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**Agda-pkg** is a tool to manage [Agda](http://github.com/agda/agda) libraries with extra features like
installing libraries from different kind of sources.
This tool does not modify `Agda` at all, it just manages systematically the directory
`.agda` with `.agda/defaults` and `.agda/libraries` files used by
Agda to locate the available libraries. For more information about how Agda package
system works, please read the official documentation
## Quick Start
The most common usages of agda-pkg are the following:
- To install `Agda-pkg` just run the following command:
$ pip3 install agda-pkg
- To install your library, go to the root directory of your source code and run:
$ apkg install --editable .
- To install a library from [agda/package-index](http://github.com/agda/package-index).
$ apkg init
$ apkg install standard-library
A list of the available packages is shown below.
- To install a *Github repository* with a *specific version release*:
$ apkg install --github agda/agda-stdlib --version v1.3
- To install a library from a Github repository with a *specific branch* with a *specific library name*:
$ apkg install --github plfa/plfa.github.io --branch dev --name plfa
## Indexed libraries
**Library name** | **Latest version** | **URL**
agda-base | v0.2 | https://github.com/pcapriotti/agda-base.git
agda-categories | v0.1 | https://github.com/agda/agda-categories.git
agda-metis | v0.2.1 | https://github.com/jonaprieto/agda-metis.git
agda-prelude | df679cf | https://github.com/UlfNorell/agda-prelude.git
agda-prop | v0.1.2 | https://github.com/jonaprieto/agda-prop.git
agda-real | e1558b62 | https://gitlab.com/pbruin/agda-real.git
agda-ring-solver | d1ed21c | https://github.com/oisdk/agda-ring-solver.git
agdarsec | v0.3.0 | https://github.com/gallais/agdarsec.git
alga-theory | 0fdb96c | https://github.com/algebraic-graphs/agda.git
ataca | a9a7c06 | https://github.com/jespercockx/ataca.git
cat | v1.6.0 | https://github.com/fredefox/cat.git
cubical | v0.1 | https://github.com/agda/cubical.git
FiniteSets | c8c2600 | https://github.com/L-TChen/FiniteSets.git
fotc | apia-1.0.2 | https://github.com/asr/fotc.git
generic | f448ab3 | https://github.com/effectfully/Generic.git
hott-core | 1037d82 | https://github.com/HoTT/HoTT-Agda.git
hott-theorems | 1037d82 | https://github.com/HoTT/HoTT-Agda.git
HoTT-UF-Agda | 9d0f38e | https://github.com/martinescardo/HoTT-UF-Agda-Lecture-Notes.git
ial | v1.5.0 | https://github.com/cedille/ial.git
lightweight-prelude | b2d440a | https://github.com/L-TChen/agda-lightweight-prelude.git
mini-hott | d9b4a7b | https://github.com/jonaprieto/mini-hott.git
MtacAR | 5417230 | https://github.com/L-TChen/MtacAR.git
plfa | stable-web-2019.09 | https://github.com/plfa/plfa.github.io.git
routing-library | thesis | https://github.com/MatthewDaggitt/agda-routing.git
standard-library | v1.3 | https://github.com/agda/agda-stdlib.git
# Usage manual
## Initialisation of the package index
The easiest way to install libraries is by using [the package index].
`agda-pkg` uses a local database to maintain a register of all
libraries available in your system. To initialize the index and the
database please run the following command:
$ apkg init
Indexing libraries from https://github.com/agda/package-index.git
**Note**. To use a different location for your agda files `defaults`
and `libraries`, you can set up the environment variable `AGDA_DIR`
before run `apkg` as follows:
$ export AGDA_DIR=$HOME/.agda
Other way is to create a directory `.agda` in your directory and run
`agda-pkg` from that directory. `agda-pkg` will prioritize the `.agda`
directory in the current directory.
## Help command
Check all the options of a command or subcommand by using the flag `--help`.
$ apkg --help
$ apkg install --help
## Upgrade the package index
Recall updating the index every once in a while using `upgrade`.
$ apkg upgrade
Updating Agda-Pkg from https://github.com/agda/package-index.git
If you want to index your library go to [the package index] and make [PR].
## Environmental variables
If there is an issue with your installation or you suspect something
is going wrong. You might want to see the environmental variables used by apkg.
$ apkg environment
## List all the packages available
To see all the packages available run the following command:
$ apkg list
This command also has the flag `--full` to display a version of the
this list with more details.
## Installation of packages
Install a library is now easy. We have multiple ways to install a package.
- from the [package-index](http://github.com/agda/package-index)
$ apkg install standard-library
- from a [local directory]
$ apkg install .
or even much simpler:
$ apkg install
Installing a library creates a copy for agda in the directory assigned
by agda-pkg. If you want your current directory to be taken into
account for any changes use the `--editable` option. as shown below.
$ apkg install --editable .
- from a github repository
$ apkg install --github agda/agda-stdlib --version v1.1
- from a git repository
$ apkg install http://github.com/jonaprieto/agda-prop.git
To specify the version of a library, we use the flag `--version`
$ apkg install standard-library --version v1.0
Or simpler by using `@` or `==` as it follows.
