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[AexPy](https://github.com/StardustDL/aexpy) */eɪkspaɪ/* is **A**pi **EX**plorer in **PY**thon for detecting API breaking changes in Python packages.
> AexPy is the prototype implementation of the conference paper "**AexPy: Detecting API Breaking Changes in Python Packages**" in Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering ([ISSRE 2022](https://issre2022.github.io/)), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, October 31 - November 3, 2022.
> If you use our approach or results in your work, please cite it according to [the citation file](https://github.com/StardustDL/aexpy/blob/main/CITATIONS.bib).
- **How AexPy works?** Approach Design & Evaluation are in AexPy's conference paper (forthcoming).
- **How we implement AexPy?** Source Code & Implemetation are in [AexPy's repository](https://github.com/StardustDL/aexpy).
- **How to use AexPy?** Detailed Document & Data are in [AexPy's website](https://aexpy.netlify.app/).
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AexPy also provides a framework to process Python packages, extract APIs, and detect changes, which is designed for easily reusing and customizing. See the following "Advanced Tools" section and the source code for details.
## Features
- Preprocessing
- Build packages and get source code.
- Count package file sizes and lines of code.
- Read package metadata and detect top modules.
- Extracting
- Extract APIs from Python packages, including modules, classes, functions, attributes.
- Collect detailed APIs, including parameters, instance attributes.
- Detect API aliases and build call graphs.
- Enrich type information for APIs by static type analyzers.
- Diffing
- Detect API changes after pairing APIs between two versions.
- Grade changes by their severities.
- Reporting
- Generate a human-readable report for API change detection results.
- Batching
- Process packages and releases in batch.
- Framework
- Customize implementation details.
- Define custom processors and process Python packages in AexPy's general pipeline with logging and caching.
- Generate portable data in JSON for API descriptions, changes, and so on.
- Execute processing and view data by AexPy's command-line / RESTful APIs / front-end.
## Install
We recommend using our Docker image for running AexPy. Other distributions may suffer from environment errors.
docker pull stardustdl/aexpy:latest
# or the image from the main branch
docker pull stardustdl/aexpy:main
> To run the original package instead of the image, please ensure your Python interpreter works in [UTF-8 mode](https://peps.python.org/pep-0540/).
## Usage
### Front-end
AexPy provides a convenient frontend for exploring APIs and changes. Use the following command to start the server, and then access the front-end at `http://localhost:8008` in browser.
docker run -p 8008:8008 stardustdl/aexpy:latest serve
The front-end depends on the AexPy's RESTful APIs at the endpoint `/api`.
### Command-line
Use the following command to detect changes between v1.0 and v2.0 of a package named demo:
docker run stardustdl/aexpy:latest report demo@1.0:2.0
# e.g. detect API changes between jinja2 v3.1.1 and v3.1.2
docker run stardustdl/aexpy:latest report jinja2@3.1.1:3.1.2
Use the following command to extract API information of v1.0 of a package named demo:
docker run stardustdl/aexpy:latest extract demo@1.0
# e.g. extract APIs from click v8.1.3
docker run stardustdl/aexpy:latest extract click@8.1.3
For all available commands, use the following command:
docker run stardustdl/aexpy:latest --help
## Advanced Tools
### Batching
AexPy supports processing all available versions of a package in batch.
aexpy batch coxbuild
### Logging
The processing may cost time, you can use multiple `-v` for verbose logs.
docker run aexpy:latest -vvv extract click@8.1.3
### Data
You can mount cache directory to `/data` to save the processed data. AexPy will use the cache data if it exists, and produce results in JSON format under the cache directory.
docker run -v /path/to/cache:/data aexpy:latest extract click@8.1.3
cat /path/to/cache/extracting/types/click/8.1.3.json
### Pipeline
AexPy has four stages in its pipeline, use the following commands to run the corresponding stage.
aexpy preprocess coxbuild@0.0.1
aexpy extract coxbuild@0.0.1
aexpy diff coxbuild@0.0.1:0.0.2
aexpy report coxbuild@0.0.1:0.0.2
The four stages are loosely coupled. The adjacent stages transfer data by JSON, defined in [models](https://github.com/StardustDL/aexpy/blob/main/src/aexpy/models/) directory. You can easily write your own implementation for every stage, and combine your implementation into the pipeline. See [third](https://github.com/StardustDL/aexpy/blob/main/src/aexpy/third/) directory for an example on how to implement stages and integrate other tools.