# AgileUp State
Python 3.8+ project to manage AgileUP pipeline states with the following features:
* Linux and Windows compatible project.
* Defines state model.
* Saves and fetches states from vault.
* Exports private key for Linux SSH connections.
* Exports client PKI data for Windows WinRM connections.
* Creates cloud init zip file for mTLS connection data to Windows WinRM hosts.
* Exports ansible inventories for both Linux(SSH) and Windows(WinRM) connections.
* Provides simple connectivity tests.
## Prerequisites
This project uses poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. It allows you to declare the
libraries your project depends on, it will manage (install/update) them for you.
Use the installer rather than pip [installing-with-the-official-installer](https://python-poetry.org/docs/master/#installing-with-the-official-installer).
poetry self add poetry-bumpversion
poetry -V
Poetry (version 1.2.0)
### Windows Path
Install poetry from powershell in admin mode.
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
The path will be `C:\Users\<YOURUSER>\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts\poetry.exe` which you will need to add to your system path.
### Windows GitBash
When using gitbash you can setup an alias for the poetry command:
alias poetry="\"C:\Users\<YOURUSER>\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts\poetry.exe\""
## Getting Started
poetry update
poetry install
## Development
This project uses the [hvac](https://github.com/hvac/hvac) python module and to develop locally you can run vault
as a docker service as detailed here [local docker vault](https://hub.docker.com/_/vault). For local development vault
setup follow the [VAULT](VAULT.md) guide for information.
Check your connection with the following command, note in development mode vault should not be sealed.
export VAULT_ADDR='http://localhost:8200'
export VAULT_TOKEN='8d02106e-b1cd-4fa5-911b-5b4e669ad07a'
poetry run agileupstate check
## Required Environment State Variables
| Variable | Description |
| SIAB_ID | Unique environment ID. |
| SIAB_CLOUD | Cloud vendor API mnemonic. |
| SIAB_LOCATION1 | Cloud vendor defined cloud location, uksouth, etc. |
| SIAB_LOCATION2 | Cloud vendor defined cloud location, UK South, etc. |
| SIAB_CONTEXT | Environment context, e.g. dev. test, prod. |
| SIAB_VALUES_PATH | Vault path to common environment values to be exported. |
| SIAB_DOMAIN | Optional public domain that overrides cloud provided DNS names. |
`SIAB_LOCATION`: Azure has a different location string between "accounts" and "resources" and only `uksouth` is useful
to the automation, but we must also provide `UK South` for resource groups. **FIXME: Needs to be verified**.
`SIAB_VALUES_PATH`: Rather than load variables into the delivery platform environment, there can be many, a better option
is to define a YML file that contains all the required common variables for a specific environment and have the user upload
that to vault. This application can then download the YML data file and convert it into an exports file that can be sourced
by the pipelines. These environment values that are exported can then be used by this project and other utilities such as
terraform, ansible and powershell.
`SIAB_DOMAIN`: Cloud DNS services might in some cases provide a DNS domain that is not the same as the public internet
domain required by the project, for example server1.uksouth.cloudapp.azure.com might optionally be server1.meltingturret.io.
`username/password`: These values are common across the environment, for example Ubuntu Azure images use a `username=azureuser`,
and so it simplifies configuration if the same credentials are used for Linux and Windows environments running in Azure for
administration access, client administration access as well as PFX certificate files used on Windows for WinRM certificate
authentication. For AWS `ubuntu` is the username for Ubuntu images the same approach can be taken there.
**Required environment inputs:**
> These values should be setup in your CD platforms environment variables.
export SIAB_ID=001
export SIAB_CLOUD=arm
export SIAB_LOCATION1=uksouth
export SIAB_LOCATION2="UK South"
export SIAB_CONTEXT=dev
export SIAB_VALUES_PATH=siab-state/001-arm-uksouth-dev/siab-values/siab-values.yml
**Required values inputs (stored in vault path `SIAB_VALUES_PATH`):**
url: https://server1.meltingturret.io:5986
username: azureuser
password: mypassword
ca_trust_path: siab-client/chain.meltingturret.io.pem
cert_pem: siab-client/azureuser@meltingturret.io.pem
cert_key_pem: siab-client/azureuser@meltingturret.io.key
group_owner: Paul Gilligan
group_department: DevOps
group_location: uksouth
## Required Supporting Data
Some data is generated only once and thus can be uploaded to vault manually.
