Path(ahkunwrapped.__file__).parent / 'lib', 'lib'), # required
('example.ahk', '.'),
pyz = PYZ(a.pure)
# for onefile
exe = EXE(pyz, a.scripts, a.binaries, a.datas, name='my-example', upx=True, console=False)
# for onedir
# exe = EXE(pyz, a.scripts, exclude_binaries=True, name='my-example', upx=True, console=False)
# dir = COLLECT(exe, a.binaries, a.datas, name='my-example-folder')
### Folder considerations
from pathlib import Path
from ahkunwrapped import Script
# tray icon visibility settings rely on consistent exe paths
LOCALAPP_DIR = Path(os.getenv('LOCALAPPDATA') / 'pyinstaller-example')
# working directory is different between onefile and onedir modes
# https://pyinstaller.readthedocs.io/en/stable/runtime-information.html
CUR_DIR = Path(getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', Path(__file__).parent))
ahk = Script.from_file(CUR_DIR / 'example.ahk', format_dict=globals(), execute_from=LOCALAPP_DIR)
# ...
AutoExec() {
Menu, Tray, Icon, {{CUR_DIR}}\black.ico
Menu, Tray, Icon ; unhide
; ...