$ apkg install standard-library@v1.0
$ apkg install standard-library==v1.0
### Multiple packages at once
To install multiple libraries at once, we have two options:
1. Using the inline method
$ apkg install standard-library agda-base
Use `@` or `==` if you need a specific version, see above
2. Using a requirement file:
Generate a requirement file using `apkg freeze`:
$ apkg freeze > requirements.txt
$ cat requirements.txt
Now, use the flag `-r` to install all the listed libraries
in this file:
$ apkg install -r requirements.txt
Check all the options of this command with the help information:
$ apkg install --help
## Uninstalling a package
Uninstalling a package will remove the library from the visible libraries for Agda.
- using the name of the library
$ apkg uninstall standard-library
- infering the library name from the current directory
$ apkg uninstall .
And if we want to remove the library completely (the sources and
everything), we use the flag `--remove-cache`.
$ apkg uninstall standard-library --remove-cache
## Update a package to latest version
We can get the latest version of a package from
the versions registered in the package-index.
- Update all the installed libraries:
$ apkg update
- Update a specific list of libraries. If some
library is not installed, this command will installed
the latest version of it.
$ apkg update standard-library agdarsec
## See packages installed
$ apkg freeze
This command is useful to keep in a file the versions used for your project
to install them later.
$ apkg freeze > requirements.txt
To install from this requirement file run this command.
$ apkg install < requirements.txt
## Approximate search of packages
We make a search (approximate) by using keywords and title of the
packages from the index. To perform such a search, see the following
$ apkg search metis
1 result in 0.0012656739999998834seg
url: https://github.com/agda/cubical.git
installed: False
## Get all the information of a package
$ apkg info cubical
# Creating a library for Agda-Pkg
In this section, we describe how to build a library.
To build a project using `agda-pkg`, we just run the following command:
$ apkg create
Some questions are going to be prompted in order to create
the necessary files for Agda and for Agda-Pkg.
The output is a folder like the following showed below.
## Directory structure of an agda library
A common Agda library has the following structure:
$ tree -L 1 mylibrary/
├── README.md
├── mylibrary.agda-lib
├── mylibrary.agda-pkg
├── src
└── test
2 directories, 3 files
## .agda-lib library file
$ cat mylibrary.agda-lib
name: mylibrary -- Comment
depend: LIB1 LIB2
include: PATH1
## .agda-pkg library file
This file only works for `agda-pkg`. The idea of
this file is to provide more information about the
package, pretty similar to the cabal files in Haskell.
This file has priority over its version `.agda-lib`.
$ cat mylibrary.agda-pkg
name: mylibrary
version: v0.0.1
- AuthorName1
- AuthorName2
category: cat1, cat2, cat3
homepage: http://github.com/user/mylibrary
license: MIT
license-file: LICENSE.md
source-repository: http://github.com/user/mylibrary.git
tested-with: 2.6.0
description: Put here a description.
- LIB1
- LIB2
- LIB3
- LIB4
## Using with Nix or NixOS
A `nix-shell` environment that loads `agda-pkg` as well as `agda` and
`agda-mode` for Emacs is available. To use this, `apkg` can put the necessary
files in your project folder by running one of the following commands:
$ curl -L https://gist.github.com/jonaprieto/53e55263405ee48a831d700f27843931/download | tar -xvz --strip-components=1
or if you already have installed agda-pkg:
$ apkg nixos
Then, you will have the following files:
From where you can run the nix shell.
$ nix-shell
To launch Emacs with `agda-mode` enabled, run `mymacs` in the newly launched
shell; `mymacs` will also load your `~/.emacs` file if it exists. If you are
using [Spacemacs](https://www.spacemacs.org), you will need to edit `shell.nix`
to use `~/.spacemacs` instead.
The files provided by the commands above are also available in this repository
(`apkg/support/nix`) and in a third-party [example
repository](https://github.com/bbarker/LearningAgda) to give an idea of exactly
which files need to be copied to your project.
$ cat hello-world.agda
module hello-world where
open import IO
main = run (putStrLn "Hello, World!")
Run `mymacs hello-world.agda` then type `C-c C-x C-c` in emacs to compile the loaded hello world file.
### Configuration
Edit any of the `nix` expressions as needed. In particular:
0. To add Agda dependencies via `agda-pkg`, edit `agda_requirements.txt`
1. To add more 4Haskell or other system dependencies or other
target-language dependencies, edit `deps.nix`.
2. To add or alter the editor used, change the `myEmacs`
references in `shell.nix` or add similar derivations.
3. Optionally, create `.emacs_user_config` in the repository root directory and
add any additional config, such as `(setq agda2-backend "GHC")` to use GHC by
default when compiling Agda files from emacs.
# About
This is a proof of concept of an Agda Package Manager.
Contributions are always welcomed.
[the package index]: https://github.com/agda/package-index
[local directory]: https://agda.readthedocs.io/en/v2.5.4/tools/package-system.html
[PR]: https://github.com/agda/package-index/pull/new/master