**Uploading values file:**
base64 ./siab-values.yml | vault kv put secret/siab-state/001-arm-uksouth-dev/siab-values/siab-values.yml file=-
**Uploading pfx files:**
base64 ./server1.meltingturret.io.pfx | vault kv put secret/siab-pfx/server1.meltingturret.io.pfx file=-
base64 ./azureuser@meltingturret.io.pfx | vault kv put secret/siab-pfx/azureuser@meltingturret.io.pfx file=-
**Uploading pki files:**
base64 ./chain.meltingturret.io.pem | vault kv put secret/siab-client/chain.meltingturret.io.pem file=-
base64 ./azureuser@meltingturret.io.key | vault kv put secret/siab-client/azureuser@meltingturret.io.key file=-
base64 ./azureuser@meltingturret.io.pem | vault kv put secret/siab-client/azureuser@meltingturret.io.pem file=-
## Provision Use Case
Example steps required for the Windows terraform provision use case shown below.
agileupstate cloud-init --server-path=siab-pfx/ags-w-arm1.meltingturret.io.pfx --client-path=siab-pfx/devops@meltingturret.io.pfx
agileupstate create
source ./siab-state-export.sh
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve
agileupstate save
Example steps required for the Linux terraform provision use case shown below.
agileupstate create
source ./siab-state-export.sh
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve
agileupstate save
## Destroy Use Case
Example steps required for recovering system state use case shown below which might be for example to destroy an environment.
agileupstate load
source ./siab-state-export.sh
terraform init
terraform destroy -auto-approve
## Ansible Use Case
Example steps required for the Windows ansible use case shown below.
agileupstate load
source ./siab-state-export.sh
agileupstate inventory-windows --ca-trust-path=siab-client/chain.meltingturret.io.pem --cert-pem=siab-client/azureuser@meltingturret.io.pem --cert-key-pem=siab-client/devops@meltingturret.io.key
ansible-inventory -i inventory.ini --list
ansible -i inventory.ini "${TF_VAR_siab_name_underscore}" -m win_ping
Example steps required for the Linux ansible use case shown below.
agileupstate load
source ./siab-state-export.sh
agileupstate inventory-linux
ansible-inventory -i inventory.ini --list
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=True ansible -i inventory.ini --user "${TF_VAR_admin_username}" "${TF_VAR_siab_name_underscore}" -m ping
## Exports Use Case
The `yml` file from `SIAB_VALUES_PATH` is exported to the file `siab-state-export.sh` with the contents as shown in the
example below which can then be used by downstream utilities.
export SIAB_URL=https://server1.meltingturret.io:5986
export SIAB_USERNAME=azureuser
export SIAB_PASSWORD=mypassword
export SIAB_CA_TRUST_PATH=siab-client/chain.meltingturret.io.pem
export SIAB_CERT_PEM=siab-client/azureuser@meltingturret.io.pem
export SIAB_CERT_KEY_PEM=siab-client/azureuser@meltingturret.io.key
export TF_VAR_group_owner=Paul Gilligan
export TF_VAR_group_department=DevOps
export TF_VAR_group_location=UK South
export TF_VAR_admin_username=azureuser
export TF_VAR_admin_password=mypassword
export TF_VAR_siab_name=001-arm-uksouth-dev
export TF_VAR_siab_name_underscore=001_arm_uksouth_dev
source ./siab-state-export.sh
## Cloud Init Data Use Case
Example cloud init command that generates the zip file that is loaded onto Windows machines for WimRM certificate authentication.
poetry run agileupstate cloud-init --server-path=siab-pfx/ags-w-arm1.meltingturret.io.pfx --client-path=siab-pfx/azureuser@meltingturret.io.pfx
## Ansible Windows Inventory Use Case
`inventory.ini` is generated with the target(s) and configuration information for a successful SSH connection from Ansible.
**When `export SIAB_DOMAIN=meltingturret.io`:**
## Ansible Linux Inventory Use Case
`inventory.ini` is generated with the target(s) and configuration information for a successful SSH connection from Ansible.
**When `export SIAB_DOMAIN=meltingturret.io`:**
ags-w-arm1.meltingturret.io ansible_ssh_private_key_file=vm-rsa-private-key.pem
## Run
poetry run agileupstate
## Lint
poetry run flake8
## Test
poetry run pytest
## Publish
* By default we are using [PYPI packages](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/tutorials/installing-packages/).
* Create yourself an access token for PYPI and then follow the instructions.
export PYPI_USERNAME=__token__
export PYPI_PASSWORD=<Your API Token>
poetry publish --build --username $PYPI_USERNAME --password $PYPI_PASSWORD
## Versioning
We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](https://github.com/Agile-Solutions-GB-Ltd/agileup/tags).
## Releasing
We are using [poetry-bumpversion](https://github.com/monim67/poetry-bumpversion) to manage release versions.
poetry version patch
## Dependency
Once the release has been created it is now available for you to use in other python projects via:
pip install agileupstate
And also for poetry projects via:
poetry add agileupstate
## Contributing
Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
## License
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details