# Adaptive Curvefitting Tool
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Adaptive curvefitting is a tool to find potentially optimal models for your research data. It's based on [scipy], [numpy], and [matplotlib].
<p float="left">
<img width="500" height="215" src="https://github.com/longavailable/adaptive-curvefitting/raw/master/docs/pics/adaptive-curvefitting.png"/>
## Table of contents
- [Why is this tool?](#why-is-this-tool)
- [Installation, update and uninstallation](#installation--update-and-uninstallation)
* [To install](#to-install)
* [To update](#to-update)
* [To uninstall](#to-uninstall)
- [Usage](#usage)
* [Import the required module](#import-the-required-module)
* [Do the curvefitting](#do-the-curvefitting)
* [Generate a expected model](#generate-a-expected-model)
* [Re-use the fitted curve](#re-use-the-fitted-curve)
- [Shortages](#shortages)
- [How to cite?](#how-to-cite)
- [Changelog](#changelog)
## Why is this tool
The very difference of adaptive-curvefitting with [numpy.polyfit], [scipy.optimize.curve_fit] or [scipy.optimize.least_squares] is ***the hypothesis you don’t know which model to fit***. If you already have the expected model, the methods in [scipy] and [numpy] are fantastic tools and better than this one. ***When you explore something unknown, this will be a maybe***.
## Installation, update and uninstallation
### To install
Quick installation with [pip]:
pip install adaptive-curvefitting
Or from github:
pip install git+https://github.com/longavailable/adaptive-curvefitting
### To update
pip install --upgrade adaptive-curvefitting
### To uninstall
pip uninstall adaptive-curvefitting
## Usage
### Import the required module
In general,
import longscurvefitting
or import the specified function:
from longscurvefitting import oneClickCurveFitting
from longscurvefitting import generateFunction
from longscurvefitting import generateModels
### Do the curvefitting
oneClickCurveFitting(xdata, ydata)
There are some optional arguments of `oneClickCurveFitting`.
- functions: specified or all (default) basic models(name of models) to fit.
- Type: list of string
- Default: basicModels_nameList
- piecewise: if consider custom a piecewise function. It is mandatory not to 'piecewise' when the data size is less than 20.
- Type: bool
- Default: False
- operator: operatation between basic models.
- Type: string
- Default: '+'
- maxCombination: max number of combination of basic models.
- Type: integer
- Default: 2
- plot_opt: the number of plot for optimal models.
- Type: integer
- Default: 10
- xscale: one of {"linear", "log", "symlog", "logit", ...}
- Type: string
- Default: None
- yscale: one of {"linear", "log", "symlog", "logit", ...}
- Type: string
- Default: None
- filename_startwith: a custom string mark as part of output filename
- Type: string
- Default: 'curvefit'
- silent: minimal output to monitor
- Type: boolean
- Default: False
- feedback: if True, return the optimal model(function object), parameters
- Type: boolean
- Default: False
- kwargs: keyword arguments passed to `curve_fit_m`. Note that `bounds` and `p0` will take no effect when multi-models.
- Type: dict
See the complete example "[/tests/curvefitting.py]".
### Generate a expected model
Create a model composited by gaussian and erf function:
funcs = ['gaussian','erf']
myfunc = generateFunction(funcs, functionName='myfunc', operator='+')['model']
See the complete example "[/tests/custom_a_model.py]".
### Re-use the fitted curve
See the complete example "[/tests/reuse_the_fitted_model.py]".
## Shortages
- Based on [scipy.optimize.least_squares], it cannot enhance the estimate of specified model. Evenmore, it has more limit than [scipy.optimize.least_squares].
For example, arguments of `bounds`, `x0` or `p0` were not supported due to the ***basic hypothesis***.
## How to cite
If this tool is useful to your research,
<a class="github-button" href="https://github.com/longavailable/adaptive-curvefitting" aria-label="Star longavailable/adaptive-curvefitting on GitHub">star</a> and cite it as below:
Xiaolong Liu, & Meixiu Yu. (2020, June 14). longavailable/adaptive-curvefitting. Zenodo.
Easily, you can import it to
<a href="https://www.mendeley.com/import/?url=https://zenodo.org/record/3893596" class="eye-protector-processed" style="border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><i class="fa fa-external-link"></i> Mendeley</a>.
## Changelog
### v0.1.3
- First release.
### v0.1.4
- Add `queryModel()` to simplify the reuse of a fitted model.
- Replace `from scipy._lib._util import getargspec_no_self as _getargspec` with `from ._helpers import funcArgsNr`
### v0.1.5
- Updated the outdated module of sci.
[scipy]: https://scipy.org/scipylib/
[numpy]: https://numpy.org/
[matplotlib]: https://matplotlib.org/
[scipy.optimize.curve_fit]: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.curve_fit.html
[numpy.polyfit]: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.polyfit.html?highlight=fit#numpy-polyfit
[scipy.optimize.least_squares]: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.least_squares.html
[pip]: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/
[/tests/curvefitting.py]: https://github.com/longavailable/adaptive-curvefitting/raw/master/tests/curvefitting.py
[/tests/custom_a_model.py]: https://github.com/longavailable/adaptive-curvefitting/raw/master/tests/custom_a_model.py
[/tests/reuse_the_fitted_model.py]: https://github.com/longavailable/adaptive-curvefitting/raw/master/tests/reuse_the_fitted_model.py